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Innspillskonferanse - del 1
    Wednesday February 15, 2012 12:00pm - 1:50pm @ Ragnarock
    Kulturdepartementet, Nærings- og handelsdepartementet og Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet inviterer i samarbeid med by:Larm til innspillskonferanse i forbindelse med ny handlingsplan for kultur og næring. Konferansen avholdes onsdag 15. februar, dagen før by:Larm offisielt åpner. Adgang med by:Larm delegatpass. Program del 1:Panel: Kristin Danielsen
    Kai Robøle
    Bjørn Rogstad 12.30 – 12.40: Den nye kulturnæringsøkonomien: Arnfinn Bjerkestrand, Norsk kulturråd og styreleder i FFUK
    Gjennom regjeringens Kulturløftet har aldri støtten til artister vært høyere enn nå. Men det har også antall søknader. Flere og flere av våre mest profilerte artister må søke om økonomisk støtte til sin kunstneriske virksomhet. Er tiden inne tiden inne for å etablere et æringsutviklingsprogram som fokuserer på bransjen rundt artistene? 12.40 – 12.55 TONO gjennom by:Larm-årene: Jan Richard Kjelstrup, kommunikasjonssjef Tono
    TONO innkasserer vederlag ved kringkasting og offentlig fremføring av musikk. Gjennom NCB forvalter TONO sine medlemmers innspillingsrettigheter. Administrerende direktør i TONO, Cato Strøm, gir oss innblikk i TONOs omsetning i tidsrommet fra 1998 – 2012 og hvordan musikk-Norge har forandret seg for opphavsmenn til musikk de siste femten årene. 12.55 – 13.00 Spørsmål fra panel 13.00 – 13.15 1998 – 2012, radikale forandringer i musikkbransjen: Daniel Nordgård
    Det har vært store forandringer i musikkbransjen siden by:Larm ble arrangert for første gang i Trondheim i 1998. Da var det CD som gjaldt. Men så kom Napster, rettssaker, Piracy Kills Music, plateselskaper som sa ansatte og nye avtaleformer som 360-dealer. Så kom Spotify. Daniel Nordgård oppsummerer de siste 15 årene. 13.15 – 13.20 Spørsmål fra panel 13.20 – 13.30 Majors og rollen som talentutvikler: Guttorm Raa, direktør Warner Music
    I 1998 var det seks majorselskaper. Nå er det nå tre igjen. Etter at ulovlig nedlasting tok av ble økonomien dårligere og mange i platebransjen mistet jobben. Etter et turbulent tiår begynner ting å stabilisere seg. Strømmingsinntekter gjør det lønnsomt å drive plateselskap som har stor katalog. Vil majorselskapene lansere færre artister i fremtiden, hvilke utfordringer har selskapene, hva koster en lansering og hvilken rolle har majorselskapene i forhold til talentutvikling? 13.30 – 13.35 Spørsmål fra panel 13.35 – 13.45 Grappa, Erik Gard Amundsen, Grappa
    Hvordan drive Norges største uavhengige plateselskap i Norge når det fysiske formatet er i ferd med å forsvinne? Majorselskapenes store kataloger gjør at deres inntektsstrøm fra strømmingstjenester har økt. De uavhengige selskapene med små kataloger sliter. Hvordan overleve som uavhengig aktør i fremtiden? 13.45 – 13.50 Spørsmål fra panel 13.50 – 14.10 Pause
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Innspillskonferanse - del 2
    Wednesday February 15, 2012 2:10pm - 3:30pm @ Ragnarock
    Kulturdepartementet, Nærings- og handelsdepartementet og Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet inviterer i samarbeid med by:Larm til innspillskonferanse i forbindelse med ny handlingsplan for kultur og næring. Konferansen avholdes onsdag 15. februar, dagen før by:Larm offisielt åpner. Adgang med by:Larm delegatpass. Program del 2:Panel: Monica Larsson
    Marit Karlsen
    Yngve Næss 14.10 – 14.20 Musikkbransjen, kompetanse go utdanning: Bendik Hofseth Universitetet i Agder
    Hvis huset skal stå støtt må det bygges en god grunnmur. Den kommende bransjen må ha det riktige verktøyet for at vi skal kunne gjøre det enda bedre å kunne konkurrere med andre. Hvordan er utdanningstilbudet innen musikkbransjen i Norge i forhold til andre land. Utdannes det nok personell innen riktige felt? Er utdanningene som finnes gode og eller relevante nok? 14.20 – 14.25 Spørsmål fra panel 14.25 – 14.35 Juridiske utfordringer: Stine Helen Pettersen, advokat Bing Hodneland
    Fra det juridiske ståsted: Hvilke utfordringer står norske aktører ovenfor ved forvaltning av verdier i internasjonal lansering? 14.35 – 14.40 Spørsmål fra panel 14.40 – 14.50 Musikkbyen Oslo: Hallstein Bjercke, byråd for kultur og næring, Oslo
    Byen som arena, kreativ katalysator og merkenavn. Oslo har en stor befolkningsvekst. Oslo avvikler årlig langt flere konsertarrangementer enn våre skandinaviske nabobyer som Stockholm og København. Hvordan skal Oslo utvikle seg til å bli den viktigste musikkbyen i Norden? Hva skal til for å gjøre Oslo attraktivt for store selskaper innen underholdningsindustrien til å etablere seg? 14.50 – 14.55 Spørsmål fra panel 14.55 – 15.05 Bergen Live: Frank Ness, daglig leder Bergen Live
    Suksessfaktoren i Bergen. Bergen Live arrangerer et sted mellom 60-70 konserter årlig på ulike scener i Bergen, men de gjør også store konserter i sommerhalvåret som Bruce Springsteen, Metallica, Depeche Mode, osv. Hvor mye omsetning genererer f.eks. en konsert med Bruce Springsteen til næringslivet i byen? Hva har Bergen, bransjen og publikummet skjønt som ikke andre byer har skjønt? 15.05 – 15.10 Spørsmål fra panel 15.10 – 15.20 Forlagsvirksomhet go synkronisering: Kai Robøle, Waterfall Music
    Musikkforlag får stadig viktigere rolle i en bransje i utvikling. Ordinære plateselskap har ikke lenger marginer til å ta ansvar for utvikling, ‘branding’ og markedsføring av artister alene. Forlagene blir en stadig viktigere støttespiller og aktør. Synkronisering – aktivt arbeid for å øke inntekter som kan kompensere for sviktende platesalg, og en vei til eksport? Forlagsrettigheter – en måte å beholde fremtidige verdier på norske hender. 15.20 – 15.25 Spørsmål fra panel 15.30 – 16.00 Pause med kaffe og kaker
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Innspillskonferane - del 3
    Wednesday February 15, 2012 4:00pm - 6:00pm @ Ragnarock
    Kulturdepartementet, Nærings- og handelsdepartementet og Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet inviterer i samarbeid med by:Larm til innspillskonferanse i forbindelse med ny handlingsplan for kultur og næring. Konferansen avholdes onsdag 15. februar, dagen før by:Larm offisielt åpner. Adgang med by:Larm delegatpass. Program del 3:Panel:
    Elin Aamodt
    Inger Dirdal
    Kai Robøle 16.00 – 16.10 Dyrt å være fattig når det smeller: Joakim Haugland, Smalltown Supersound
    Razika, et særnorsk band som synger på Bergens får knallkritikker i New York Times! En nøye planlagt strategi eller flaks? Når slike tilfeldigheter inntreffer, hvordan utnytte mulighetene maksimalt? Kan en slik oppmerksomhet være første steg inn i et nytt marked? Hva trenger vi av verktøy for å gjøre vår jobb lettere og mer lønnsom? 16.10 – 16.15 Spørsmål fra panel 16.15 – 16.25 Når hylleplassen minker: Harald Tømte, Tømten A/S
    Kampen om markedet har stått om å få plass i platebutikkene og i musikkgrossistenes hyller. Musikkfaghandelen er snart borte, med kun få butikker igjen. Det eksponerte repertoaret snevres, men det er fortsatt viktig for artistene å få vist frem sitt produkt i form av CD og LP. Hvordan skal distribusjonen av disse formatene finne veien til forbrukerne i de nærmeste årene? 16.25 – 16.30 Spørsmål fra panel 16.30 – 16.40 Den digitale omveltingen, Erik Brataas, daglig leder Phonofile
    Digital distribusjon innebærer enorme omveltninger og nye aktører dominerer utviklingen og markedet. Overgangen er brutal for mange rettighetshavere. Hvordan kan vi styrke og sikre rettighetene til norske rettighetshavere i den nye økonomien og samtidig utvikle nasjonal kompetanse og kontroll? 16.40 – 16.45 Spørsmål fra panel 16.45 – 16.55 Bak enhver god artist…: Kathrine Synnes, Synnes Music Management
    Artister som lykkes har i 99 % av tilfellene en god manager i ryggen. Manageren er bindeleddet mellom artist, media, plateselskap, bookingagenter, eventbyråer, forlag, publikum og flere. På 90-tallet fantes det et lite knippe norske managere. Nå jobber flere og flere innenfor artistmanagement. Managementene investerer mye tid og penger når en ny artist skal presenteres. Hvilke utfordringer har norske managere og hvordan legge til rette for at management kan lykkes? 16.55 – 17.00 Spørsmål fra panel 17.00 – 17.10 Nye distribusjonsformer: Per Einar Dybvik, daglig leder Wimp Music
    Er strømming fremtidens distribusjonsform? Brukere av strømmingstjenester øker fra dag til dag, vil strømmingøkonomien bli like stor som toppårene med salg av fysiske formater eller enda større? Kan Norge få en viktig rolle innen digital distribusjon av musikk? Hvilke rammevilkår trenger bransjen for å utvikle forretningsmodellen? 17.10 – 17.15 Spørsmål panel 17.15 – 17.25 Den kunstneriske leder/produsent: Geir Luedy, produsent YFM
    En god musikkprodusent er kunstnerisk leder og viktig for det ferdige resultatet. Når strømmingen overtar har pengestrømmen i musikksalget forandret retning. Til nå har produsenten ofte satt i gang et innspillsprosjekt for å selge det ferdige produktet til et plateselskap. Nå blir det færre kjøpere som har midler eller som er risikovillige nok. Hvordan skal produsent møte disse utfordringene?

    17.25 – 17.30 Spørsmål fra panel

    17.30 – 17.40 Utested eller kultursted?: Runar Eggesvik, Trøbbelskyter og gründer
    For 20 år siden kunne et rockeband i Oslo velge mellom 4 konsertsteder, nå er det er over 20 aktive spillesteder i byen. Hva er grunnen til denne utviklingen? Hva omsetter de det aktive konsertstedene i Oslo for, hvor mange årsverk er tilknyttet og hvor mange arrangementer avvikles gjennom et år? Hvilke utfordringer har konsertarrangøren og hvilke verktøy trenger arrangøren for å sikre stabilitet og utvikling?

    17.40 – 17.45 Spørsmål fra panel 17.45 – 17.55 Oppsummering v/Halvard Ingebrigtsen, statssekretær i Nærings- og Handelsdepartementet 17.55 – 18.00 Takk for i dag v/Guttorm Andreasen 18.00 – 20.00 Meet & Greet for de som ønsker i Nokia-teltet på Youngstorget
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Mathias Stubø Band
    Wednesday February 15, 2012 8:30pm - 9:15pm @ Nokia teltet
    Mathias Stubø delivered two of the top albums in 2011, if one takes the critics seriously. In May he released “Real Love Tastes Like This” under the moniker Proviant Audio, and got 5/6 & 5/6 reviews across the board. The second album was entitled “1979” and released through the über hip label BBE Records (J Dilla, Masters at Work, Pete Rock, Jazzy Jeff). BBE rarely sign new, young artists, but fell head over heels when they heard Stubø’s disco. A new Stubø album is already in the works. “Mathias Stubø competing for the unofficial gig-of-the-festival.” – Q Magazine after by:Larm 2011
    Type Live


Oslo Ess
    Wednesday February 15, 2012 9:45pm - 10:30pm @ Nokia teltet
    Their fresh and dirty street rock paired with Norwegian punk poetry gave Oslo Ess a tremendous 2011. They were already off to a bright start by signing a record deal and playing the Urørt Final in January (National radio station P3’s equivalent of BBC Introducing). Then they played three fabled by:Larm performances in February, released their debut album, toured and played most of the major festivals. Oslo Ess makes it cool to sing in Norwegian again. They classic rock with large doses of Rancid-esque punk and Swedish Ebba Grön, tell credible and very charming tales about everything from strippers, junkies in love and stolen bikes. Oslo Ess rise from the gutter with a wide and infectious grin.
    Type Live


Rumble in Rhodos
    Wednesday February 15, 2012 11:00pm - 11:45pm @ Nokia teltet
    Rumble in Rhodos have fused a fascination of old fashioned Punk/Funk, Art Rock, 70’s Prog Rock, and modern indie rock into an expression which shakes your core and gently caresses the small of your back. Signs of Fervent Devotion, is mixed by none other than Brit, Nick Terry (Klaxons, Serena Maneesh, Libertines, Franz Ferdinand) and Tokoyo-based Alan Brey. They´ve added to the already ambitious and pulsating effort, a calm and balance needed to communicate the album’s ingenuity. While crafted in a cheeky and daring way, it shocks as it delivers. Rarely does such a hungry and greedy rock record from Norway, resonate so thoroughly. So, look out for this unusual breath of northern air, as Rumble in Rhodos release our third consecutive album on Tuba Records now! With a track list packed with hits and our most thoroughly crafted material to date, we have shone a light to our future sound. On November 29, 2010, they released their first single, “White Dancing” as a T-Shirt and download code, through the label, Fysisk Format. The song was a fixture on P3 radio station since the release and made it to Dagbladet’s list of songs of the year.
    Type Live



    Thursday February 16, 2012 12:15am - 1:00am @ Nokia teltet
    Honningbarna can undoubtedly be hailed as last Summer’s breakout band from the Norwegian festival circuit with around twenty festival gigs now under their belts. The crowds have packed out the stages they visited, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. It might be because Honningbarna are a rock band that actually dare to have an opinion! From a rebellious youth perspective, they are cram their songs full of hard hitting messages about an incomprehensible adult society, and they deliver it with the energy and fury that only angry teenagers possess.
    Type Live


Info:Larm: Norsk Rockforbund
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:00am - 10:25am @ Jordal
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.Norsk Rockforbund er konsertarrangørenes interesseorganisasjon, og representerer over 250 festivaler, rockeklubber, spillesteder, studentsteder og bluesklubber i Norge. Organisasjonen har tre kjerneområder: interessepolitikk, kompetansehevende tiltak og arrangørutvikling. Få informasjon om organisasjonen, hvilke aktuelle saker de arbeider med og hvordan du kan bli medlem eller samarbeide med dem.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Ta kontroll over den kulturpolitiske dagsordenen!
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:00am - 10:45am @ Club7
    Utfordring til kulturlivet. Det tas mange viktige beslutninger på vegne av det lokale kulturliv uten at de det berører har blitt spurt eller hørt.Lokalpolitikerne snakker mer enn gjerne om kultur, ofte i sammenheng med næring, men forskning viser at kulturaktørene selv er overraskende fraværende på det lokalpolitiske plan. Den politiske kunnskapen og engasjementet synes å være lav. På dette seminaret vil du få hete tips til hvordan man kan være pro-aktiv og hvordan du kan være med å sette den kulturpolitiske dagsorden lokalt. Ved Arnfinn Bjerkestrand, tidligere leder av Kulturkampen
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Streaming session 1: Sweet streams are made of these: the business of streaming music
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:00am - 11:15am @ Rockefabrikken
    by:Larm 2012 will begin with a state of nation address from two leading analysts, introducing current trends in the global music industry and highlighting key data, with a particular focus on Scandinavia and streaming.Scandinavia has led the streaming revolution but what does it all mean and what does the future hold: can streaming sustain the music industry and stimulate further growth? How much do these platforms really make and are they cannibalising other forms of revenue? Does indie or major label music perform better on streaming services? How much growth is left in the streaming model – is this the tip of the iceberg or is the Nordic region nearing streaming saturation already? Following the presentations our experts will be put through their paces with a Q & A. Presentation (20 mins)
    State of the nation address from an analyst:
    Karim Fanous – Head of Research, Music Ally Presentation (20 mins)
    The Scandinavian model, what is it, how does it work and what is the result so far:
    Inger Elise Mey – Director of Online Media & International Licensing, TONO Q&A between speakers 1 & 2 and a moderator (30 mins)
    Will also include questions from the audience
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: Musikkutstyrsordningen
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:30am - 10:55am @ Jordal
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.Musikkutstyrsordningen (MUO) er en nasjonal tilskuddsordning for teknisk utstyr, akustikk og lokaler. Rett før jul delte MUO ut 14,6 millioner fordelt på nesten 90 søknader. Hva kan man søke tilskudd til? Hvem kan søke? Hvor mye kan man søke om? Dette og mer vil Musikkutstyrsordningen presentere under dette seminaret.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Brak presenterer - Selvangivelseskurs
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:30am - 12:30pm @ Edderkoppen
    I musikkbransjen finnes utallige enkeltpersonforetak og andre selskapsformer, og hvert år er det like mange som sliter med å fylle ut selvangivelsen. Brak ønsker å hjelpe musikerne og andre aktører i denne prosessen og har derfor de siste åtte årene arrangert selvangivelseskurs i samarbeid med Kristoffer Vassdal (Vassdal & Eriksen regnskapsbyrå), og kurset er like populært og aktuelt hvert år. Her får man innføring i blant annet fradragsrett, skatteplikt og praktiske tips.Brak er interesseorganisasjonen for det rytmiske musikkmiljøet i Hordaland og Sogn og Fjordane. Brak driver landets første regionale kompetansesenter for rytmisk musikk, og skal bidra til å bedre og tilrettelegge rammebetingelser for musikkmiljøet. Vår visjon er at regionen skal være et attraktivt sted å etablere seg og virke i, som aktør i musikknæringen. Brak har siden opprettelsen i 1997 fungert som kontaktpunkt, kompetansehevende organ og en hjelpende hånd for aktørene innen det rytmiske musikkmiljøet i regionen. Brak feirer 15 år i 2012, noe som skal markeres under by:Larm. I anledning jubileumsmarkeringen tar Brak tar med seg tre tidligere suksessfulle kurs som blir en del av seminarprogrammet
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


GramArt proudly presents: Ralph Murphy - Murphy's Law to Song Writing
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:30am - 12:30pm @ Bootleg
    Ralph Murphy – How to write that radio smash hit!

    Throughout the years, Canadian songwriter Ralph Murphy has achieved near-legendary status in Nashville through his career as a performer, producer, songwriter, publisher, and most recently, Vice President of International and Domestic Membership, ASCAP. Ralph has compiled some amazing tips and hints to help songwriters hone their craft and improve their chances of penning the elusive number one radio hit.Thursday 16.th of February: Masterclass, workshop part 1.

    Friday 17.th of February: Masterclass, workshop part 2.

    Do you want feedback on your song at Ralph Murphy’s workshops during by:Larm?
    Please send your song (mp3) plus your lyrics to hilde@gramart.no in advance.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: Norsk Musikkforleggerforening
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00am - 11:25am @ Jordal
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.Foreningens styreformann Philip Kruse møter låtskriver Mats Lie Skåre for å fortelle om fordelene ved å inngå avtale med et musikkforlag.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


La-la-la Florida
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00am - 11:45am @ Club7
    Kulturutvikling. Kultur og næring. Kulturbasert næring. Skape arbeidsplasser. Økt turisme. Ringvirkninger i andre bransjer. Tillokking av arbeidskraft. Dette er alle ord og uttrykk som gjentas til det kjedsommelige.Forskeren og forfatteren Richard Floridas teorier og konklusjoner fremsatt bl.a. i boka ”The Rise of the Creative Class, and how it´s transforming work, leisure, community & everyday life” har hatt stor betydning for det offentlige norges oppfatning av kultur som katalysator og næringspolitisk virkemiddel. Fungerer idéene i praksis og er de direkte overførbare til norske forhold? Beskriver teorier som er utviklet på bakgrunn av studier i millionbyer virkeligheten i en norsk småby? Tok vi kanskje idéene litt vel bokstavelig? Og, Florida til side, er bruk av kultur som katalysator og politisk virkemiddel en fornuftig strategi?
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


GramArt presents: How to work by:Larm and other music conferences
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00am - 12:00pm @ Safety Pin
    How can attending a music conference help you and your music?This comprehensive workshop will tell you what you need to know to get results at by:Larm and other music conferences.
    -What is the best way to represent my music?
    -What do I need to take with me?
    -Who is attending, and which ones can help me?
    -How to get the meetings
    -At the conference: Do’s and Don’ts
    -Post-conference follow-up The seminar will be held in English.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: NOPA
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:30am - 11:55am @ Jordal
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.NOPA, Norsk forening for komponister og tekstforfattere, er en forening med 800 medlemmer som skaper musikk, tekster og arrangementer.
    Styreleder Ragnar Bjerkreim vil informere om foreningens viktigste oppgaver, hvilke fordeler medlemmene har og hvordan man kan bli medlem.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Streaming session 2: Monetising streaming music video...
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:45am - 1:00pm @ Rockefabrikken
    Online video-on-demand streaming is one of the key music discovery mediums for the new generation of digital natives, and the recent Coldplay American Express Unstaged live stream on YouTube generated over 19 million streams including replays and 13.5 million during the show.How can artists and labels maximise their income from this revenue stream – there are things that even unsigned acts should be doing to generate income – and what kind of money is being generated? Panelists:
    Eric Mackay – Director of Business Development & Business Affairs, VEVO
    Erik Brataas – Managing Director, Phonofile AS; Board Member, Merlin
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Offisiell åpning av by:Larm 2012


Info:Larm: Norsk Komponistforening
    Thursday February 16, 2012 12:30pm - 12:55pm @ Jordal
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.Norsk Komponistforening er en forening for yrkesaktive komponister. NKF vil presentere foreningens historikk og virksomhet idag, og fortelle om hvilke muligheter som finnes for kunstnere utenfor pop-bransjen. Ved administrasjonsleder Vemund Bergland og organisasjonssekretær Kristine Grårud.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Kultur, næring og felleskap, et nordisk ministermøte
    Thursday February 16, 2012 12:30pm - 1:30pm @ Ragnarock
    By:Larm har klart å samle hele tre ministere fra tre nordiske land til en samtale om kultur, næring, utfordringer og muligheter: Kulturen i de nordiske land har mange likheter, men mye er også forskjellig. Vi deler en felles arv, men har ulik tilnærming til å håndtere kulturens behov, utfordringer og muligheter. Sverige, Danmark og Norge har bortimot felles språk og geogafisk nærhet, men musikken stopper allikevel som oftest ved landegrensene uten å vekke særlig interesse i nabolandene.Historien har også utdelt litt forskjellige kort til de ulike landene. Sverige fikk Abba i fanget, og har høstet store inntekter i kjølvannet av en profesjonalisert og eksportrettet musikkindustri. Band som Aqua og Michael Learns to Rock har gitt Danmark noen småflørter med de internasjonale hitlistene, mens Norges a-ha måtte flagge ut til England for å sikre sitt gjennombrudd. I Norge har det offentlige tradisjonellt sett ikke fokusert så mye på næringspotensialet i populærmusikken, men bevissthet rundt dette har vært økende de siste årene. Med:
    Uffe Elbæk, dansk kulturminister fra partiet Radikale Venstre
    Ewa Björling, svensk handelsminister fra Moderata Samlingspartiet
    Trond Giske, norsk næringsminister fra Det Norske Arbeiderparti I samtale med Per Sinding-Larsen (Musikkjournalist og programleder i SVT)
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: Norsk Rockforbunds Bolystprosjekt
    Thursday February 16, 2012 1:00pm - 1:25pm @ Jordal
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.Prosjekt: Konsertarrangører som tilflytningsgeneratorer
    Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet (KRD) utlyste tidligere i år midler til prosjekter som kan skape bolyst i distriktskommuner. 1 million gikk til Norsk Rockforbunds prosjekt Konsertarrangører som tilflytningsgeneratorer. Prosjektet skal spesielt rette fokus mot ungdom, videreutvikling av lokale ildsjeler og bidra til tettere samarbeid mellom lokale styresmakter og kulturaktører.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Music Ally Digital training sessions: Facebook
    Thursday February 16, 2012 1:00pm - 2:00pm @ Bootleg
    The leading digital music business information and strategy company, Music Ally, has been providing publications, consulting, research, events and training to the music and technology industries since 2001. In this session, we’ll be taking a deeper look at the world’s most colossal social network.Music Ally’s executives come from a genuine music business background, from the sharp end of the major label recording and publishing worlds through to digital business strategy, licensing and retail.
    This means Music Ally understands the relationships and the politics that drive the real-world activity within the music industry; backed up with a full complement of market data, consumer research, forecasting and trend insight. The session will include hands on tips and advice which you will be able to immediately apply to your artist’s Facebook page in order to maximise Likes and engagement. The session will be concluded by examining some of the most successful apps and campaigns on Facebook from musicians with every level of finance. Sarah Lewin is the Editor of Sandbox, Music Ally’s digital music marketing publication. At Music Ally she has written a chapter for the MMF unsigned book on live touring, has worked on numerous research projects for small music start-ups through to labels, music companies and trade organisations. She also delivered digital marketing training for EMI internationally.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Gramart presents: Tom Jackson´s Live Music Makeover - Getting a Vision for Your Show
    Thursday February 16, 2012 1:00pm - 2:30pm @ Mono
    Two things will happen when you exceed your audience’s expectations: 1) they’ll ask you back, and 2) they’ll tell someone else about you. But in order to exceed their expectations, you need a vision for your show! Learn Tom Jackson’s Live Music Method and see how you can turn your “songs” into moments, and your “set list” into a captivating show.Tom Jackson, world renowned live music producer, helps artists develop their show into “unique memorable moments!” What a live music producer does onstage with the live show is akin to what a record producer would do in the studio. Tom’s “Live Music Methods” make your live show engaging, exceeding audience’s expectations and creates fans for life. Many successful artists have learned from Tom: Taylor Swift, Jars of Clay, Jordin Sparks, The Band Perry, Casting Crowns, Francesca Battistelli, Gloriana, and other acts you admire! QUOTES
    “Tom Jackson is a jaw-droppingly outstanding live music producer. A true master, and I don’t mean that lightly. I’m recommending him to every serious performing artist I know.” – Derek Sivers, Founder of CDBaby and HostBaby “If you do anything to further your career, listen to what Tom Jackson has to say! It will change everything you thought about performing live, and better than that…it will keep you performing live for years to come.” – Derrick Ross, Slaight Music (formerly with SL Feldman & Assoc. Norah Jones, Avril Lavigne, Barenaked Ladies) “Tom makes a major impact…he’s a true creative partner who helps realize the artist’s full performance potential.” – Matt Serletic, Producer (Santana, Celine Dion, Aerosmith, Matchbox Twenty)
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: Mobilise
    Thursday February 16, 2012 1:30pm - 1:55pm @ Jordal
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.Mobilise leverer komplett online løsning for rekruttering av personell, kommunikasjon, organisering, samhandling, akkreditering og andre nyttige verktøy for effektiv gjennomføring av festivaler. Systemet er i dag blant annet brukt av Øyafestivalen. Mobilise AS v/ daglig leder Richard Dirdal vil gi presentasjon av hovedfunksjonene i Mobilise Event Portal og fortelle om systemets fordeler. Mobilise vil også være representert med en stand under by:Larm der man i etterkant kan få ytterligere informasjon om system, priser og bruk – samt se mer av løsningen.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Den svenske musikkbransjen i tall
    Thursday February 16, 2012 1:30pm - 2:30pm @ Ragnarock
    Den svenske musikkbransjen har for første gang blitt kartlagt i tall, og i slutten av februar presenterer interesseorganisasjonen Musiksverige sin rapport.På dette seminaret under by:Larm har du en mulighet til å få en unik “sneak peek”. Hvordan ble statistikken samlet in? Og hva kom man fram til?
    Medvirkende: Elisabet Widlund (Musiksverige) samt Linda Portnoff (Volante)
    Seminaret holdes på svensk.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


GramArt presenterer: Platekontrakten 2012 – Hva innebærer dagens platekontrakter?
    Thursday February 16, 2012 1:30pm - 2:30pm @ Safety Pin
    Talent er ikke nok for å få fart på musikkarrieren. I en ny musikkhverdag med større krav og flere muligheter til å påvirke egne forutsetninger, er kunnskap om bransjens utvikling og forhold, sikring av rettigheter og gode avtaler helt nødvendig både for artister og plateselskap.Men hva kan man forvente seg av en platekontrakt i 2012? I tillegg til å se nærmere på utviklingen de siste årene, gir Østby og Mortimer-Hawkins innblikk i hvilke rettigheter som overdras og i hvilken grad artisten bindes til plateselskapet, og diskuterer spørsmål som; Hvor vanlig er det med 360° avtaler og hvordan fungerer disse? Hvordan har de økonomiske forholdene utviklet seg og i hvilken grad kan artistene regne med å kunne ta del av den positive økonomiske utviklingen ved digital distribusjon? Hvordan har A&R-rollen utviklet seg frem til i dag og hva er plateselskapenes viktigste rolle i tiden fremover? Hva kreves av artistene i 2012?

    Tore Østby er seniorrådgiver i GramArt, hvor han har konsultert artister og management, og forhandlet ulike musikkavtaler siden opprettelsen av GramArts rådgivende avdeling i 1998, og har i tillegg bred internasjonal erfaring som artist/låtskriver/produsent/manager siden 1991.

    David Mortimer-Hawkins arbeider som A&R Manager i Sony Music i Sverige. Han har bakgrunn som A&R fra Universal Music (hvor han jobbet med artister som Anna Ternheim, Andreas Grega, Dead By April og Sahara Hotnights), Stockholm Records (hvor han arbeidet med artister som The Cardigans, Stakka Bo, Lisa Miskovsky og Pain), og som musikkforlegger hos Sweden Music (musikkforlaget som tidligere tilhørte Polar og ble grunnlagt av Stikkan Andersson). Utover sitt A&R-arbeid har han nylig lansert et ølmerke sammen med Anders Fridén fra In Flames, skriver om whisky i Allt om Whisky og hører på litt for mye symfonisk rock for sitt eget beste.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Rom for kultur?
    Thursday February 16, 2012 1:30pm - 2:45pm @ Club7
    For få år siden skulle enhver by og bygd med respekt for seg selv ha en festival. Nå har trenden skiftet mot kulturhus, med en veritabel byggeboom som resultat.I kriker og kroker over hele landet er nye kulturhus under oppføring eller venter på byggestart. Kritikerne er tvilende til eiernes (kommunenes) egentlige intensjoner, og roper varsku om urealistiske driftsbudsjetter, for lite fokus på øvings- og produksjonslokaler og manglende kompetanse til å sikre fornuftig drift. Hvordan blir tilskuddene fra staten fordelt? Hvilke krav settes og hvordan følges tildelingene opp? Finnes det geografiske og politiske føringer på tildelingene? Og hvor mange kulturhus trenger egentlig Norge? Mange! mener noen, men de må fylles med aktiviteter og kulturproduksjoner, ikke bli stående som et tomt monument over en lokalpolitiker eller to. Kan man trekke linjer mellom ”de riktige” intensjonene og gode resultater, og vise versa? Ordstyrer: Esben Hoff, Kultmag I panelet:
    Anne Britt Gran, Perduco Kultur AS
    Bjørnar Johnsen, Aspelin Ramm Eiendom/Vulkan
    TBA, Norsk kulturhusnettverk
    Flere TBA
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Brak presenterer - Business Boot Camp
    Thursday February 16, 2012 1:30pm - 5:30pm @ Edderkoppen
    Utdrag fra kurset som lærer musikkbransjen å tenke business! I 2011 gjennomførte 13 selskaper i Bergen kurs og workshop over 30 timer i Forretningsmodellering i regi av Brak og Viaduct. I løpet av kortversjonen av dette kurset som presenteres på by:Larm, vil Yngve Dahle fra Viaduct gå igjennom hva en forretningsplan må inneholde. I tillegg vil en av deltagerne fra Business Boot Camp i Bergen legge frem sitt arbeid og fortelle hvordan det vil hjelpe dem med å knytte til seg eksterne investorer samt forbedre egen drift.Brak er interesseorganisasjonen for det rytmiske musikkmiljøet i Hordaland og Sogn og Fjordane. Brak driver landets første regionale kompetansesenter for rytmisk musikk, og skal bidra til å bedre og tilrettelegge rammebetingelser for musikkmiljøet. Vår visjon er at regionen skal være et attraktivt sted å etablere seg og virke i, som aktør i musikknæringen. Brak har siden opprettelsen i 1997 fungert som kontaktpunkt, kompetansehevende organ og en hjelpende hånd for aktørene innen det rytmiske musikkmiljøet i regionen. Brak feirer 15 år i 2012, noe som skal markeres under by:Larm. I anledning jubileumsmarkeringen tar Brak med seg tre tidligere suksessfulle kurs som blir en del av seminarprogrammet.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Music Ally Digital training sessions: YouTube
    Thursday February 16, 2012 2:15pm - 3:15pm @ Bootleg
    The leading digital music business information and strategy company, Music Ally, has been providing publications, consulting, research, events and training to the music and technology industries since 2001. This session will provide hands on advice for getting noticed on the popular video platform, but also exploring tools for creating video content.Music Allys ledere kommer alle fra en solid musikkbransjebakgrunn, fra den spisse enden av majorlablene og publishingselskapene, og har bred erfaring innen digital markedsstrategi, lisensiering og detaljhandel. Dette betyr at Music Ally forstår sammenhengene og politikken som driver de sentrale prosessene innen musikkindustrien, underbygget med tilgang til omfattende markedsdata, forbrukerforskning, utviklingsanalyse og trendforskning. I løpet av økta om YouTube vil vi også diskutere teknikker for å maksimere inntektene til innholdsleverandører og ta en titt på andre populære videonettsteder. Timen avsluttes med eksempler på kampanjer fra artister og merkevarer som med hell har brukt video for å kommunisere med sitt publikum. Sarah Lewin er redaktør av Sandbox, Music Allys digitale publikasjon om musikkmarkedsføring. På Music Ally har hun skrevet et kapittel i “The MMF usigned book on live touring”, har jobbet på en rekke forskningsprosjekter for små og nyetablerte musikkforetak, plateselskap, musikkselskap og bransjeorganisasjoner. Hun har også blant annet levert trening i digital markedsføring for EMI internasjonalt.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Streaming session 3: Don’t cross the streams! Streaming services, artists and the great royalty debate
    Thursday February 16, 2012 2:30pm - 4:00pm @ Rockefabrikken
    With high profile artists like Coldplay and Adele apparently shunning streaming services for new releases, particularly at the beginning of a release window, is there a worrying trend developing? Or is Bob Dylan’s recent return to Spotify a more significant event?Some artists feel that their royalties from streaming services are too low – witness the recent heated debate kicked off by ST Holdings withdrawing its catalogue from Spotify and other streaming services. On the other hand the recent announcement from Spotify that it has hit a conversion rate of 20% among active users and that it has 3 million paying subscribers can only be a good thing while it starts to generate serious revenue for the music industry. At the same time Sony Music digital boss Dennis Cooker has stated that Sony doesn’t see any evidence of streaming services significantly cannibalising sales, while its business is growing in the areas where subscription services are the predominant player in the market; and UMG’s VP of digital Francis Keeling has said that artists who withhold their albums from streaming services risk alienating their fanbases. Do the artists have a point? Is it the structure of record and distribution deals that is really the problem? Or is the most important point that streaming music is already helping to grow the digital music industry, and will continue to do so?
    Presentation 10 mins
    Spotify: How streaming services have helped grow the overall market and how artists can benefit.
    Will Hope, Label Relations Director, Spotify Panel discussion 1hr
    Will Hope, Label Relations Director, Spotify
    Charles Caldas – Chief Executive Officer, Merlin
    Erik Nielsen – Music Managers Forum board member; Manager of A genuine Freakshow
    Billie Ray Martin – Solo artist, label owner, e101, Disco Activisto Records
    Stefan Blom (Chairman & President, EMI Music Nordic) After the seminar: meet the panellists networking session
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Billettservice presenterer: Den popkulturelle renessanse og Den nye folkeligheten. Moderne markedsføring og sosiale salg
    Thursday February 16, 2012 2:45pm - 3:45pm @ Safety Pin
    Arrangører, festivaler, konsertscener og klubber opererer i et landskap som er i kraftig forandring. Digital påvirkning og skaperkraft driver en samfunnsendring der hele bransjer gjenfødes og nye oppdagelser står for tur. «Den nye folkeligheten» er et hovedelement i denne digitalt drevne renessansen.Det som er folkelig og populært i Norge, har rett og slett tatt et skritt i retning av det som tidligere var forbeholdt eliten; Fredrik Skavlan samler kunstnere, samfunnsforståere, filosofer og internasjonale stjerner til samtale om de store tingene i livet, og får millioner til å benke seg foran tv-apparatene hver uke. Vanlige norske familier kjøper ferdigmodnet avocado og nyvasket babysalat i store mengder, uten å synes det er jålete. Sushi er en av de sterkest voksende produktlinjene til REMA i Trøndelag. Internett, økt kjøpekraft og høyere utdanning gir «folk flest» tilgang til kompetanse som tidligere var forbeholdt eliten. Hvordan påvirker disse omveltningene konsumet av musikk og kultur, og folks holdninger og preferanser i forhold til kulturarrangementer? Hva må arrangører, markedssjefer og kommunikatører måtte forholde seg til de neste fem årene for å forbli relevante i kundenes liv?
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Q&A: Tony Allen, the godfather of afrobeat
    Thursday February 16, 2012 3:00pm - 4:00pm @ Ragnarock
    by:Larm are pleased to present a Q&A with one of the most influencal musicians from Africa, perhaps the greatest drummer of all time and the main architect behind afrobeat.Tony Allen has long been acknowledged as Africa’s finest kit drummer and one of the continent’s most influential musicians. His playing draws on four different styles – highlife, soul/funk, jazz and traditional Nigerian drumming. A unique and mighty sound. Together with Fela Kuti (with whom he played for 15 years) Allen co-created Afrobeat – the hard driving, horns rich, funk-infused, politically insurrectionary style which became such a dominant force in African music and such an influence worldwide. Along with several solo albums, Allen is a founder member of The Good, The Bad & The Queen, alongside Damon Albarn, Paul Simonon and Simon Tong. His association with Albarn goes back some half dozen years; it came about after Allen heard the lyric “Tony Allen got me dancing” on Blur’s 2000 song “Music is My Radar” and invited Albarn to Lagos to guest on Home Cooking. Allen is also involved with the Africa Express project whose aims are to introduce African and European musicians to each other and to encourage cross-fertilisation of ideas. “Music is my mission,” says Allen. “I never get satisfied and I’m still learning from others. The musical world is very spiritual, and I don’t think there’s an end to it.” “Without Tony Allen, there’d be no Afrobeat.” – Fela “Anikulapo” Kuti “Tony Allen really got me dancin’ " Blur (from the single ‘Music is my Radar’) “Perhaps the greatest drummer ever” – Brian Eno Interviewed by the respected swedish journalist Jan Gradvall
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Kultur og lønnsomhet - som ild og vann?
    Thursday February 16, 2012 3:30pm - 4:45pm @ Club7
    Forskning på kulturbransjen viser en langt lavere gjennomsnittlig økonomisk lønnsomhet enn i andre bransjer.I et velstående samfunn som Norge med gode velferdsordninger kan man tenke seg at flere enn det er marked for vil prøve seg innen kulturvirksomheter, men lønnsomheten kan dermed også bli lav på grunn av overetablering. På den andre siden kan det å jobbe med kultur ofte være ansett som et gode i seg selv, og ha andre mål enn profittmaksimering. Dersom selvrealisering er et eget motiv for næringsvirksomheten kan man anta at de som driver kulturnæring i mindre grad tilpasser seg for å drive profittoptimalt. Det kan dessuten tenkes at de som driver kulturnæringer har lavere forretningsmessig kompetanse enn næringsaktører i andre bransjer og derfor får lavere lønnsomhet av den grunn.

    Innledning ved Knut Vareide, Telemarksforskning Hvordan lyktes de?
    På tross av hva det store bildet sier, så finnes det selvsagt mange suksessrike kulturbedrifter og to av dem vil her fortelle om hva som driver dem, og hvordan og hvorfor de har lykkes med sin forretningsidé. Suksess under Slottsfjelltårnet ved Christoffer Rød Slottsfjell/Total
    Slottsfjellfestivalen ble ikke levnet stort håp av lokalsamfunnet da den startet opp i 2003. Flere hadde forsøkt seg på noe lignende før, alle hadde måttet gi opp. I 2010 hadde festivalen en omsetning på over 25 millioner og nøyaktig et år senere satte MacDonalds-utsalget i Tønsberg rekord for høyeste dagsomsetning i kjeden noe sted i Norge, noensinne. Ringvirkningene for handelstanden i byen er betydelige. For et år siden dro festivalen også i gang utestedet og musikkscena Total for å bøte på et manglende tilholdssted for musikkmiljøet i byen. Daglig leder Christoffer Rød har også vært en aktiv deltaker i den lokale kulturdebatten. Hva er suksessoppskriften og hvordan definerer festivalen sin rolle i lokalsamfundet? Rockefeller 25 år ved Hans A. Lier
    Auditorium AS har siden oppstarten i 1986 avviklet tusentalls konserter og kulturarrangement med norske og internasjonale artister på konsertscenene Rockefeller, JohnDee og Sentrum Scene. Arrangørmarkedet i Oslo er aktivt men tøft, og Rockefeller har overlevd i mer enn 25 år i en verden der offentlig støtte for mange er avgjørende. Det å drive etter markedets premisser har derimot vært et bevisst valg fra starten, og eier og styreformann Hans A. Lier vil fortelle om ideene de hadde da de startet og gi tips på hva som må til for å lykkes økonomisk når man driver med musikk og kultur.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Brak presenterer - Kurs i utenlandsturné
    Thursday February 16, 2012 3:30pm - 5:30pm @ Bootleg
    En innføring i arbeidet bak, under og etter en turné i utlandet. Ivar Peersen fra Enslaved og manager Tonje Peersen øser av sine erfaringer fra lang fartstid på veien. Her vil de gå inn på planlegging, buss vs. bil, merch, ATA-Carnet, visum, rider og alt du trenger i den sammenheng. Dette er kurset for deg som skal eller vil ut i verden.Brak er interesseorganisasjonen for det rytmiske musikkmiljøet i Hordaland og Sogn og Fjordane. Brak driver landets første regionale kompetansesenter for rytmisk musikk, og skal bidra til å bedre og tilrettelegge rammebetingelser for musikkmiljøet. Vår visjon er at regionen skal være et attraktivt sted å etablere seg og virke i, som aktør i musikknæringen. Brak har siden opprettelsen i 1997 fungert som kontaktpunkt, kompetansehevende organ og en hjelpende hånd for aktørene innen det rytmiske musikkmiljøet i regionen. Brak feirer 15 år i 2012, noe som skal markeres under by:Larm. I anledning jubileumsmarkeringen tar Brak tar med seg tre tidligere suksessfulle kurs som blir en del av seminarprogrammet.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Billettservice presents: The future of ticketing
    Thursday February 16, 2012 4:00pm - 5:00pm @ Safety Pin
    Yield management, understanding and profiting from digital social interaction, the value of insight to avoid ticketing pitfalls and maximize profit. The world of ticketing has changed. The marked has changed. It’s no longer just about a great ticketing platform – it is about getting tickets sold.Mark Yovich is President of Ticketmaster International and heads up their ticketing business in twelve markets. A seasoned technology executive who spent eight years at Live Nation running their digital services division and two years running the Ticketmaster e-commerce division, Mark has a wealth of technology and ticketing experience in the live entertainment industry.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Kultursponsing: Tilsmussing av kunsten eller mulighetenes marked?
    Thursday February 16, 2012 4:30pm - 5:30pm @ Ragnarock
    Musikk og kapital har til alle tider levd sammen i et noe problematisk ekteskap. På den ene siden trenger enhver artist ressurser for å bli hørt, på den andre siden medfører ofte et kapitaltilskudd noen forpliktelser som kan utfordre artistens verdier.I den senere tid har debatten rundt sponsing av kultur og musikk blusset opp. Mens noen artister ser på penger fra næringslivet som et positivt og viktig bidrag, mener andre at fokuset tas vekk fra musikken og at koblingen går på integriteten løs. Er kultursponsing et uungåelig element i dagens musikkmarked, eller bør man styre unna? Er et samarbeid med næringslivet sell-out, eller er det ingen som bryr seg? Hvordan er det med næringslivets motiver, sponser man primært for å kjøpe seg kred, eller handler det mer om milde gaver og positive assosiasjoner der begge parter vinner? Vi tar debatten. Panel:
    Kristian Riis (Artist i Nephew og partner i Volcano management Danmark)
    Anne-Britt Gran (Professor på Handelshøyskolen BI i Oslo der hun er faglig leder for bachelorprogrammet Kultur og Ledelse)
    Maja Ratkje (Komponist go artist)
    Dag Arne Kristensen – DNB NOR Executive Vice President External Relations
    Simen Herning, (driver Spoon Train AS)
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Free Ride: How the Internet is Destroying the Culture Business and How the Culture Business Can Fight Back
    Thursday February 16, 2012 5:00pm - 6:00pm @ Rockefabrikken
    How did the newspaper, music, and film industries go from raking in big bucks to scooping up digital dimes? Their customers were lured away by the free ride of technology. Now, business journalist Robert Levine shows how they can get back on track.On the Internet, “information wants to be free.” This memorable phrase shaped the online business model, but it is now driving the media companies on whom the digital industry feeds out of business. Today, newspaper stocks have fallen to all-time lows as papers are pressured to give away content, music sales have fallen by more than half since file sharing became common, TV ratings are plum­meting as viewership migrates online, and publishers face off against Amazon over the price of digital books. Author Robert Levine charts how the media industry lost control of its destiny and suggests innovative ways it can resist the pull of zero. Robert Levine was the executive editor of Billboard and has written for Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, and the arts and business sections of the New York Times. Before that, he was a features editor at New York magazine and Wired. He holds a B.A. in politics from Brandeis and an M.S.J. from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. He now covers the culture business from New York and Berlin. Free Ride is his first book.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Norsk Rockforbund presenterer: En grønnere konsertarrangør
    Thursday February 16, 2012 5:00pm - 6:00pm @ Club7
    I dette seminaret vil tre innovative og miljøbevisste, nordiske arrangører inspirere og informere om deres arbeid for å gjøre sine organisasjoner miljøbevisste.Bidragsyterne vil spille på egne erfaringer, muligheter og varianter av miljøsatsing. Foredragsholderne kommer fra ulike sider av konsertarrangørbransjen, og vil gi et bredt bilde av mulighetene ved miljøsatsing ved å presentere tre ulike innfallsvinkler til oppgaven. Seminaret er i regi av Norsk Rockforbund og gjenspeiler deres satsning på miljø og miljøbevissthet. Foredragsholdere: Klaverfabrikken (DK), Malmöfestivalen (S), Pstereo (N)
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Red Bull Music Academy and by:Larm presents: Four Tet
    Thursday February 16, 2012 5:00pm - 6:00pm @ Blå
    Four Tet played a semi-legendary and wonderfully chaotic double-show at the venue Dattera til Hagen during Øya festival in 2010. Now, he’s back in Oslo for a DJ set at Blå, and to have a talk arranged by Red Bull Music Academy and by:Larm.Four Tet aka Kieran Hebden has distinguished himself as one of the last decade’s best and most exciting electronica artists. His merits include; four stunning solo albums at Domino, the post-rock band Fridge, collaborations with the late jazz legend Steve Reid as well as with people like Burial and Thom Yorke, and remixes of everything from Radiohead to Lindstrøm.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Spotify and oportunities for artists
    Thursday February 16, 2012 5:15pm - 6:00pm @ Safety Pin
    Spotify is the largest digital music service in Scandinavia and offers a range of opportunities for artists to market their music. Through innovative examples, we hope to inspire a creative meeting with fans.Through Spotify´s international distribution, it is also possible to reach a new audience in Europe – and in the United States. The distribution is in place, but how can one work to break through the noise and take advantage of digital channels to get the music out? Meet Sung-Kyu Choi, Label Relations Director Nordic ocg Eva Lægdsgaard Madsen, Label Relations Manager Nordic.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Thea Hjelmeland (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 6:00pm - 6:30pm @ Mono
    Thea Hjelmeland is a twenty four year old singer songwriter from Førde, now based in Paris. Her debut album entitled “Oh, the third..” is now ready for release in February 2012. The record was recorded in ØRA Studio in Trondheim, produced by Jostein Ansnes (Kristin Asbjørnsen, Dadafon) and Jarle Bernoft, who also played several parts on the record. The lyrics, melody and arrangements are all pure Hjelmeland though. In addition to vocals, she also plays mandolin, banjo, guitar, ukelele, piano, percussion and more. The music she describes as blue, acoustic pop, all centered around here vocals. She listens to flamenco, fado, Balkan and Bollywood music as well as straight R&B, and seeks out voices that inspire and challenge her when she’s listening to music. Thea Hjelmeland san the duet “En av oss to” with Lars Vaular on his “Helt om natten, helt om dagen” and has contributed vocals and mandolin to a number of tracks still to come. As previously mentioned she is based in Paris and has already played at a number of key venues there. She’s currently working on projects with the likes of Hugh Coltman (UK), Krystle Warren (US), Melissa Laveaux (CA), Katapult (FR), Hey Hey My My (FR) and Matthew Kerr (UK).
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Casa Murilo (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 6:30pm - 7:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Over the last few years Casa Murilo have made serious headway in a crowded Norwegian indie scene, and have managed to establish themselves as one of the most relevant bands of their kind. Not unlike Mumford & Sons, they too are more than capable of treading that fine line that needs to be taken when you’re a folky indie band. It is truly sing-a-long stuff that can catch you off guard, whisking you along with their legion of fans, which is growing steadily not least due to their phenomenal live shows. It says something perhaps that after their Øya show in August last year, Plan B magazine hailed them as Norway’s best band. Come to the show and let Casa Murilo show you how good it can be when you marry British precision and Norwegian spirit.
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Østkanten Bluesklubb´s vorspiel: Ronny Klo
    Thursday February 16, 2012 7:00pm - 7:30pm @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    Ronny is a 30 year old singer/songwriter and originally from the north of Norway.
    He has over the years written many songs, but his debut album “Open Doors” did not materialize until 2011. Ronny Klo wrote all the material himself based on personal experiences and observations about life. The music is a blend of rock / pop / country, and the songs range from very quiet to full blown party tunes. A great singing voice!
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Emilio (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 7:30pm - 8:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Emilio is an unknown artist for many people in Norway, but the 20-year-old rapper from Oslo has been behind the scenes of the music industry in Norway for many years. With an active participation in Gatekunst (Street Art) Projects and releases by Sama D, Emilio started a humble but solid career when he was just eleven years old. He has done warmup gigs for Karpe Diem, Madcon, Lars Vaular, Lloyd Banks, Ken Ring, Gatas Parlament, and the future looks promising for the young artist. Emilio is a part of the creative collective “BAWS”, and you may have seen him in Baws videos with rappers such as Phil T Rich, Rob Banks and Aon. In the first week of September 2011, his first EP, “While You Were Sleeping,” was released. “While You Were Sleeping” is a reflection of everyday life with influences from a very colorful environment, and describes moods and love. The title is inspired by a sense of being underrated and “slept on”, and perhaps it is due time to wake up and download Emilio – “While You Were Sleeping”.
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730.no presents Thursday@John Dee



Sandra Kolstad (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ Mono
    When Sandra Kolstad’s debut album “CRUX” was released it received great reviews with standing ovations across the Norwegian media. The record, produced by Kolstad herself, even had several critics ready to anoint her as the new queen of Norwegian electronica. Kolstad is known for her highly visual performances. She makes electronic music, but as a classically trained pianist, she has big ambitions for the music’s live potential. Kolstad impressed – and surprised some perhaps – as a live proposition at last year’s Øya festival, when she was joined on stage by a bodybuilder, in addition to noise musician Marck Fuck and her faithful band member, the Swedish jazz musician and improviser Francis Petter Eldh. And Sandra Kolstad isn’t one to rest on her laurels, her next album is already slated for April 2012.
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Sisi (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    Susanne ”Sisi” Sumbundu has been making music for as long as she can remember. Though until now this has been providing vocals for other artists. She’s appeared both on recordings and live with Madcon and Paperboys on their hits such as “Liar” and “Lonesome Traveller”. In the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest she was a backing singer for Stella Mwangi and was able to enjoy the show from the stage in Düsseldorf. After that she toured far and wide with not only Stella but also with Norway’s new reggae sensation Admiral P who she worked with on hit singles ”Snakke litt” and ”Spinnvill”. Sisi released her debut solo single “Stay” in June 2011 on the People Love Music label. The label was met with broadly positive reviews and was subsequently playlisted on P3. She’s working at the moment on a couple more singles and has an album in the pipeline. Her sound could be described as retro soul with modern elements. With refreshing dancey rhythms and oodles of soul, Sisi is an artists to watch.
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Thulebasen (DK)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ Rockefeller annex
    Thulebasen consist of Nis, Niels and Felia, a trio from Vesterbro (downtown Copenhagen), who grew out of the underground scene centered around the Escho label. Escho, which Nis co-founded, has put out records for bands including Düreforsøg and Eric Copeland, and recorded and released Iceage. Nis Bysted put out the first Thulebasen record, “Guitar Wand”, as a solo project on Escho in 2008, but soon started improvising sessions with Niels and Felia, who played in several other Danish underground bands. In 2010 they recorded the sophomore Thulebasen LP, “Gate 5”, which was released in February 2011 on Escho (vinyl) and on CD+DD by Tambourhinoceros, a new label founded by Oh No Ono’s Kristoffer Rom and Aske Zidore. The record received a string of rave reviews across the Danish press. 2011 has seen the band play dozens of shows in Scandinavia. In March the band was handpicked by Efterklang (DK, 4AD) as the support act for their final mega show at Copenhagen’s Amager Bio. This year alone, Thulebasen has played festivals such as Pop Revo, Spot, Roskilde (on the main stage) and Way Out West, and put together a special performance as Danish representatives at the Venice Biennale art festival in June. The band also played Iceland Airwaves Festival and Copenhagen Dox Film Festival with a special visual/live show, as well as support slots for tUnE-yArDs (US, 4AD) on two dates this September.
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Tiger presents Thursday @ Revolver


Tsugi & Super presents Electric Dreams @ Stratos


Alfred Hall (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Nokia teltet
    Alfred Hall consists of the Drammen duo Hans Thomas Kiær and Bjorntveit, who began making music together in the Summer of 2009. One and a half years later, they went into the studio and put together their first single “So Bright”, which earned them a coveted NRK Urørt artist of the week spot on P3. The duo creates catchy, soaring pop, and the music is inspired by everything from rock to pure electronica. Alfred Hall are currently working on new songs, in addition to playing shows.
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Bendik (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Revolver
    Bendik is where noise, ice-cold pop and warm ambience converge, creating something achingly beautiful, siren-like that can lead you into dangerous waters. Bendik’s music belongs to a fantasy universe, like something emanating from deep inside a dark forest. “Foggy ambient pop from a wide, dim landscape that can make your heart ship a beat – or sometimes, if the conditions are right, even stop completely.” – No Fear Of Pop In March 2011 Bendik released the homemade “Silent EP” limited to just 100 copies, and at the same time were picked as an Urørt artist of the week for the song “Again” on NRK P3. Bendik plan a beautiful and exciting little EP for release in Spring 2012 and their debut album is slated for release later in the year. In 2011 they’ve enjoyed a busy festival season having played among others Slottsfjell, Øya and Pstereo. Bendik are:
    Silje Halstensen – vocals, guitar, synth
    Erlend Sveen River – Moog, synth, vocals
    Eivind Helgerød – drums, vocals
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Hedvig Mollestad Trio (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Victoria / Nasjonal Jazzscene
    Outgoing and progressive instrumental guitar jazz rock, inspired by Led Zeppelin, Terje Rypdal, The Melvins and Motorpsycho: Hedvig Mollestad Trio released their debut album “Shoot!” on Rune Grammofon in September 2011. The band have received massive attention and strong reviews for both the album and live shows. The album was subsequently released internationally in November. The label Rune Grammofon has released records by the other power trios a bit like Hedvig Mollestad Trio: Bushman’s Revenge and Elephant9 in recent years. They all play hectic jazz-rock and are all in the "kicks ass live” category, but Hedvig Mollestad trio is better than both the aforementioned acts. First and foremost because of the band’s compositional talents. In addition, the musical performances are unique. “The album is chock full, without being overloaded, either sonically or musically. Superbly done!”
    - Marius Lien, Morgenbladet “Hedvig Mollestad Trio’s “Shoot!” burns through the speakers and makes scorch marks in your ears. It’s hot guitar tone flanked by a immediate comp, and not least, the lucky connoisseurs find out that this is a guitarist plays with her heart on her sleeve and in such a brilliant way. This record is rock solid and burning hot."
    - Jarle Bernhoft
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Jabba The Butt (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Jabba the Butt are an experimental noise-rock duo originally from rural Northern-Norway. With only two members, a bassist and a drummer, the sound is bound to be unconventional. And that is very much the case with Jabba the Butt. The band sounds dirty, rough and at times quite groovy and noisy, and brings to mind new hardcore as well as old sludgecore and heavy metal. The band consists of Rolf-Ole Rydeng Jenssen and Lars-Erik Kroken Mikkelsen, and the boys have consistently delivered compelling, innovative and interesting live shows.
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Jørn Åleskjær (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ The Crossroad Club
    Jørn Åleskjær finally makes his solo debut after having been a songwriter for four studio albums with Loch Ness Mouse as well as having worked with the likes of Brooklyn based band The Ladybug Transistor and somewhat closer to home, I Was A King. A whole host of members of the extended “family” feature heavily on the record. The album features a duet with Elvira Nikolaisen and former Loch Ness Mouse member Emil Nikolaisen (Serena Maneesh) who plays drums, bass and guitar. Likewise another ex-Loch Ness Mouse man, Håvard Krogedal (I Was A King, Serena Maneesh, Mirror Lakes) plays most of the bass parts on the record. Other players include Gary Olson (The Ladybug Transistor), Fred Strand (Lionheart Brothers, I Was A King, The Loch Ness Mouse) and Rebekka Markstein (Maribel). The record is produced by Jørn’s brother Ole Johannes Åleskjær. The record’s musical reference points range from Todd Rundgren-like 70s pop-sould to Beach Boys type orchestral antics, but at the very core of Jørn Åleskjær’s music is, as characterised by the duet with Elvira “I’m so glad I spent this day with you”, muted Dennis Wilsonesque tender pop.
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Lemaître (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Stratos
    Lemaître are a Norwegian indie-electronic duo who formed in the Summer of 2010. Together, Ketil Jansen & Ulrik Denizou Lund create raging disco beats, blended with soft synths and gripping melodies. In their short career, Lemaître have gained a following all over the world. The Friendly Sound EP was released at the end of 2010, and the duo are currently working on new material and playing shows wherever the music takes them. Lemaître are influenced by artists like Justice, Phoenix, Daft Punk, Deadmau5, Noisia, Ratatat and Röyksopp.
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Magnet (N)


Sykur (ICL)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Jaeger
    Consisting of Halldór, Stefán, Kristján and new singer Agnes, Reykjavik-based Sykur (pronounced seek-er) quickly established a reputation for packing out parties with girls and boys looking for good times. So much so that Dazed and Confused described Sykur as “plucked from the top drawer, a morsel of such rare succulence that it is sure to gain attention even beyond the cordoning velvet rope that sequesters the art world’s N.I.P (Nearly Important People)”. The band released their first album, Frábært eða Frábært in October 2009 to much critical acclaim and commercial success in their native Iceland. The band already play a pivotal role in the Reykjavik scene and have collaborated with a number of the much of the hottest local talent, as well as sharing stages with international acts as Peaches, Familjen, Casiokids, Juvelen, Kleerup and Junior Boys. Mesopotamia, released through Icelandic indie Records Records on 12th October 2011, sees the band develop their much-loved electro sound. From the exquisite downtempo Battlestar, to the full-on party anthems of Messy Hair and Curling, Mesopotamia is the soundtrack of lost weekends and fun times. The first single from the album, Shed Those Tears, has already gained them international recognition, with The Guardian describing as “laser-guided synth riffs, bubbling beats and brilliantly detached vocals” and their September 2011 London show described by Artrocker as “one of the most memorable performances of the year”.
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Envy (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Sentrum scene
    2011 has been an excellent year for Envy. After releasing their first mixtape “Dream Works: Why Not Me”, Envy played at by:Larm 2011 taking the festival by storm, NRK Lydverket’s Andreas Øverland reporting the band to be “…exceptional live talents.” This past Summer the band played, amongst others, Hove festival, and Slottsfjell festival , as well as winning the world’s biggest live competition for unsigned bands – Emergenza in Germany. Naturally it’s not very difficult to imagine that Envy is a phenomenal live band, but the recorded material isn’t bad either, and tastemaker national radio stations NRJ and NRK P3 were quick to playlist the first official Summer single “One Song”, and many radio stations have followed suit. Check out the über fresh music video too! Hip-hop with a full band and female choir is so good, and genre boundary blurring Envy with their two very charming front men Nico Sereba and Vincent "Vinz ‘Dery, are set to be a band who’s name you’ll hear for years to come.
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Eye Emma Jedi (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    From totally out of nowhere Eye Emma Jedi popped up on Norwegian radio in November of 2010. From the very outset the band immediately attracted both industry and public attention, so much so that the band were booked by Øya (a first in their ten year history) to play the festival without having seen or heard them play live. What was the reason for this sea change? Of course the festival wanted to hear more than what had already aired publicly and amongst the four EPs they’d recorded in their ting rehearsal room, was Emma Eye Jedi’s new single “BROTHER.” And it was indeed BROTHER that NRK Lydverket picked out as their best song in their review of their packed show at Øya: “The track “Brother” is particularly special, and impresses immensely. It is more lingering and introverted, yet still totally danceable taking inspiration from more epic indierock." Together with Chris Zane (Passion Pit, Tokyo Police Club, Friendly Fires etc.) and recent George Merino (Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Guns And Roses), recently a Grammy winner for Arcade Fire’s “Suburbs” the band have produced, mixed and mastered this fantastic track which is already playlisted on NRK P3.
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I am Sound (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Dattera til Hagen
    I am Sound was founded by songwriter Tore Kobbeltvedt with a desire to create something that draws the audience into a world of both sorrow and joy. I Am Sound was picked out to be NRK Urørt artist of the week with for the track “Soul Mates”. “I am Sound arranges sounds, instruments and harmonic vocals beautifully. “Soul Mates” is an embracing, epic, and warm song – and it feels just as magical as meeting a soulmate." – Trine Jørgensen Aandahl, NRK P3 With his fellow musicians he takes the listener on a musical journey with instruments such as glasses, glockenspiel and accordion. Musical reference points are artists such as Sigur Ros, echo, Fever Ray, Björk, Bugge Wesseltoft and Arvo Pärt
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Linnea Dale (N)



Mmm (N)


Siinai (FI) - Nordic Music Prize nominee
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Rockefeller annex
    Coming from the same neo-kraut scene as bands like K-X-P and Joensuu 1685, Siinai was formed in the cold of the Finnish winter by four friends who all share a long background in the Finnish music scene. With members from bands like Joensuu1685, Zebra and Snake & Äänijännite the band immeadiately began to create a buzz in Finland. “Siinai were brilliant: almost totally instrumental, with intense Krautish rhythms, ebbing and flowing melodies delivered with an intensity that only Finnish bands can summon.”
    -Kieron Tyler (MOJO/The Arts Desk) on their set at SPOT
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The Avalanche (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Mono
    The Avalanche play shoegaze tinged noise rock, combined with the best elements from a host of other genres. Catchy melodies hidden beneath endless layers of twisted guitar noise, driving drums and fuzz bass paired with the soothing sound of warm synths push you back and forth between oscillating waves of delicious pop and dirty noise. The Avalanche was recently picked as Urørt artist of the week on NRK P3 calling it “a beautiful piece of dizzy shoegaze”. The Avalanche are signed to Riot Factory’s Sad Songs For Happy People imprint. Their debut album will be recorded at Greener Productions in late 2011 and will be released in 2012.
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Andre Holstad (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ The Crossroad Club
    Andre Holstad is a beanpole of a chap with a heart that constantly beats 4/4. By the time he was ten he’d already had it all mapped out, neatly recording in his school books how by the time he was thirty, he would be both a rock star and living in a castle. At 27, he looks like he’s well on schedule. With rare charisma and unforgettable tunes, &(&^&(&^%^&*& (which has become his trademark), André Holstad is at the vanguard of new Norwegian rock music. His new single “Corporation” is out on Universal.
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Carl Louis & Martin Danielle (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Jaeger
    Carl Louis & Martin Danielle are two of the brightest new talents on the house scene with support already coming from major acts such as Sebastian Ingrosso, Tiesto, Axwell, David Guetta & many more. This Norweigan duo are already well on their way towards global domination. With a major new EP release on Steve Angello’s Size Records label they have been hugely acclaimed by a host of A-list DJs with tracks such as “Little Bit” & “I’m Coming Home With You” as well as the hugely massive “The Message” (Signed to Chris Lake’s Rising Music) which seems to have made Beatport’s Top 10 House Chart it’s home and is still consistently played all over the world. The young Norweigan duo kicked off their career in 2008 with releases on big US label Feljai Music, but it wasnt until 2010 that the world stood up to take notice of Carl & Martin thanks to the incredible release of “The Message” and it has snowballed from there, with shows in New York, Geneva, London, Miami, Berlin, Toronto, Oslo, Ibiza & Marbella. The duo have supported the biggest names in house such as Axwell, David Guetta, Dimity Vegas & Like Mike, Sandy Rivera, Steve Angello, Paul Okenfold, Roger Schanzes, Fedde Le Grand and Funkerman to name a few and combined with new Size Records label this list is to only expand. In 2012 They look to take there own UpNorth brand to all parts of the world teaming up with a host of artist agencies to turn the brand into the super power it promises to be!
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Eik (N)


Hanne Kolstø (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Nokia teltet
    Hanne Kolstø, also known as one half of electronica duo Thelma & Clyde, is a restless singer / songwriter who never fails to surprise. In forgotten sounds and abandoned synths Hanne finds hidden melodies. Growing up in the shadow of the mountains in Sunnmøre and subsequently for the last decade in Kristiansand has certainly left its mark. There is often an Obstfelderesque (Norwegian poet) alienation behind her lyrics and sounds, and even in her most beautiful pop songs, there is a sense of desperation in her mystical, unpolished voice. “You’ll notice that fantastic sensation of music that grows on you every time you hear it, that reveals exciting new details each time you listen. In the end you’re left with one of the most exciting Norwegian debut albums in a long, long time.” – Musikknyheter.no 8/10 “Riot Break is the record that Björk has been promising for fifteen years but has never delivered… It is lucky that we don’t give quantitative scores in reviews in this paper, because any number I were to give would be too low.” – Morgenbladet
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Korallreven (S)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Stratos
    In the wake of singles “The Truest Faith” and “Honey Mine” the partnership of Marcus Joons and Daniel Tjäder (also of The Radio Dept) presents its debut album, “An Album By Korallreven”. The project was conceived after Joons returned from an extended trip to Samoa where he inspired by the music of the local Catholic choirs. Mesmerized by the beauty of the South Pacific and the exhilaration of travel, he shared his newfound passion with Tjäder and a partnership was born. One of the strongest traditions in Swedish Pop is escapism. For a country that spends much of its year in Winter darkness this should come as no surprise. The music of Stockholm’s Korallreven champions this tradition while extending it across a range of different genres. The result is a blissful journey through influences as far flung as Southern rap, dreampop, reggae, and minimal techno, among many others. The glittering, joyful production focuses on melodic evolution rather than structure; lush, dubbed-out instrumentals (on “Loved-Up”) perfectly complement trance-pop vocal cuts (“Keep Your Eyes Shut” and “Comin’ Closer”). Joining the duo for the ride are a host of collaborators including Victoria Bergsman (Taken By Trees, The Concretes) and Julianna Barwick. Released this November, An Album By Korallreven wistfully yearns for Summer days. As our days shorten and the cold sets in, take it from the Swedes: nothing quells the stirring for warmer months quite like the brightness of a sincere pop song.
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LidoLido (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Rockefeller
    LidoLido is an eighteen year old singer / rapper / producer / songwriter / drummer / pianist from Haugesund whose music sits somewhere between hip-hop, r&b and pop. In the past year, this young artist has begun to attract a lot of attention. Not only as a vocal media personality but also at the Stargate masterclass in New York, playing VG-Lista at Rådhusplassen (or Radio One Big Weekender for Norwegians) , performing all over the country and working with big acts such as Timbuktu, Little Steven (of The Sopranos / E Street Band fame) and many more. All alongside his radio hit “Different”. Now with an arsenal of material under his belt, LidoLido has put together a talented band of musicians to help him deliver a phenomenal live show, which is perhaps due in part to having Norway’s best DJ amongst their number. LidoLido’s debut full-length is due for release just before by:Larm.
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Maribel (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Revolver
    Critically acclaimed Oslo four-piece Maribel have resurfaced with the announcement of their second album “Reveries”, forthcoming this January on Oslo based label Splendour (of Montreal, Harrys Gym, Siinai). Blending shoegaze and noise-pop with cinematic influences Maribel create heavy, dark, distorted pop. The tracks are guided by the breathy and enchanting vocals of their newly added East-German lead singer Rebekka Marstein. As female vocals intertwine with those of songwriter/ lead guitarist Pål Espen Kapelrud, one is likely to recall the oft-referenced My Bloody Valentine or Jesus and Mary Chain. On the back of their debut album “Aestheircs” (produced by Serena-Maneesh frontman Emil Nikolaisen) the band earned high praise form the Norwegian press and international recognition from the likes of Drowned in Sound (UK), Soundvenue (DK) and GAFFA (DK) amongst others. It also saw Maribel implode, break-up and then reform with a new line-up including Pica Pica’s Rebekka Markstein on vocals and Bjarne Stensil (Harrys Gym) on percussion. Maribel has toured in Scandinavia and the UK, including a warming up for Crystal Stilts and Interpol. In addition Maribel managed to captivate audiences at festivals such as Øya, Hove, SPOT, by:Larm and many others. Of their set at SPOT in 2010 Clash Magazine said, “Obvious influences from My Bloody Valentine, Lush and Slowdive (isn’t referencing to those bands the whole point anyway?) didn’t get in the way of what came to be an intense, feedback-laden sonic experience hinting at a very exciting follow-up. Looking forward to it.” The band is known for noisy and chaotic pop with sugar sweet melodies that are often compared to the aforementioned My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins or fellow Oslo shoegazers Serena Maneesh. However, since reforming Maribel sites their most important influences as film scores by like John Barry, John Dankworth, Henry Mancini and Ennio Morricone. Darker and heavier sound are accompanied by programmed percussion that is apparently influenced by hip-hop style sampling and looping. With a new record ready for release and a new line-up, Maribel is ready to start to get re-acquainted with dark bar-rooms across the world. “Norwegian outfit Maribel could soundtrack the most hallucinogenic dream or hellish nightmare at the flick of a switch.” – DrownedinSound “In half an hour Maribel succeeds in taking you on a dizzying journey, recalling what is so great about the bands they reference.” – Soundvenue “By combining dirty American style rock and more polite British noise-pop they create something that is simultaneously new and known.” – Dagsavisen
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Møster! (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Victoria / Nasjonal Jazzscene
    Møster! is the dream band of saxophonist Kjetil Møster, an internationally renowned jazzsaxofonist of long standing, but for the last three years, best known as part of Datarock. Møster came to public attention after a momentous solo with Chick Corea and the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra at the Molde Jazz 2000. After this he focused on The Core, Zanussi Five and Ultrasound and got much positive coverage in both Norwegian and international press. Møster! have played with Paal Nilssen-Love, Christian Wallumrød, Nils Petter Molvaer, Trygve Seim, Ingebrigt Flaten, Thomas Strønen and Bugge Wesseltoft. Datarock aside, Kim has also played in King Midas in addition to that, he also participated on albums with, amongst others, 120 Days, Ungdomskulen and Sondre Lerche, as well as touring with Bertine Zetlitz and Morten Abel. In 2006 Møster was named the “International Jazz Talent of the Year”. When the Kongsberg Jazz Festival gave Møster opportunity to take along whomever he wanted, the choice was easy, taking fellow musicians now in the band Møster! which consists of Ståle Storløkken plays hammond organ and Moog, bassist Nikolai Eilertsen and drummer Kenneth Kapstad.
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Pirate Love (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Pirate Love are finally back… The Oslo band, who by many people’s reckoning were heirs apparent to the Norwegian rock throne in the wake of their debut album “Black Vodoun Space Blues”, have spent their time since profitably. With their caustic brew of psychedelic nihilism, razor sharp guitars and otherworldly primal cries, Pirate Love have once again turned the reverb up to eleven, and as usual, they wander along rock’s more peculiar paths. Guitarist Milton Von Krogh, vocalist David Al Dajani, guitarist Henrik Steen and bassist Mr. R form the core of Pirate Love, which since their inception in 2005 has grown to become a sought-after name at both Norwegian and foreign concert venues. Their new album “Narco Lux High School” sees the band take a quantum leap further, and invites the listener on a sedated, transcendental journey into Pirate Love’s twisted musical universe. An album as troublesome as it is grandiose.
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Ane Brun (N) - Nordic Music Prize Nominee
    Thursday February 16, 2012 9:30pm - 10:30pm @ Kulturkirken Jacob
    Norwegian / swede Ane Brun was born in Molde but moved to Stockholm aged 25 back in 2001. Since her 2003 debut she’s recorded a whopping eight albums, toured the world over and enjoyed an ever growing level of popularity. In Norway is was her 2005 collaboration with Madrugada on the track “Lift Me” that was an early high point. But that and everything that went with it was more than surpassed by the release of the album “It All Starts With One” in the Summer of last year, and its magisterial first single “Do You Remember”. In the wake of all the phenomenal reviews, Ane Brun has since been nominated for the Nordic Music Prize for the best nordic album of 2011.
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Andrea Dahle (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    Andrea Dahle is a new and exciting artist with a truly distinctive voice. Since the age of 12 she has written her own music, and lately she has gained national attention after having leaked a selection of songs from her forthcoming debut album, slated for release in February 2012. She has already been picked as “Ukas Urørt” (NRK’s new music show and equivalent of BBC Introducing) and the track “Play For Me” was in the airplay charts for almost six months. Now she has a new singel “Seeds” that has also received numerous plays on NRK P3. Her music is often described as a mix between Kate Bush and Neil Young, with a touch Motown and Tarantino’s soundtracks. These elements afford Andrea Dahle a truly unique sound, pitched somewhere between indie and pure pop.
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Beaten To Death (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Mono
    Beaten To Death made their debut on the 23rd of September with eighteen minutes and thirty six seconds of extraordinary, dirty, catchy grindcore! Machine gun drums, agressive guitars, snarling bass and truly evil vocals are the foundations of Beaten To Death. Rising out of this hideous darkness are beautiful harmonies and with a smattering of brutally groovy tracks, “Xes and Strokes” is an infectious and ebullient record, that’s irresistible no matter what your taste is.
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Bendagram (FI)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Dattera til Hagen
    Bendagram feed off tickling, bouncing, slapping electronic apparatus and lush guitar strings like hunter-gatherers in the wake of a technological singularity. The Helsinki duo’s deeply penetrating, strange, pop songs have that rare quality of creating a warm, soothing atmosphere, simultaneously leaving one with a tingly sense of a small electric shock. Formed in 2010 in Helsinki by Lauri Solin and Pekka Tynkkynen, the band kept a low profile quietly putting together their debut release and drawing influences to their songwriting from occasional live shows. Apart from gigs in Helsinki’s main venues such as Tavastia, they’ve been received by small but devoted crowds in Turku, Tampere and recently Stockholm’s legendary Debaser Slussen. Bendagram has been named several times during 2011 by the Finnish media as one Finland’s most promising new acts.
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Gunnhild Sundli (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Gamla
    After her band Gåte went on hiatus on New Year’s Eve 2005, Gunnhild Sundli focussed on her acting career and has for the past four years worked with Trønderlag Teater. Alongside her theatrical career though she’s also been working on solo material on the quiet. Now Gunnhild Sundli is ready to emerge as a fully formed solo artist with new material of her own and a number of new collaborators. A bit less metal, but still very much recognisable as Gunnhild Sundli, her crystal clear voice, melodic flair and power has continued to shape her musical outlook.
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Jonas V (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Nokia teltet, annex
    He recently released the mixtape 21 gram (www.21gram.no) with contributions from big names such as Ralph Myerz and old heroes from the Bergen rap community, such as Peter Beyer and Mike “Kazaam” Tamba (from the former rap group Freakshow). The mixtape received good reviews in including Bergens Tidende and Natt & Dag. Jonas V and Hkon has played at most notable nightlife clubs in Bergen, both together and separately, and have opened for, among others, Devin the Dude (U.S.) and Slaughter House (U.S.). His lyrics deal with both sides of the life (assuming that there are only two sides to life) of a young generation of people who enjoy life in one of the world’s richest countries and portrays a life of partying and drugs with a hint self-irony, but still honestly, often in a gangsta-rap style.
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Kaveh (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    Despite his young age, one can safely say that the Oslo rapper Kaveh has worked his way to being one of the hottest names in Oslo’s underground hip-hop scene. The 17-year-old realized early on that he had a talent and a burning desire to make music his living. Today Kaveh has released his first official solo release, a free download-EP titled “Alt eller Ingenting” (All Or Nothing). An accompanying music video which was also launched in conjunction with the release, is now about to pass 80,000 views on YouTube. During his short but fairly eventful career, the youngster has worked with prominent Norwegian artists and producers like Pumba, Onkl P, Admiral P, Nico D, Phil T. Rich and Nasty Kutt. He has also played shows at venues like Blå, Sentrum Scene and the Norwegian Opera House. Work is currently underway on Kaveh’s debut album slated for release in Autumn 2011.
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Soup (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Sentrum scene
    Soup’s double album ”Children of the e.l.b” from 2010 earned them glittering reviews. The band played over fifty shows in support of the release amongst others at Steinkjerfestivalen and Storåsfestivalen and have become a phenomenal live band. Now the brains behind the band, Erlend Viken, has an arsenal of over thirty new tracks that will see the light of day as three full length albums in 2012. Jørgen Træn mixed and produced the record, the recording of which also included Snah from Motorpsycho as a spiritual mentor of sorts as well as as a guest artist.The anthology will be released in Europe via viersieben.de/How is Annie Records and will be followed by a comprehensive European tour in the Spring.
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Torch (N)


Bendik Brænne (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ The Crossroad Club
    Bendik Brænne has for many years been the man in the shadows. As a sax player for a whole host of different artists he’s stood behind the curtain, at the very periphery of the action, with neither lights nor monitors more times than he cares to count. In his twenty four years of life on earth, he’s played the world over and has never for a minute thought of jacking it all in. In May of 2011 he swapped his sax for a mic and went to the Mecca for the world’s country trash, Nashville. With the aim of making an alt-country record he enticed the likes of Bobby Keys, Bryan Owings, Fats Kaplin, Tim Marks, Steven Sheehan, Andy Hall, and Rob McNelly in to the studio with him. The results are almost ready. Stay tuned!
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Bloksberg (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Gloria Flames
    The duo consisting of Eivind J. Vullum and Jens-Kjole Bjerkan, formerly of Sally Suicide, has certainly found new paths for its future trips. So far in their short career, the band have played support for 120 Days in Oslo, Bergen and Kristiansand, Klubb-Øya 2011 at Revolver in Oslo, ENO magazine’s release party at Landmark in Bergen and opened for Martin Rev (Suicide) in Oslo. The band play real analog synthesizers, drum machines and sequencers, musical genre is defined as “Tækno”. A unique proposition for both young and old. “The boys in Bloksberg, these beautiful, captivating, boys are the kind of young fellows you’re just as likely to meet at a Kiss concert as at some sort of new age ritual and are quite possibly trying to modernise E2-E4. A bold undertaking, perhaps but that’s not something they’re too worried about.” – Herr R, Beglomeg, Club Knulldrøm
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GusGus (ICL) - Nordic Music Prize nominee
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Stratos
    It’s a moving story, the tale of GusGus. Founded in the year 1995 by different artists such as Daniel August, DJ Herb Legowitz, cameraman Stephan Stephensen, musician Birgir Pórarinsson, producer Baldur Stefánsson and six more performers, the line-up shifted several times, some left and others joined as time went on. Since 2009, the year they released their album "24/7“, the band has had a stable line-up consisting of president Bongo, Biggi Veira and Daniel August. The three of them recorded the current album called "Arabian Horse“ which was released in May.
    Compared to their quite minimalistic former work, "Arabian Horse“ is by far more "in your face“.

    The songs are packed with gestures, thrilling moments, pop and soul. Doubtlessly GusGus has perfected the breach of the fine line between commercial pop and u-dance music on their 8th studio album. “Arabian Horse“ is a dance-pop album that reminds of the early 90’s house music as well as of the urban soul à la Massive Attack and which still is tangible contemporary. He who has already had the chance of seeing their live shows, knows how much power and feeling the 3 masters can deliver on stage. Now, saddle up your horses and head out to the next live show of the enigma that is GusGus!
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Icona Pop (S)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Jaeger
    Swedish duo Icona Pop are comprised of Aino Jawo and Caroline Hjelt. Together they deliver the kind of electronic pop that has captivated bloggers, dancefloors and music critics the world over. On the back of single “Manners” for the tastemaking UK label Neon Gold (Marina & The Diamonds, Passion Pit, Ellie Goulding, The Naked & Famous) the girls upped sticks and moved to London where they’ve played a bunch shows including Club NME and have made a host of DJ appearances. The hype surrounding the Neon Gold release led to a number of festival appearances in both Sweden and England this past Summer. In October the band released the E.P. “Nights Like This” getting love from the likes of Discobelle, rollingstones.com, Hype Machine, Popjustice and Attitude. In the Spring the band will release their debut album which has been produced by Patrik Berger who has worked with both Tove Styrke and Robyn.
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Jonas Alaska (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Rockefeller
    Jonas Alaska was one of the most talked about acts after by:Larm 2011 and later in the year he released his self-titled debut L.P. in Norway to rave reviews. In spite of his young age, Jonas is a talented lyricist and songwriter, with his own distinctive sound and a strong voice. After his single “In The Backseat” got some heavy rotation on Norwegian radio over the Summer he again came back with another fantastic track entitled “October”, which he performed live on TV2’s Senkveld and has since gone on to become a Youtube hit. Artists such as Paul Simon, John Lennon and Bob Dylan are often named as Jonas’ musical reference points, but Jonas Alaska is an artist with his very own, distinctive character and who makes music that is not rooted in the past, that is totally relevant to our time. Jonas’ songs vary between heartbreaking soliloquies, ballads with compelling harmonies and uptempo tracks with elements of Americana, folk and pop. All delivered with that trademark distinctive expression, both musically and lyrically. Alaska’s lyrics encompass many themes, be it love, politics or tragedy, but are all themes drawn from every day life that anyone can relate to.
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Mathias Stubø Band
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Mathias Stubø delivered two of the top albums in 2011,
    if we are to take the music reviewers seriously. In May he released “Real Love Tastes Like This” under the moniker Proviant Audio, and got fives and sixes on the dice all over Europe. The second album was entitled “1979” and released through the credible label BBE Records (J Dilla, Masters at Work, Pete Rock, Jazzy Jeff). BBE rarely sign new, young artists, but fell head over heels when they heard Stubø´s disco. A new Stubø album is already in the works. “Mathias Stubø competing for the unofficial gig-of-the-festival.” (Q Magazine after by:Larm 2011)
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Overthrow (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Revolver
    “Playing as loud as you would ever dare to wish for and as energetic as that hyperactive neighbourhood-kid, their sound comes somewhere between thrash metal bands like Municipal Waste and fellow Stavanger band Kvelertak.” – Isabella Greffel, By:Larm news 2010 High-octane, hard-as-nails and catchy are all words you could use to describe Overthrow. Since the band’s inception in 2007 the band have toured with / open for the likes of Kvelertak, Clutch, Cancer Bats, Purified in Blood and Valient Thorr. The band shared a stage with Norwegian metal gods Immortal and Enslaved at RxR festival in 2011. In April last year the band were NRK Urørt track of the week and are nominated for Urørt band of the year. So far eight songs have seen the light of day in the form of three demo releases, the most recent coming in August 2011 with contributions from members of Purified in Blood and Kvelertak. In Spring 2012 the band will embark on a run of domestic dates with Swedish legends In Flames, with a debut album expected to follow after the Summer. “A top-notch live band, with huge riffs that really get the crowd moving. Bring the mosh!” – RxR Festival 2011
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Siri Nilsen (N)


SynKoke (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Victoria / Nasjonal Jazzscene
    SynKoke is part of the Norwegian extreme jazz scene. Their second album “The Ideologist” was released in September 2011, and was in addition to very good reviews, also an important gateway for SynKoke in to the UK market, leading to the band playing London Jazz Festival in November. “The Ideologist” is recorded and produced in collaboration with Kato Ådland. The musicians in SynKoke are also in bands such as Pony the Pirate, Dag Arnesen Trio, Pixel, White Willow and Super Paint.
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Anja Elena Viken (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Mono
    Anja Elena Viken is, according to Bergenavisen, one of the standout new acts of the last year. After putting up only two songs on her Urørt profile (NRK equivalent of BBC Introducing) she already had Made Management (Young Dreams, John Olav Nilsen og Gjengen) and Up Front Artist (Fjorden, Baby!, 120 Days, Lindstrøm) on board. According to Bergenavisen she is the middle ground between Bergen’s hottest acts John Olav Nilsen and Razika and is a long awaited shot in the arm for the Bergen music scene. Anja Elena Viken is near the top of Musikknyheters ones-to-watch in 2012 and with tracks like “Gatekredibilitet” and “Klæssar deg ned”, even at this early stage it looks like she’s got a big year ahead of her.
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Astaroth (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Rockefeller annex
    Astaroth are a black / deathmetal band from Oslo who have been together about four years. The band played this year’s Infernofestival in Oslo and plan to release their record through Indie Distribution. “Its like taking a step back and reliving the past versions of today’s black metal and being able to relive those moments that we all miss. – www.nightspirit.no “Not many bands master the art of making cold inhuman atmospheres seamlessly fit with raw and heinous rage. Norway’s Astaroth is one of those that do. So, if you miss those black metal bands of yours that were truly the masters of their frozen element Astaroth is on hand to take you back to those times.” – Infernofestival magazine
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El Doom & the Born Electric (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Sentrum scene
    El Doom (Ole Petter Andreassen) is a well respected Norwegian guitarplayer/singer/producer (4 Norwegian Grammy nominations, 2 wins), whose work in the past has been divided between his main projects The Cumshots and Thulsa Doom, while still finding time to produce/engineer some of Norways biggest bands. Never a quitter, El Doom soon put together his new group after Thulsa Doom’s demise. Both former bands always had progressive elements, but those influences were somewhat restrained by some of the collaborators distaste for the genre. But those days are over. His new musicians are sort of a who’s who of the Norwegian progressive/jazz scene, including bassplayer Nicolai Eilertsen (Elephant 9, Bigbang), hammond wizard Ståle Storløkken (Elephant 9) and the grand old man Jon Eberson The music is labelled as progressive rock, but never loses its focus on delivering a good catchy chorus. The influences range from Thulsa Doom, Rush, Deep Purple, Melvins, (Badmotorfinger era) Soundgarden, to newer progressive bands like Mastodon and Opeth.
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Emilio (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Dattera til Hagen
    Emilio is an unknown artist for many people in Norway, but the 20-year-old rapper from Oslo has been behind the scenes of the music industry in Norway for many years. With an active participation in Gatekunst (Street Art) Projects and releases by Sama D, Emilio started a humble but solid career when he was just eleven years old. He has done warmup gigs for Karpe Diem, Madcon, Lars Vaular, Lloyd Banks, Ken Ring, Gatas Parlament, and the future looks promising for the young artist. Emilio is a part of the creative collective “BAWS”, and you may have seen him in Baws videos with rappers such as Phil T Rich, Rob Banks and Aon. In the first week of September 2011, his first EP, “While You Were Sleeping,” was released. “While You Were Sleeping” is a reflection of everyday life with influences from a very colorful environment, and describes moods and love. The title is inspired by a sense of being underrated and “slept on”, and perhaps it is due time to wake up and download Emilio – “While You Were Sleeping”.
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Goylem Space Klezmer (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    Goylem Space Klezmer have, since the band’s inception in 2009, moved many thousand happy dancing feet, be they of die hard fans or sometimes even random passers by; At late night parties, on the street and events and at established venues such as Parkteatret, Herr Nilsen and John Dee. The band have also played at the Heddaprisen awards ceremony, in the NRK radio theatre and alongside a number of international klezmer stars such as Amsterdam Klezmerband, Geoff Berner and Urban Tunnels. Goylem play new Norwegian space-klezmer, though firmly rooted in traditional klezmer, they also draw inspiration from contemporary pop from the Middle East, psychedelic prog, Norwegian folk and sci-fi electronica. This is something you simply must hear live. Erlend Barrat-Due Solum is one of the rising stars of the Scandinavian klezmer scene. Violinist Ingrid Halvorsen is classically trained, and has had a long term romantic relationship with Béla Bartók. Nikolai Rohrlapper is joined at the hip to his accordion, Øystein Hvamen Rasmussen plays percussion and Hans Erik Wagner, known for his work with Rex Rudi plays upright bass.
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Highasakite (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Ingrid Helene Håvik from Your Headlights Are On and Trond Bersu from Pelbo are the core of HighasaKite. Vocals, zither, electronics and drums form the basis of the band’s sound. In the studio the band are joined by Krøyt’s Thomas Dahl on guitar and live the band are augmented by Sacred Harp’s Øystein Skar on keys. HighasaKite are a relatively new proposition, but even in a short space of time, a lot has happened. They won the 2011 Momentum prize netting them 15 days at the Ocean Sound studio and a slot at now key event Sommerfesten Giske. In addition they’ve had a couple of nods from NRK Urørt and that’s resulted in airplay on P3 as well as being playlisted on a number of other regional stations. Their debut album is now complete and will be released via Riot Factory. “Like a warm breeze HighasaKite swathe you in mystery, something that feels both comfortable and healthy. “Indian Summer” has qualities that sound like they’re from the world that Lykke Li plays in, cool electronic pop with a good ear for melody and stunning vocals." – NRK P3 Urørt
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Mirror Lakes (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Last Train
    Mirror Lakes consists of Frode Fivel (vocals), Knut Schreiner (guitar), Trond Mjøen (guitar), Havard Krogedal (bass) and Arne Mathisen (drums). This is an experienced group of musicians with broad experience – from bands like Kåre & The Cavemen, Euroboys, Turbonegro, I Was A King, Serena Maneesh, Heroes & Zeros and Hello Goodbye. Mirror Lakes sounds like a singer/songwriter backed by a loud rock band with a distinctive sound. The band members have a great musical heritage, but they show an emotionality and ambition that makes the songs never end up as a pastiche. First and foremost it is a group of friends who are beyond their twenties, but still want a creative band situation, a home for songwriting, studio production and guitar playing – hopefully for years to come. Mirror Lakes were recently signed to Warner Music Norway. Their first album has been recorded in Gothenburg, Oslo and New York and is scheduled for release in Winter 2012.
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Oter (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    Oter is one 27 year old Stian Ottesen from Tromsø. Oter has been part of the so called hip-hop underground for years now. Originally as the driving force behind Oslo-based studio / collective Cracklab alongside such luminaries as Svartepetter, Herreløse, OnklP amongst others. Almost three years ago now though, he moved back to his home town of Tromsø in the North of Norway. As chance would have it one of his contemporaries, Poppa Lars of Tungtvann fame moved at the same time and the pair have been working together ever since. The results are striking, creating some of the best hip-hop to ever come out of Norway. In danger of laying waste to all that has gone before, this is next level shit. In October 2011 their debut proper was released, the single “Karusell”, produced by Bergen based electro act Souldrop. The released was launched with an explosive video directed by Carl Critical, an insight into the murky psyche of Oter, ex-hitmen, armed robbers, Russian coke, mental institutions, violent flashbacks, a disasterous killing and not least a rather sexy nurse. See it in full at the NORDalliansen.org website. The album, with the working title “Kollektiv Kollaps” is expected to be finished in the coming year. Over the past year or so Oter has played at Døgnvillfestivalen 2010, Parkenfestivalen in Bodø (2010), Sparebanken Nord-Norge’s 175 year jubilee, Rock Against Drugs in Andenes and opened for Yelawolf in Oslo and Xzibit / DJ Quik in Tromsø, played alongside Lars Vaular and A-Laget as well as a bunch of his own gigs. On stage the duo often are joined by Klisne Fingra, who’s also originally from Tromsø byt now resident in Oslo. Their gig at by:Larm will be an unprecedented, explosive show.
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Snorri Helgason (IS)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Gamla
    Snorri Helgason, formerly of Sprengjuhöllin, is a singer-songwriter from Reykjavik, Iceland. At age 19, Snorri decided to devote his life to the only thing that ever truly interested him – music. He taught himself to play guitar, sing and write songs. When Sprengjuhöllin went on hiatus in 2009, Snorri recorded a solo album focusing on the folk and Americana influences at the centre of his musical tastes. The album, “I’m Gonna Put My Name On Your Door” was released in Iceland in November of 2009 and in Europe and the US in December 2010 through Kimi Records, to the usual critical acclaim. Since 2009, Snorri has toured excessively, building a diverse and spread-out fan base while honing his craft as a performer and songwriter. He’s played shows in some far flung parts of the world like Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Faenza, Italy and performed sold-out shows in international music nexus points such as New York, Berlin and London. His personal, understated yet intense live shows, whether playing solo or with a band, have garnered positive reviews from blogs and magazines all around the world. With his home grown and self-taught approach to songwriting, Snorri has been favorably compared to singer-songwriter greats like Paul Simon, Harry Nilsson and Neil Young. While his music resonates with past greats, his mixing of diverse influences of everything from soul to Britpop to glam-rock into his primarily folk-based songs, not to mention his Icelandic background, leaves us with something entirely unique. Snorri is now based in London. He released his sophomore solo album, “Winter Sun” in Iceland in August 2011. The album was produced by Icelandic indie-pop great Sindri Már Sigfússon (Seabear, Sin Fang) and has received unanimous critical praise domestically.
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Iceage (DK) - Nordic Music Prize nominee
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:00pm - 12:00am @ Kulturkirken Jacob
    Iceage formed while at school in Copenhagen aged 12, and they quickly became a vital part of the city’s heavy music scene. It doesn’t do any good to cite influences, rather, Iceage mixes punk, post-punk, Goth and hardcore as if they invented it. Now all between 18 and 19, they have created an album overflowing with youthful energy, a 12 track sprint, crammed into just 24 minutes, recorded in 4 days. It’s long enough to hit you in the chest, short enough to make you wonder what happened. It’s immediate, catchy and clever. Everything a debut album should be. The band can currently be found playing shows in every corner of America, sleeping on floors, bloodying noses and getting everyone from The New Yorker to VICE magazine very, very excited. Their shows are still notoriously physical, sometimes aggressive, often destructive and always fun. You may get pushed around. Deal with it.
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Dark Times (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Revolver
    Trio Dark Times began life in Oslo in 2010 as group with no previous band experience, and with minimal musical knowledge. However, they quickly got to it, recording a demo that Autumn, which was subsequently released on cassette by DIY labels Ormeyngel and on Sacred Tapes in the US. One of the tracks was featured on Fysisk Format’s Bransjevelter #6. Dark Times’ noisy brand of punk has been well received by the underground scene their nascent live career has now begun with shows in Oslo and Bergen. The band is also part of the Black Hole Crew, along with Okkultokrati, Haust and Drugged SS. In the Autumn of 2011 they released a 7-inch on Sheep Chase Records and are planning a full length album for 2012. Reviews:
    “[the demo] was as much a mission statement of intent than anything else. It cracked a trebly and raw take on making a Riotous bat in little under a quarter of an hour” – jajajamusic.com “Worlds Away “In particular is a great example of the band that their best; a dark trudge brimming with resentment” – itsatrap.com
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Les Big Byrd (S)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ The Crossroad Club
    les big byrd what I thought was the night sky
    was a sheet stretched over the earth with people hanging from it like little suns far, far away the moon is bigger than ever
    almost as large as earth and mixes up the clock with January 8 do you hear us
    we’re hanging on for life and limb up here, we want to have contact
    we are down here and cry, crying until you hear us it is a great time
    far, far away I hear you, that you are in here, humming
    it’s so good Mattias Alkberg
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Loney Dear (S)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Rockefeller
    Lonely Dear has, through his previous albums combined home-made indie pop with classical ideas, and this time, frontman Emil Svanängen taken genre mix a step even further. In 2010 he toured Sweden with a chamber orchestra and the process of arranging his old songs for the orchestra became a key influence on how “Hall Music” was written. With an expanded and more elaborate sound Svanängen’s emotional range is further highlighted. ’Hall Music" shifts from the spiritual to the sensational with such an easy grace that it serves as a testament to the extraordinary musicianship of this visionary romantic.
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Sandra Kolstad (N)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Gloria Flames
    When Sandra Kolstad’s debut album “CRUX” was released it received great reviews with standing ovations across the Norwegian media. The record, produced by Kolstad herself, even had several critics ready to anoint her as the new queen of Norwegian electronica. Kolstad is known for her highly visual performances. She makes electronic music, but as a classically trained pianist, she has big ambitions for the music’s live potential. Kolstad impressed – and surprised some perhaps – as a live proposition at last year’s Øya festival, when she was joined on stage by a bodybuilder, in addition to noise musician Marck Fuck and her faithful band member, the Swedish jazz musician and improviser Francis Petter Eldh. And Sandra Kolstad isn’t one to rest on her laurels, her next album is already slated for April 2012.
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Tove Styrke (S)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Nokia teltet
    In the vein of artists like Robyn and Lykke Li – Tove Styrke has with self-titled debut won over fans and critics alike with her of intelligent “left of center” pop. Tracks like “Million Pieces”, “White Light Moment” and “Call My Name” have all topped the airplay charts helping this young talent to a gold certified album and securing licenses in various parts of the world. 2012 will be a busy a year for Tove Styrke.
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WhoMadeWho (DK)
    Thursday February 16, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Stratos
    WhoMadeWho (or Who Made Who) formed in 2003, with falsetto voiced bassist Tomas Hoffding coming from the Scandinavian rock underground, singer songwriter/guitarist Jeppe Kjellberg from the avantgarde jazz scene, and drummer Tomas Barford – who also records as Tomboy. The band released several 12-inches on German disco label Gomma Records including ‘Out The Door’ and ‘Space To Rent’, culminating in their self-titled debut album in 2005. In 2009 they released their second album “The Plot”. As a live band, WhoMadeWho have played alongside genre bending contemporaries Daft Punk, Soulwax, Hot Chip, Justice and LCD Soundsystem. After touring together Hot Chip asked them to remix new single “TV Friend”, and Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age has covered their track “Space to Rent”. WhoMadeWho gained further popularity when they played a headline spot at Benicàssim in 2007 after a delay caused headliners, the Klaxons, to arrive too late to play their set.
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Dante (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Dante is perhaps best known as the drummer and a key creative force behind The Concretes for the last five years. But earlier this past year he made his debut as a solo artist with the critically acclaimed single “Next To You” receiving both national and international plaudits. Since then Dante has released a follow up single, “Runners” which was subsequently picked as track of the year by P3 presenter Märtha Myrstener. The music is influenced by commercial pop, Drake, The Dream and the cream of the R&B crop, the result though is a sort of cross between Phil Collins and The Weekend. Dante self produces all his material, and is also working with other artists including his own father Toni Holgersson who he’s assisted with the production on his Swedish Grammy nominated album “Ibland kallar jag det kärlek”. Dante’s own self titled debut will be released in the Spring by Baseline Music.
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El Caco (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Sentrum scene
    Since their inception El Caco have been one of Norway’s most critically acclaimed rock bands in Norway. Their intense mixture of hard rock, stoner rock and metal has earned them an ever expanding legion of loyal fans. The band has played all over the world, from festivals in India to industry pow-wow SXSW in Austin, Texas. They’ve undertaken several lengthy European tours and have played innumerable shows at home. With five full albums under their belts, receiving nothing but good reviews amongst them the Spellemann nominated “The Search” which won them the Alarm prize in the best metal album category. In February 2009 the album “Heat” was released. The record received thirteen 5/6 and two 6/6 reviews, wone of the 6s coming from Norway’s biggest newspaper, VG. Their sixth album “Hatred, Love & Diagrams” will be released in January 2012.
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Execration (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Rockefeller annex
    Execrations’ (N) second album “Odes of the Occult” contains 9 tracks of vicious, evil death metal on double 12" vinyl. It parts with the percussive style of previous releases in favour of a wider set of influences drawing from death metal, doom and cult black metal. “…one of the most interesting albums to come out of the country in years" 9/10
    (It’s A Trap) .”.. the bearer of new life in the experimental genre of death metal… a genuinely dark and experimental sound." 8/10
    (Rockerilla Magazine) “Norway is maybe not one of the first places that would come to mind when it comes to proper old school death metal, but that could well change. Execrations second record, “Odes of the Occult”, is a tour de force of the genre."
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Gerilja (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Mono
    Word on the street is that if Dave Mustaine and Marc Bolan had a son, (…not considering biological issues etc..) it would be Aleks, singer/guitarist (lead) of GERILJA. Since Aleks’ bro Simon plays bass in Gerilja too, Dave and Marc could also be held responsible for him. No one really knows where Ottar comes from, but he has gold teeth and the babes love him so who cares? This, in combination with GERILJA’s unconditional love for analog synths and the almighty 808 drum machine, has resulted in their rad sound. To cut a long story short, GERILJA has merged early Megadeth-style intensity with T-rex groove and flair and added just a tsp of synthesized sci-fi. The combination may seem unlikely, but that’s not the case folks. It’s the classic rock of the future!
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Gram Per Person (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    Gram Per Person is a band rooted in traditional Americana, and they sing rock music (in English) the way that Robert Johnson and Eartha Kitt used to. GPP will help to continue the musical heritage of the cultural experiment that is America. The sextet, from Bergen, completed work on their second album at the tail end of October. The record entitled “Fables for some”, was recorded at Duper Studio with Iver Sandøy manning the controls. Musical ideas are drawn from all across the genre spectrum, with role models as diverse as Dylan, Cash, Earle and Parsons, Grateful Dead/Jerry Garcia along side newer artists such as Uncle Tupelo, Lucinda Williams, Jesse Sykes, the Replacements, Son Volt and Ryan Adams. Also worthy of honourable mention are some Norwegian heroes, 12 Volt, Tussler Society and Flying Norwegians. In spite of their position as an unsigned band, GPP are playing more and more shows, and a number of tracks from their debut album frequented the airwaves following the record’s release.
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Invasionen (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Last Train
    In the wake of the as poetical as well as political EP “Arvegods” Invasionen are back with their second album, " Saker som jag sagt till natten." The fiery sound is rooted in both krautrock and post punk. This is also the album where Dennis Lyxzén flourishes as a song writer as well as singer, even in his own language. Lyxzén hardly needs any introduction. As front man for Refused he was the passionate singer and agitator for friends outside of Umeå, and is one of the most influential songwriters and visionaries in the Swedish hardcore scene. The ban never got to be as big as they deserved to be in Sweden, but it was an international phenomenon, representing an almost life-changing inspiration for the hardcore bands, vegans and young, enthusiastic people around the world. Refused ended up on top, after the release of the groundbreaking and somewhat prophetically-titled album The Shape Of Punk To Come. This autumn Invasionen are playing live shows. The invasion begins in September, in China. Invasionen will sing in Swedish in China. Dennis acknowledges that it felt strange, until someone pointed out that the Chinese really do not understand English either! Having led two internationally successful band it would seem easy for Dennis Lyxzén to continue on the same path.
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Mikhael Paskalev (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    Mikhael Paskalev plays pop music with roots in gospel music and alt-country, inspired by artists like Paul Simon, The Shins, Tom Waits, Edward Sharpe and the Everly Brothers. With a band full of charisma and good ideas, the 23 – year-old displays a rare quality. Paskalev’s strength lies in his ability to create melodious tunes, sometimes shamelessly catchy, but always with a wonderful, rusty sound. Besides playing with Jonas Alaska and Billie Van, Paskalev is busy recording his debut album, sue spring 2012. Live Review from Nerve Magazine (UK): Mikhael Paskalev demonstrates what appears to be a signature element of Red Deer Club’s roster, hushed, uncoiling guitars and close harmony singing. Backed by a five-piece band, the majority of his songs are amazingly spare sounding, with the electric guitar mournfully picking its way through the tracks. I Spy proves to be an exception, lurching into a hoe-down midway through complete with Duane Eddy-esque guitar. The second track, a gently murmured lullaby could easily have been heard crackling out of a wireless in an early episode of Mad Men. Touching almost on gospel music at points, Woman evokes glacial US trio Low, its epically slow pace conveying the full weight of the lyrics’ turmoil. The restraint of the musicians is to be praised as any diversions into Guitar Hero style antics would shatter the carefully spun web of Mikhael’s delicate tracks.
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Mira Craig (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Gamla
    Mira Craig is one of Norway’s biggest pop icons, known for her experimental and exciting mix of different styles. She’s received some stunning reviews and has two albums that have gone gold. The 29 year old won the Alarm prize for best newcomer and has been nominated for both Spellemann and MTV Europe awards. The 29 year old takes a comprehensive approach to her music, and is deeply involved in every facet of her operation, visually and musically, and is involved in the production and songwriting as well as as choreographer, director, stylist and designer. Craig has previously collaborated with international stars such as Snoop Dogg and Timbaland. At Quart festival she duetted with Wyclef Jean and shared a stage with Pharrell Williams, which forms just part of her huge concert experience both at home and abroad. On her forthcoming fourth full-length, she’s gone into the studio with a full band and has kept to a more organic pop-rock sound. The concept revolves around epic tales from a bygone western era. The first single is entitled “Aces High” and is launched in Scandinavia in January 2012. www.miracraig.com
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Deportees (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ The Crossroad Club
    Deportees are a Swedish four-piece band consisting of brothers Anders and Peder Stenberg, Thomas Hedlund and Mattias Lidström. Following their critically acclaimed and award winning album “Under The Pavement – The Beach” (2009) they now return with a new work “Islands & Shores”, a creative outburst that captures a world in gradual disintegration and indignation – a world where everyone is an island – and the dream of a love greater than death. “Islands & Shores” was recorded in Stockholm and Umeå over the last two years and although the members have been busy undertaking other musical journeys (Thomas plays the drums with French band Phoenix and Anders plays the guitar with Lykke Li, who is also featured on a track) the band has spent an unhealthy amount of time together in an old Kung-Fu dojo which now serves as their headquarters. From this site the band has created a strikingly beautiful and sincere pop album full of eccentric arrangements, fantastic harmonies and a love for details that will keep you coming back for more. Even though the music echoes of Paul Simon, Suicide, Arthur Russell, World, Arcade Fire and Big Star it keeps resisting easy categorization. Many Swedish critics have already named “Islands & Shores” album of the year.
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Maya Vik (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ Stratos
    Multifaceted musician Maya Vik plays bass in Spellemann winning pop-band Montée and has previously played with bands such as Savoy and Furia. Her first solo effort, the album “Château Faux-Coupe” (2011) is a beautiful funk laden extravaganza with reference points that stretch all the way from 70s jazz-rock via militant drum machine jackin’ funk and 80s soul to 90s hip-hop, all underpinned by the unmistakable sound of an Linn LM-1 drum machine, a sound immortalised by a vast catalogue of 80s hits. With clear references to Minneapolis-funk (Prince, Jimmy Jam og Terry Lewis/Flyte Tyme, The Time, Sheila E., Janet Jackson etc.) the album has already become a talking point for international fans of the genre. The album was mixed by sought after, four time Grammy winning producer Jimmy Douglass and formed part of a wider audio visual project including an exhibition and book including photography and artwork by Pål Laukli and Gary Swindell.
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The Raveonettes (DK)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ Rockefeller
    When you’ve had a cult fan base for as long as The Raveonettes have, it’s only a matter of time before some of your most-loyal of acolytes begin branching out and make their own kinds of beautiful noise. In recent times, the musical DNA of Sune Rose Wagner and Sharin Foo has been cropping up with such regularity that it prompted the British music press staple NME.com to declare the Danish duo to be responsible for sparking “America’s pop renaissance.” It was a long overdue tip of the hat which drew comparisons between the Raveonettes’ melodic magic and such modern tunesmiths as The Drums, Best Coast, Vivian Girls, Dum Dum Girls and even British bands like The Vaccines and Glasvegas. But why take NME’s word for it? The bands themselves are only too happy to give credit where it’s due and explain why the Raveonettes have been such a prominent reference point. “They taught me a thing or two about pop music,” admits Jonathan Pierce of New York indie-pop trio the Drums. “I’ve always been drawn to bands who are driven by a strong concept and The Raveonettes have been doing it consistently, uncompromisingly and unashamedly since their very first EP ‘Whip It On’ (2002). I listened to that record religiously for two years after it came out and still find myself going back to it now. They’re the modern king and queen of melody and mood.” It’s a sentiment that’s also echoed by Dee Dee of Sub Pop starlets The Dum Dum Girls who has also been loyally following our Danish heroes from day one. “They are one of a few bands I took direct kindred inspiration from when I started writing and recording my own songs. They are a constant reminder to keep the teeth of sound intact while courting the pop hook- a recipe I follow in my own work.” But it is perhaps the testimony of one Mr James Allan that exemplifies the Raveonettes-effect most dramatically. Back in 2004, James was jobless and aimless as he sat in Glasgow’s famous King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut venue drowning his sorrows one Friday afternoon. By coincidence, The Raveonettes happened to be playing the venue that very night and, whimsically hoping that some music would cheer him up, James spent his last bit of cash on a ticket. His money didn’t just buy him a quick pick-me-up, it bought him a new lease of life. “They were touring their ‘Chain Gang Of Love’ (2003) album- a modern day dream-pop masterpiece in my opinion,” he remembers. “I left the venue so inspired. I didn’t give a fuck about getting a job after that. It just further reinstated my longing to be in a rock ‘n’ roll band.” That band turned out to be the all-conquering Glasvegas for whom James became the talismanic frontman. Needless to say, he doesn’t spend too much time worrying about getting a job these days. If The Raveonettes decided to call it a day tomorrow, we would undoubtedly remember them with nothing but love. But it’s partly down to the fact that they’ve spawned this new generation of talent that the band have strived to move themselves forward with their fifth album. After the best part of a decade honing their instantly recognizable sound and seeing it co-opted by so many other bands aspiring for a similar level of greatness, Sharin and Sune are blazing a newer, darker trail with the brilliant “Raven In The Grave”. “I think we have finally hit on something quite important and different for this album,” explains Sune. “This is the first Raveonettes album we’ve done which doesn’t feature the signature Raveonettes surf drumbeat. None of the tunes have any real sunshine to them. It’s all very un-Rave.” “It has a mood of ethereal defiance” Sharin adds. “It’s dark but not bleak, like the single minded determination caused by crisis that is not quite hope but just as powerful. It’s the perfect winter soundtrack just in time for spring”. It doesn’t take long to hear how the band have superseded their traditional sound. Of course, melody is still key to what the Raveonettes do, but the familiar bombastic beats and squalls of guitar-noise take a backseat during much of “Raven In The Grave”. Instead, the album is awash with ghostly synths and chillingly beautiful riffs that leave you feeling simultaneously unsettled and enchanted. It’s easily the most soulful music the band have created to date. But once you scratch that sombre surface and dig a little deeper, you’ll find that ‘Raven In The Grave’ has an even darker lyrical heart. Inspired as ever by their own first hand experiences, many of the songs explore the disheartening finiteness of relationships and the devastating effects they can have when they do disintegrate. “Yeah, there are a lot of those kind of themes,” admits Sune. “‘With Recharge & Revolt’ I was trying to write an epic love song of longing and restlessness, ‘Summer Moon’ is about the blossoming of something beautiful which turns sour and starts deteriorating right in front of you and ‘My Time’s Up’ is about the perils of non-commitment to affection and the dangers of short-changing your life.” When you combine The Raveonettes expanded musical palette with this stream of nakedly honest emotions, the end result is an album so compelling and sincere that you could almost live (and potentially, die) inside it.

    The Raveonettes evolution won’t stop with the new album either. As the band set off on tour to support their latest creation, their constantly changing live line-up will be bolstered by a two-drummer line up to help ensure that the depth of “Raven In The Grave” is recreated on stage. It’s just another example of how Sharin and Sune are not content to rest on any laurels. The ten years of inspiring music they’ve already clocked up has already produced an undeniable legacy, but “Raven In The Grave” is proof that the Raveonettes are already soaring above all of their past achievements. Catch them if you can.
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Turboweekend (DK)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ Nokia teltet
    The band have just been named best Danish live act at the 2011 Danish Music Awards. Turboweekend will release their third full-length in Summer 2012 and are ready to take to the stage both in Europe but also in the States also. In three short years, the band have grown from being underground darlings to one of Denmark’s most popular bands both love and on the radio. Turboweekend play by:Larm for the third time in 2012 and are looking forward to playing for Norwegian audiences again.
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Vestindien (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ Revolver
    Vestindien started life in January 2010 and immediately began to play shows, soon becoming a favourite of the Bergen underground scene, playing shows all over town. At the time of writing, the band are putting the finishing touches to an E.P. at Pelikan Studios with Mattias Tellez (Razika, Young Dreams, Kakkmaddafakka, Real Ones) at the controls. Dag Erik Nygaard (Blood Command, Livstid, I.O.U.) will mix the record and it will be self-released on the band’s own label Totalagenda Records, in October 2011.
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Beglomeg (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 1:00am - 1:30am @ Gamla
    Beglomeg is a mechanism built up by hypnotic rhythms under a retractable bass machine with brass tubes that goes up to an upper part, where psychedelic death funk is being processed by a spanish archivist and a hungarian doctor into giant flashing bulbs of buttered butlers and transcendental european bastards dripping bossa, rumba, prog, imitated italian library, Asia. And maybe even the odd super-easy? Beglomeg, a dansband for the living dead, a music box for cockroaches.
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Megafon (DK/NO)
    Friday February 17, 2012 1:00am - 1:30am @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Megafon are a duo based in Denmark, comprised of vocalist Marte Schow who is Norwegian but of Gypsy extraction and Danish multi-instrumentalist Mikael Fleron. Live they are joined on stage by a bassist and a drummer. Megafon hop backwards and forwards between incalculable number of genres, Balkan meets nordic folk, Middle Eastern bazar meets metal and electro. Mikael plays Balkan sax until he sweats buckets and Marte sings so hard her soul almost springs out of her mouth. Her vocals have roots in Bulgarian traditions but she’s also been strongly influenced by Norwegian, Indian and Arabian vocal techniques and yes, you’re reading this correctly, heavy metal. They have just released “HURRA”, a cornucopia of strong emotions and meaty beats. The lyrics are delivered in Norwegian, English, Bulgarian and Danish, a crazy mix, just like the music. The members in Megafon are full-time musicians in their own right and work with the likes of Trentemøller, Bjørn Svin, Fleshquartet, Jacob Groth, Frans Bak, Mikael Simpson & Sølvstorm, Kira Skov, Düreforsøg amongst others.
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Sivert Høyem (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 1:00am - 1:30am @ Sentrum scene
    In September 2011 Sivert Høyem’s fifth solo album, “Long Slow Distance”, was released, and the music has taken some experimental steps away from his previous album “Moon Landing” (2009). Sivert and Cato Salsa – who have worked together from start to finish in the album process – were inspired by several new directions, including metal from the 90’s, industrial noise music, krautrock and French pop. The use of synth on almost all tracks, is also new. It’s darker, more dynamic, and quite dramatic material. Thematically it can be described as a ruthlessly honest record, without irony. In additon to Sivert and the band (Cato Salsa, Christer Knutsen, Rudi Nikolaisen, Børge Fjordheim) co-producer Bjarne Stensli and singer Anne Lise Frøkedal both of Harry’s Gym, and Ådne Meisfjord from 120 Days also contribute. The only non-Norwegian contribution on the album is from an artist Sivert Høyem truly admires, Renate Knaup from the legendary German rock group Amon Düül II.
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Casa Murilo (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 1:30am - 2:00am @ Nokia teltet
    Over the last few years Casa Murilo have made serious headway in a crowded Norwegian indie scene, and have managed to establish themselves as one of the most relevant bands of their kind. Not unlike Mumford & Sons, they too are more than capable of treading that fine line that needs to be taken when you’re a folky indie band. It is truly sing-a-long stuff that can catch you off guard, whisking you along with their legion of fans, which is growing steadily not least due to their phenomenal live shows. It says something perhaps that after their Øya show in August last year, Plan B magazine hailed them as Norway’s best band. Come to the show and let Casa Murilo show you how good it can be when you marry British precision and Norwegian spirit.
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Grande Roses (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 2:00am - 2:30am @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Grande Roses play loud and proud classic rock but without falling into the age old trap of making something generic and stale. Think Gun Club, Union Carbide, National, early Springsteen, Madrugada and er, Sisters of Mercy. Grande Roses began life in 2003 as the brainchild of Göran. Because he wasn’t a good enough musician to be able to master anyone else’s songs he wrote his own, which in time turned out to be some cracking tunes. Later that same Summer Göran was supposed to play a festival and needed someone to play pedal steel. He got the number for a guy in Östersund but it turned out that the chap had never played pedal steel. Göran tried to give him a bass but he took a guitar instead. This was the first time Göran and Johan has met. In the aftermath of the festival show they recorded a demo of post-apocalyptic rock and were subsequently signed, split up and got back together, then took a long break before getting back together a second time. Just the usual band stuff. As to how Grande Roses started for real; Johan had played with Erik and Magnus. Johan hinted to Göran that these could be smart choices for drums and bass for the band. And that’s how it was for the first few years, until Emil came along and took over on drums and Magnus moved up to play guitar alongside Johan.
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WhoMadeWho (DK)
    Friday February 17, 2012 2:30am - 3:00am @ Nokia teltet
    WhoMadeWho (or Who Made Who) formed in 2003, with falsetto voiced bassist Tomas Hoffding coming from the Scandinavian rock underground, singer songwriter/guitarist Jeppe Kjellberg from the avantgarde jazz scene, and drummer Tomas Barford – who also records as Tomboy. The band released several 12-inches on German disco label Gomma Records including ‘Out The Door’ and ‘Space To Rent’, culminating in their self-titled debut album in 2005. In 2009 they released their second album “The Plot”. As a live band, WhoMadeWho have played alongside genre bending contemporaries Daft Punk, Soulwax, Hot Chip, Justice and LCD Soundsystem. After touring together Hot Chip asked them to remix new single “TV Friend”, and Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age has covered their track “Space to Rent”. WhoMadeWho gained further popularity when they played a headline spot at Benicàssim in 2007 after a delay caused headliners, the Klaxons, to arrive too late to play their set.
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True Norwegian Black Metal tour
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:00am - 12:00pm @ Royal Christiania Hotel
    Back by popular demand, here´s a new opportunity to explore the roots of true Norwegian black metal. For the average music fan, the story of Norwegian black metal is in essence about murder, suicide and burning churches. Many of the seminal events in this
    dark chapter of Norwegian music history took place in Oslo between 1991 and 1993. In cooperation with The Inferno Festival, by:Larm have put together a field trip visiting the key sights on a trip back in time. NB: The bus leaves from outside the Royal Christiania Hotel main entrance at 09.00 sharp. Please meet in the lobby no later than 08.50.The beginning of almost any movement can often be attributed to the vision of one person, who from the dissemination of his ideas gains followers and the ideas spread. This man was Øystein Aarseth aka Euronymous. He was through his record store, Helvete (Hell) and his band, Mayhem, the key person of the early Norwegian black metal scene, his vision resulted in not only development of black mental into the phenomenon it was but also contributed to his untimely demise. It was the equally infamous artist Burzum, Varg Vikernes aka Count Grishnack, who killed Euronymous in his own Oslo apartment on the 10th
    of August 1993. This date marked the end of an era, and the small scene that until then had been hidden away from the public gaze was suddenly thrust on to the front pages of the Norwegian tabloids and even made the headlines far from Norwegian shores. This was a time of great creative experimentation with music and image, and the murder and church fires are regarded by most people from the scene as an absolute tragedy, and as a huge setback which cast a dark shadow over anything to do with the Norwegian metal for well over a decade after. The Greater Oslo black metal scene of today has seen the birth of prominent bands such as Mayhem, Satyricon, Darkthrone, Ulver, Dimmu Borgir, Arcturus, Aura Noir, Dødheimsgard and many many more. Anders Odden (Cadaver, Celtic Frost, Satyricon) is your guide on this journey through the places and events that spawned the legend that is now known as TRUE NORWEGIAN BLACK METAL. Conducted in English.
    Anders Odden: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Odden
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Livet etter Rikskonsertene
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:00am - 11:00am @ Club7
    Fra høsten 2012 er Rikskonsertenes avdeling Offentlige konserter historie. Deler av midlene skal disponeres av Arrangørstøtteordningen til Norsk kulturråd som heretter skal – etter søknad fra lokale arrangører – bidra til å opprettholde et godt konserttilbud i distriktene.Støtteordningen åpner også for søknader fra kulturhusene, men økningen er på kun 4,7 millioner kroner. Klubber og spillesteder rundt om i landet vil få en ny konkurrent – eller samarbeidspartner – som med kommunal driftsstøtte og nå mulighet for programmeringsstøtte fra staten skal ut på markedet og aktivt booke inn artister. Bookingagentene kan kanskje sies å være kvitt en konkurrent i Rikskonsertene. Hvordan vil alt dette påvirke det lokale konsertliv? Hva er Rikskonsertenes rolle nå fremover? Og hvor står Arrangørstøtteordningen i forhold til dette? Ordstyrer: Kristin Danielsen, MIC Panel:
    Thorstein Granly, Rikskonsertene
    Lars Tefre Baade, Norsk Rockforbund
    Jon Gotteberg, Stryn kulturhus
    Arnfinn Bjerkestrand, Norsk kulturråd
    Anita Halmøy Wisløff, Atomic Soul
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Streaming session 1: Clouds and concerts: WiMP and consumer behaviour
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:30am - 10:45am @ Rockefabrikken
    Friday will kick off with the University of Oslo presenting early findings from its collaborative study with research group SINTEF, network operator Telenor, and Aspiro’s WiMP streaming service.The comprehensive research project – which began in 2011 and will run through to 2014 – analyses anonymous logs of all music streamed on WiMP in connection with Oslo’s yearly Øya Festival and collects findings from some of these streaming users through focus group research. Arnt Maasø is Associate Professor of Media Studies at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo
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GramArt proudly presents: Ralph Murphy - Murphy's Law to Song Writing
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:30am - 12:30pm @ Edderkoppen
    How to write that radio smash hit!
    Throughout the years, Canadian songwriter Ralph Murphy has achieved near-legendary status in Nashville through his career as a performer, producer, songwriter, publisher, and most recently, Vice President of International and Domestic Membership, ASCAP. Ralph has compiled some amazing tips and hints to help songwriters hone their craft and improve their chances of penning the elusive number one radio hit.Thursday 16.th of February: Masterclass, workshop part 1.

    Friday 17.th of February: Masterclass, workshop part 2.

    Do you want feedback on your song at Ralph Murphy’s workshops during by:Larm?
    Please send your song (mp3) plus your lyrics to hilde@gramart.no in advance.
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GramArt and MØST presents: Eurosonic, a portal to Europe
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:45am - 11:45am @ Safety Pin
    The Dutch industry festival Eurosonic Noorderslag have served as an important gateway to the European live market for many artists. But what does it really take to secure a gig at the festival? What does Eurosonic look for when they pick artists? How do you prepare to play there and how should you work Eurosonic once you’re there?Artistic director of Eurosonic Noorderslag, Peter Smidt, gives an insight into Eurosonics influence on the European market. A showcase at Eurosonic has been a catalyst for many artists and bands, Peter Smidt will talk about how they work, what they are looking for and how bands might improve their chances of being invited to play. Peter Smidt has worked as musician, in record stores, as a band manager and booking agent. He started working for Buma Cultuur in 1995, a partner and co-organiser of Noorderslag, EuroSonic and is the organiser of Noorderslag Seminar, The annual Musicians Day, Amsterdam Dance Event, Buma Rotterdam Beats and other music and music business events. As founder and creative director of Eurosonic Noorderslag, Smidt is creating a platform for professionals and media with a better circulation of European repertoire in Europe as goal.
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Streaming session 2: Our Friend’s electric. How will we find music in the future?
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:45am - 11:45am @ Rockefabrikken
    Have you ever sat in front of a streaming music player and had a total mental block? Do you find you listen to the same old stuff when confronted with all the music in the world? How do you dig down into the ‘long tail of content’? Friends or robots? Buddies or algorithms?From processes such as Last.fm’s collaborative filtering to clever apps using metadata banks like The Echo Nest with its ‘danceability’ metric, automatic recommendation is getting very interesting; but on the other hand Facebook’s close integration with Spotify is taking social recommendation, or more to the point, observation, to new levels. Recommendation is crucial not only from a promotional point of view, but also in unlocking the value in streaming services. A panel of experts will discuss.. Panel:
    Gracenote – Chris Cass, head of sales EMEA, Gracenote
    The Echo Nest – Tristan Jehan, Chief Technical Officer, The Echo Nest
    Last.fm – Steve Whilton, Director of Product, Last.fm
    Arnt Maasø – Associate Professor of Media Studies at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo
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The new generation A&Rs
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00am - 12:00pm @ Ragnarock
    While the rest of the music business stared into the Pandora’s box of filesharing and plummeting CD-sales, a new generation of record labels have emerged from the digital age.Spearheaded by eager, hardworking and young A&Rs, labels like True Panther, Tri Angle, Wierd World, Transparent, Friend Vs Records have established themselves as leading taste-maker labels, making their own rules – and building the foundation for long term changes in the recording business. At by:Larm some of these labels will meet and talk about how it is to run a record label in 2012 and how they think The Future Will Look Like. Robin Carolan is 25 years old and owns US / UK label Tri Angle. Robin started Tri Angle in 2010 and signed debut artists such as Balam Acab, How To Dress Well, Clams Casino, oOoOO and Holy Other. In addition to running Tri Angle, Robin is also a curator for the acclaimed warm up music series hosted throughout the summer in NYC by the Museum Of Modern Art and PS1. Dean Bein is 28 years old and the label manager of NYC-based True Panther Sounds. True Panther was started by Dean and his friends as a boutique punk label but has since grown into a chaotic genre-confused sprawling mess owned by Matador Records that releases music by Girls, Glasser, Delorean, Tanlines and many more. In addition to True Panther, Dean is on the booking committee of the MoMA PS1 Warm Up series and Shortcuts, a rap monthly at Santos Party House. Jack Shankly is 22 years old and works in A&R at Domino Record Company in London, where he runs a new imprint called Weird World. Jack has signed acts such as Real Estate, Smith Westerns, Washed Out and Peaking Lights since joining the company in 2010. Prior to that he ran a limited edition singles label called Transparent that released artists such as How To Dress Well, Perfume Genius, Yuck, Holy Other, Purity Ring, Active Child and more. 24 year old Pip Newby is owner of independent label Friends Vs Records and label manager and A&R for Play It Again Sam Recordings, part of the PIAS group. Pip started his career in the music industry aged 15 hosting a radio show for unsigned bands on local radio and promoting gigs in his hometown of Wolverhampton. Aged 18 he was approached by Atlantic Records to act as regional scout for the label, and at 19 he set up Friends Vs Records as a way for him to develop bands at the earliest stages of their careers (as well as to distract him from his degree). The label has worked with bands such as Flashguns, The Joy Formidable and Dinosaur Pile-Up. After graduation he worked in the A&R department at Atlantic before moving to Play It Again Sam in May 2011. Play It Again Sam is home to, amongst others, Seasick Steve, The Jezabels, Agnes Obel, Other Lives and the Jim Jones Revue. Moderator is Fredrik Sorea – Mr Datarock Himself and owner of independent record label Young Aspiring Professionals.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


GramArt, MØST og AKKS presenterer: Myter, musikk og media - historiefortelling i musikkbransjen, og hvorfor det er så viktig
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00am - 12:30pm @ Bootleg
    Hvorfor får musikkbransjen annerledes dekning i media enn andre bransjer? Hvordan oppstår myter? Hvordan kan vi best arbeide med våre egne historier og hvordan vil jeg/vi oppfattes?Med basis i medie- og kommunikasjonsvitenskap samt bruk av sosiologiske modeller, gjøres et dypdykk i musikkbransjens historiefortelling. Med lang erfaring som pressesjef på Hultsfred, turnerende artist, foredragsholder i musikk og Event Management ved Linnaeusuniversitet i Sverige, går Maria Engström Østby gjennom hvordan vi alle bruker mytene, hvordan de reflekteres i mediene og viktigheten av å ta kontroll over sin egen historie – både i ord og bilder.

    Deltakerne er velkomne til å bringe sine egne historier i form av biografier eller andre tekstpresentasjoner, eller bilder, så gir Maria sine kommentarer til hver enkelt.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


    Friday February 17, 2012 11:30am - 12:30pm @ Club7
    Avlysninger er arrangørens mareritt. Ofte kommer det brått på med knappe tidsfrister, og kanskje involverer det å sende et utsolgt hus hjem uten opplevelsen de har betalt for.Når man må avlyse et arrangement eller en turné er det et maskineri som må settes i gang. Flere arrangører og artister opplevde dette i sommer som følge av terrorhandlingene 22.juli, og flere husker godt våren 2010 og vulkanasken som lå tett over Nord/Vest-Europa. Noen må avlyse hele festivaler, sommerens – kanskje årets – eneste arrangement, mens andre må sjonglere med enkelte artister som uteblir. For de største helårsarrangørene er det å måtte avlyse eller flytte en konsert vanlig kost, mens de mindre arrangørene kanskje havner i en helt ny og ukjent situasjon. Er man forberedt dersom uhellet skulle være ute? Hvilke rutiner har eller bør man ha? Hva skjer med honorar, påløpte kostnader og refusjon av billetter? Lønner det seg å refundere billettene, eller bør man forsøke å finne en erstatning til å ta over plassen? Hvilket ansvar har man som arrangør ovenfor publikum? Hva er god nok informasjon? Har man et spesielt ansvar for publikum fra utlandet som ikke har fått med seg endringene? Det er mange spørsmål, vi forsøker å finne svarene og høste noen erfaringer fra folk som har kjent problemet på kroppen. Salen vil bli oppfordret til å stille spørsmål. Ordstyrer:
    Gry Bråtømyr, Norsk Rockforbund Panel:
    Bo Terje Hustoft, Rockefeller
    Claes Olsen, Øyafestivalen
    Tormod J L Olsen, Billettservice
    Stine Helén Pettersen, advokat Bing Hodneland advokatselskap DA
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: Norsk Musikkråd
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:00pm - 12:25pm @ Safety Pin
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.Norsk musikkråd er et samarbeidsnettverk og en interesseorganisasjon for musikklivet i Norge. Vi vil presentere støtteordningene Frifond og KOMP samt informere om de sjangerovergripende prosjektene Grenser for lyd og Norsk musikkråds akustikkprosjekt.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Streaming session 3: Streaming to reach people
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:00pm - 1:00pm @ Rockefabrikken
    There are exciting possibilities using streaming audio to market music – our experts will show you what these possibilities are and how streaming audio platforms are being used from both a label and a brand perspective.Panelists:
    David Adams – Business Development & Content Relations, SoundCloud
    Niklas Lundberg Label Relations Manager, Spotify
    Erik Brataas – CEO, Phonofile
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Music Export Norway presents: Meet the Music Supervisors, and get your music heard!
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:15pm - 1:15pm @ Ragnarock
    Some of the finest music supervisors from the LA area is visiting by:Larm. In this special panel you get to meet these music supervisors, and hear what projects they are working on, and what kind of music they are currently looking for.After this session, there will be a second one where the music supervisors have listened to some of the by:Larm artist. And will comment these acts in terms of what kind of projects they might fit into. In the panel: Thomas Golubic (Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead), Chris Mollere (The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars), Chris Douridas (Megamind, Monstrers vs Aliens), Mamie Coleman (Fox) and Richard Glasser (Scream 4, My Week With Marilyn) Moderator: Rebecca Rienks (E! Entertainment/NBC Universal).
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: Gaffa
    Friday February 17, 2012 12:30pm - 12:55pm @ Safety Pin
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.Musikkmediet GAFFA har blitt en viktig aktør i Skandinavia. Hvordan skal de lykkes i Norge? Hvorfor er det en styrke å jobbe ut fra et skandinavisk perspektiv? Møt redaktørene Johan Lothsson (Sverige), Øyvind Rones (Norge) og Nordic CEO Robert Borges.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: Musikkbyen Oslo
    Friday February 17, 2012 1:00pm - 1:25pm @ Safety Pin
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminar.Foreningen Musikkbyen Oslo (MO) ble opprettet for å stimulere til godt samarbeid og ivareta interessene til ulike aktører innen musikk på mange nivåer i Osloregionen. Informasjon om Musikkbyens aktiviteter og planer.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Festivaler og organisasjonskultur
    Friday February 17, 2012 1:00pm - 2:00pm @ Club7
    Det er allment kjent at Norge er et festivalland, med et stort tilbud av store og små festivaler fordelt mellom by og bygd over hele landet. Mange av disse har vokst frem de siste ti årene, men på veien er det flere som har møtt veggen, dratt på seg stygge røde tall og måtte legge ned noe som en gang var et lovende prosjekt med positive fremtidsutsikter. Det kan være mange årsaker til at en festival går over ende, en feilslått booking, lite samarbeidsvillige værguder eller eksterne hendelser utenfor festivalens kontroll. Det som imidlertid kjennetegner mange stabile og vellykkede festivaler som klarer å bygge seg opp fra grunnen, er en god organisasjonskultur.Organisasjonskulturen kan være alfa og omega for at et prosjekt skal kunne vokse seg stort på sikt hvis økonomien er sparsom i starten, og en trygg og motivert organisasjon er ofte godt rustet til å håndtere motgang. Med organisasjonskultur mener vi bl.a. hvordan organisasjonen definerer seg selv, lederstil, hvordan deltakerne relaterer seg til hverandre og til omverdenen, hvilke verdier man står for, følelsen av felleskap og eierskap til festivalen og hvordan deltakerne får motivasjon til å holde sammen og stå på for et felles mål. Det kan høres enkelt ut, men eksemplene på arrangementer og organisasjoner som råtner innenfra er mange. Allikevel er dette et område der man med enkle midler kan bygge en god grunnmur, dersom man har et bevisst forhold til det. Hva er hemmeligheten bak blomstrende og uortodokse festivaler som for eksempel Vinjerock eller Eikerapen?
    Kan vi peke på noen eksempler der store festivaler har kommet inn i en nedadgående spiral og gått til grunne på grunn av interne problemer, og hva skal en festival, eller for den saks skyld enhver annen organisasjon med store ambisjoner og må ressurser, være bevisst på for å forme den solide og sammensveisede gjengen man trenger for å gå ut i ”krigen”? I panelet:
    Eirik Høyme Rogn, festivalsjef/booking Vinjerock
    Thomas Ryjord, tidl. bookingsjef Storåsfestivalen
    Flere TBA Ordstyrer: Tor Åge B. Eikerapen (33) er psykolog og jobber til daglig med leder- og organisasjonsutvikling i Storform. Han er også kursleder i Norsk Rockforbund og tidligere festivalleder i Eikerapen Roots Festival, som han etablerte i 2004.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Music Ally Digital training sessions: Twitter
    Friday February 17, 2012 1:00pm - 2:00pm @ Bootleg
    The leading digital music business information and strategy company, Music Ally, has been providing publications, consulting, research, events and training to the music and technology industries since 2001. In this session, we’ll be examining the micro blogging site that has a vast importance in the music business today.Music Ally’s executives come from a genuine music business background, from the sharp end of the major label recording and publishing worlds through to digital business strategy, licensing and retail. This means Music Ally understands the relationships and the politics that drive the real-world activity within the music industry; backed up with a full complement of market data, consumer research, forecasting and trend insight. Not only will we be dissecting the components that make Twitter tick, we’ll also be looking at some of the most effective low budget tools that anyone can use to get the most from this social network. The session will be concluded by looking at what we can learn from some of the most interesting and creative campaigns using Twitter. Sarah Lewin is the Editor of Sandbox, Music Ally’s digital music marketing publication. At Music Ally she has written a chapter for the MMF unsigned book on live touring, has worked on numerous research projects for small music start-ups through to labels, music companies and trade organisations. She also delivered digital marketing training for EMI internationally.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Gramart presents: Tom Jackson´s Live Music Makeover - The Cure for the Common Show
    Friday February 17, 2012 1:00pm - 3:00pm @ Riksscenen
    Tom Jackson is a master of creating musical moments out of your songs! In this session, you’ll see what your rehearsal should look like.Tom Jackson, world renowned live music producer, helps artists develop their show into “unique memorable moments!” What a live music producer does onstage with the live show is akin to what a record producer would do in the studio. Tom’s “Live Music Methods” make your live show engaging, exceeding audience’s expectations and creates fans for life. Many successful artists have learned from Tom: Taylor Swift, Jars of Clay, Jordin Sparks, The Band Perry, Casting Crowns, Francesca Battistelli, Gloriana, and other acts you admire! Selected performers will receive a Live Music Makeover that pulls out their uniqueness and helps them connect emotionally to everyone in the audience. A crash course in going from good to great onstage, this session is invaluable for any artist serious about their career! QUOTES
    “Tom Jackson is a jaw-droppingly outstanding live music producer. A true master, and I don’t mean that lightly. I’m recommending him to every serious performing artist I know.” – Derek Sivers, Founder of CDBaby and HostBaby “If you do anything to further your career, listen to what Tom Jackson has to say! It will change everything you thought about performing live, and better than that…it will keep you performing live for years to come.” – Derrick Ross, Slaight Music (formerly with SL Feldman & Assoc. Norah Jones, Avril Lavigne, Barenaked Ladies) “Tom makes a major impact…he’s a true creative partner who helps realize the artist’s full performance potential.” – Matt Serletic, Producer (Santana, Celine Dion, Aerosmith, Matchbox Twenty)
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: MFO
    Friday February 17, 2012 1:30pm - 1:55pm @ Safety Pin
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.Musikernes fellesorganisasjon (MFO) er et fagforbund for musikere innenfor alle sjangre og yrkesgrupper. Musikkpedagoger, operasangere, ballettdansere, sufflører, inspisienter, musikkstudenter og -elever er også organisert i MFO som har mer enn 7 000 medlemmer og er tilsluttet Landsorganisasjonen i Norge (LO). MFO vil orientere om sine arbeidsoppgaver og hva organisasjonen kan tilby deg som medlem.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Music Export Norway presenterer: Sync i Norden
    Friday February 17, 2012 1:30pm - 2:30pm @ Ragnarock
    Plassering av musikk i film, TV, reklame og spill har blitt stadig en viktigere inntektskilde for plateselskap, forleggere og musikere. Hvem er aktørene som plasserer musikk i Norden?Møt de som setter musikk til kampanjer for blant andre H&M, Ikea, Volvo og If. Få innblikk i hvordan dette markedet fungerer i Norden, hvordan de jobber og hvilke prosjekter og klienter de jobber med nå. I panelet:
    Johan Borg (Ohlogy: H&M, Dressmann)
    Jesper Gadeberg (Musicstylist.Com: Volvo, Audi, Sparebank1)
    Jan Tørresen (Dust Music Consulting)
    John Erik Kaada (Musiker og komponist) Ordstyrer: Henrik Hawor (Riviera)
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: Arkon
    Friday February 17, 2012 2:00pm - 2:25pm @ Safety Pin
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.Arkon (tidligere akkreditering.net) har siden 2005 levert prisgunstige løsninger for akkreditering og frivilligbehandling til festivaler og andre arrangement. Systemet er utviklet etter kundenes behov og legger stor vekt på å kombinere enkelhet med mer avansert funksjonalitet som kreves i en pulserende og hektisk festivalhverdag. Arkon brukes av kunder med 30 til 8000 registrerte og hadde i 2011 over 60.000 registreringer fordelt på 40 arrangement med bl.a. Slottsfjellfestivalen, Døgnvillfestivalen, Hovefestivalen, Buktafestivalen, Steinkjerfestivalen, Riddu Riððu, Vossajazz etc. Vi presenterer her systemets muligheter samt årets nyheter med verktøy for vaktlister og billettering.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Streaming session 4: Artist & manager Q & A - Billie Ray Martin with Erik Nielsen
    Friday February 17, 2012 2:00pm - 2:30pm @ Rockefabrikken
    Billie Ray Martin was a founding member of the techno-pop group Electribe 101, scoring a series of club hits including “Talking with Myself.”Eventually going solo, Martin debuted in 1995 with Deadline for My Memories; the first single, “Your Loving Arms,” not only reached the UK Top Ten but also topped the American club charts, while its follow-up “Running Around Town” fell just shy of the US Top Ten. Martin resurfaced in 1999 with the Crimes & Punishment EP, which was followed two years later by 18 Carat Garbage, her first album released on her own Sonnenstahl imprint. Erik Nielsen is a Music Managers Forum board member and currently manages A Genuine Freakshow. He is also a Digital and Creative Consultant at Rocket Music Management and has many years experience managing topline acts, including Marillion.
    This panel will welcome questions form the audience as the basis for discussion.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Hansa Borg presenterer: Bands & Brands
    Friday February 17, 2012 2:00pm - 4:00pm @ Kongesuiten
    Samarbeid mellom band og merkevarer har blitt en viktig side av det å være musiker og band i Danmark. Etter at fysisk platesalg har falt drastisk de siste årene, har musikkbransjen blitt tvunget til å hente inntekter fra andre forretningsområder. NB: Deltakelse krever invitasjon.Del 1
    Det danske artistutviklingsbyrået Volcano har jobbet målrettet med dette spenningsfeltet gjennom de siste tre årene. Første del av dette seminaret ser på de erfaringer Volcano har gjort seg fra sitt ståsted i musikkbransjen, og vil også være nyttig for tilbydere av merkevarer som ønsker å vite mer om hva musikkbransjen har å tilby. Volcano er Danmarks ledende firma innen management/artistutvikling, og har utforsket flere nye idèer når det kommer til hvordan artister kan tjene penger gjennom koblinger med næringslivet, og hvordan næringslivet kan ha glede av å koble seg opp mot musikk for å oppnå større markedsandeler. Vi får besøk av Kasper Bjærgbæk og Kristian Riis fra Volcano. Sistnevnte er også gitarist i Danmarks mest kjente rockband, Nephew, og har et perspektiv på dette både fra rollen som manager og som artist. Del 2
    Det danske bryggeriet Royal Unibrew har, med sin visjonære tilnærming til samarbeidet mellom band og merkevare, styrket sitt brand og vunnet andeler på det danske markedet. Særlig har kampanjen “Tak Rock” som var et samarbeid mellom det danske bandet Kashmir og Royal Unibrew, ført til konkrete og målbare resultater i form av økte markedsandeler og synlighet. Royal vil i samarbeid med Volcano fortelle om hvordan prosjektet ble til og hvordan det ble utført. Etter foredragene blir det anledning til å stille spørsmål fra salen.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Music Ally Digital training sessions: Advertising
    Friday February 17, 2012 2:15pm - 3:15pm @ Bootleg
    The leading digital music business information and strategy company, Music Ally, has been providing publications, consulting, research, events and training to the music and technology industries since 2001. This session will be focussed on the self service advertising networks which anyone can use to promote their band.Music Ally’s executives come from a genuine music business background, from the sharp end of the major label recording and publishing worlds through to digital business strategy, licensing and retail. This means Music Ally understands the relationships and the politics that drive the real-world activity within the music industry; backed up with a full complement of market data, consumer research, forecasting and trend insight. This session will be looking at the opportunities and limitations of advertising music and tips for a creating a successful advertising campaign. The session will be concluded by examples of creative advertising that could inspire your next campaign. Sarah Lewin is the Editor of Sandbox, Music Ally’s digital music marketing publication. At Music Ally she has written a chapter for the MMF unsigned book on live touring, has worked on numerous research projects for small music start-ups through to labels, music companies and trade organisations. She also delivered digital marketing training for EMI internationally.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: Norsk Kulturråd, støtteordninger
    Friday February 17, 2012 2:30pm - 3:55pm @ Safety Pin
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.14.30: Arrangørstøtte
    Målgruppen for denne ordningen er konsertarrangører, scener og regionale kulturhus med et konserttilbud innen alle musikksjangre. Hvordan søke arrangørstøtte, hva kreves og hvor mye kan du søke om? Ca. 15:00: Musikkfestivalstøtte
    Formålet med tilskuddsordningen er å bidra til at musikkfestivaler på et høyt kunstnerisk og profesjonelt nivå kan opprettholdes og utvikles. Ordningen gir tilskudd til musikkfestivaler som arrangeres årlig eller annethvert år med minst to dagers varighet, og som mottar offentlige tilskudd fra egen region. Hvordan søke støtte til din festival, hva kreves, hvor mye kan du søke om og hvordan rapportere i etterkant? Ca. 15.30: Musikerstøtte
    Målgruppen er profesjonelle utøvere, ensembler, grupper og artister som allerede har markert seg regionalt, nasjonalt eller internasjonalt. Også støtteapparat og management kan søke om tilskudd på vegne av utøverne. Tiltak med talentutvikling som målsetning kan også søke. Du får her informasjon om hva som kreves av en søknad og hvordan rapportere i etterkant.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Streaming session 5: The future, Jim, but not as we know it...
    Friday February 17, 2012 2:45pm - 3:45pm @ Rockefabrikken
    For EUR 10 per month you can now have unlimited on demand access to all of the world’s music anywhere you like. What happens next? Is this the end of days for music services? Or are there more frontiers to explore? What do people really want…..?American “super angel”investor Ron Conway’s claimed in November that the next stage of innovation in digital music will see Apple, Google, Amazon, Pandora and Spotify become the main established music access platforms on top of which new services will be built.
    At the same time, hack and API culture is really starting to take off with major labels like EMI providing developer access to catalogue via the Echo Nest or global movements like Music Hack Day galvanising innovation. Have we reached ‘the end of music’? Or is it just the beginning? Panelists:
    Daniel Johanson – Chief Executive Officer, TrendMaze
    David Adams – Business Development & Content Relations, SoundCloud
    Tristan Jehan – Chief techinical Officer, Echo Nest After the seminar: meet the panellists networking session
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


The rise of the concert industry; a story about ticketing
    Friday February 17, 2012 3:00pm - 4:00pm @ Club7
    In 2011, long time music journalists Dean Budnick and Josh Baron published the book “Ticket Masters – The rise of the concert industry and how the public got scalped”, a timely account of the multi-billion dollar concert industry. The authors are coming to by:Larm and will guide us through the as-yet-untold story of the live entertainment industry, revealing its origins, development and ongoing strategies of companies such as the now dominant Ticketmaster, Live Nation and StubHub and the efforts of numerous independent competitors.Like no previous book, Ticket Masters sheds light upon the complex relationships between artists, promoters, ticketing agents and the public. Beginning with the previously unreported details behind the rise and demise of the once-dominant Ticketron, Ticket Masters proceeds to share gripping accounts and analysis of Ticketmaster’s eventual market supremacy, SFX and Clear Channel’s promoter rollup, the cutthroat battle for secondary ticket sales and numerous other tales of the industry’s most significant architects. Whether it’s Michael Cohl nabbing the Stones from Bill Graham, Ticketmaster’s defeat of Pearl Jam or the silent efforts of music superstars to mark up their ticket prices for complicit websites, Budnick and Baron examine the pivotal developments that have shaped the industry as we know it. Dean Budnick, the executive editor of Relix magazine, is the founder of Jambands.com, the cocreator of the Jammy Awards, and the director of the documentary film Wetlands Preserved: The Story of an Activist Rock Club. He holds a Ph.D. from Harvard’s History of American Civilization program and a J.D. from Columbia Law School. Josh Baron is the editor-in-chief of Relix magazine, a music-based publication where he has been on staff for more than a decade. Baron also contributes to a variety of media outlets including New York City–based radio station WFUV where he serves as a music reviewer.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Retromania - Simon Reynolds
    Friday February 17, 2012 3:00pm - 4:30pm @ Ragnarock
    By:Larm proudly presents a Q&A with Simon Reynolds, one of the most influential writers on music and popular culture in our time.Reynolds is the author of seven books, including this year’s Retromania: Pop Culture’s Addiction To Its Own Past, Rip It Up and Start Again: Postpunk 1978-84 (2005), and Energy Flash: A Journey Through Rave Music and Dance Culture (1998; expanded and updated reissue, 2008). He writes about music and popular culture for numerous publications including The New York Times, The Wire, Slate, The Guardian, Frieze, Los Angeles Times, and Village Voice. Born in London in 1963, he lived in New York for most of the 90s and 2000s, and currently lives in Los Angeles. Interviewer: Audun Vinger (editor Vinduet)
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


TONO – låtskrivernes organisasjon
    Friday February 17, 2012 3:30pm - 5:30pm @ Bootleg
    TONO forvalter komponistenes, tekstforfatternes og musikkforlagenes rettigheter i musikkverk. Lær mer om TONOs virksomhet og hvordan du som lager musikk kan få betalt når musikken din brukes.Lager du musikk eller tekst til musikk?
    Blir musikken din spilt offentlig eller innspilt på plate?
    Spiller du egen eller andres musikk live?
    Hva med musikken på din egen hjemmeside? I den første timen blir det presentasjon av TONO og praktisk info for nye og eksisterende medlemmer. I time 2 kommer TONOs medlemsservice for å gi råd og svare på spørsmål.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: Music Export Norway
    Friday February 17, 2012 4:00pm - 4:25pm @ Safety Pin
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.Music Export Norway er et ressurssenter for aktører som jobber med eksport av norsk musikk. De vil her fortelle mer om hva Music Export Norway er, hvem og hva de jobber for, og ikke minst hvordan.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Hvordan markedsføre musikken din gjennom WiMP?
    Friday February 17, 2012 4:00pm - 5:00pm @ Rockefabrikken
    En introduksjon for artister, labels, promotører, managere etc.Musikk strømmningstjenesten WiMP skiller seg ut gjennom en sterk redaksjonell profil, og gjennom å fokusere spesielt på lokal musikk i hvert marked. WiMP arbeider kontinuerlig for å promotere innhold, og denne økten gir deg et innblikk i hvordan WiMPs redaktører jobber til daglig, samt hvordan de avgjør hva som skal fremheves i deres kanaler. Du får også en rask gjennomgang av hvordan du kan markedsføre din musikk eller artist i WiMPs strømmingsverden, med alle de unike mulighetene som WiMP kan tilby.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Info:Larm: Gramart
    Friday February 17, 2012 4:30pm - 4:55pm @ Safety Pin
    Info:Larm er en ny seminarrekke der organisasjoner, støtteordninger, offentlige instanser og andre som har noe viktig på hjertet får 25 minutter til å formidle sin informasjon. Info:Larm har start hver hele og halve time. Organisasjonene vil være tilgjengelige for spørsmål utenfor konferanserommet etter seminaret.GramArt er landets største interesseorganisasjon for norske artister og har 3 500 medlemmer innen alle sjangre fra hele landet. Organisasjonen jobber daglig for å forenkle artistenes hverdag og gjør en viktig oppgave med å jobbe politisk for å bedre rammevilkårene for norske artister. De vil fortelle om hvilke fordeler du som profesjonell artist eller musiker har ved å være medlem i Gramart.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


The Nordic live music market
    Friday February 17, 2012 4:30pm - 5:30pm @ Club7
    What is going on in the Nordic live music market? What are the topics of debate? How is the business doing these days? And what does the future look like? The international live entertainment business has gone through major changes the last two decades, starting in the US and slowly spreading over to Europe. How has this affected the Nordic region, and what changes are still to come?Festival Market: In Sweden “old” festivals like Arvika and Hultsfred had to give up. Hultsfred got a second chance with investment from the German promoter FKP Scorpio. At the same time small festivals that have been around for years grew exponentially in a very short space of time, Peace & Love for example. In Sweden several festivals are also operated by Live Nation, like Metaltown and Way Out West, while the only one in Norway with an international backing is Hove Festival owned by London based company Festival Republic, which in turn counts Live Nation as a major shareholder. In Denmark most of the festivals are run by organizations/volunteers, but at the same time the young North Side Festival in Aarhus is being backed by the Danish promoter Skandinavian together with FKP Scorpio. Over in the east, again several festivals are run by Live Nation Finland and other big promoters such as Fullsteam Agency in a rapid growing festival market. Club Market: Sweden is well known for artists with attitude and is fantastic at exporting its music, but how is the live market at home? How come Oslo is the Nordic capital with most live music shows every year? And what´s up in Denmark and Finland? We have put together a panel that will discuss the live music business in the Nordic region, as we know it today, and maybe someone will bring along a crystal ball… Moderator: James Drury, Festival Awards Ltd (UK) Panel:
    Martin Nielsen, Live Nation (Norway)
    Juha Kyyrö, Fullsteam Agency (Finland)
    Brian Nielsen, Skandinavian (Denmark)
    Johan Lindqvist, Blixten & co (Sweden)
    Torgeir Gullaksen, Goldstar Music (Norway)
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Multikultur i musikkbransjen
    Friday February 17, 2012 4:45pm - 5:45pm @ Ragnarock
    Mokkamannhumor! Islamkritisk metall! Nazirock! Homsefiendtlig hip hop! Ideologisk mangfold i et flerkulturellt musikknorden. Musikkens evne til å inspirere og påvirke er udiskutabelt sterk, bare tenk på Elvis, Woodstock og pønkrock. Musikk lar seg forme, men er også med på å forme samfunnet. I dagens flerkulturelle Skandinavia leveres en rekke ideologiske budskap gjennom musikken. Hvilke er disse og hvilke konsekvenser får de?«Vi tror ikke på flerkultur. Vi tror det er en drøm fra Disneyland», skrev en stortingsrepresentant fra Frp sommeren 2010. Halvannet år senere er Norge blitt rammet av grusomme terrorhandlinger som har gjort debatten om multikulturalisme mer opphetet enn noensinne. Eller vent… Er det blitt for lite rom for å tenke radikalt, kontroversielt og annerledes – også i musikken? Er et viktig meningsmangfold blitt kvalt av koselig kardemommestemning? Er musikkindustrien for konfliktsky og konform i sitt fokus på radiolister og flinke, spiselige artister med kjedelige karrierefremmende motiver? Eller bør vi se folkelig gla’rasisme (plumbogate) islamfiendtlig metall (Taake) og svensk nazirock (som ABBs favorittband Saga) som reelle faresignaler og utfordringer for det nordiske musikkscene og samfunn forøvrig?
    Velkommen til debatt om musikkindustri, verdier og politisk musikkengasjement i det moderne, flerkulturelle norden. Panel:
    Magdi Omar Ytreeide Abdelmaguid (Artist fra den norske hip hop duoen Karpe Diem)
    Nazneen Kahn Østrem (Forlagsredaktør for dokumentar i Aschehoug)
    Aslak Nore (Forfatter, forlegger og samfunnsdebatant)
    Didrik Søderlind: (Rådgiver i Human-Etisk Forbund og redaktør for tidsskriftet Humanist)
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


    Friday February 17, 2012 5:00pm - 6:00pm @ Edderkoppen
    MusicDNA er en metode utviklet av det norske selskapet Bach Technology AS i samarbeid med Fraunhofer Institute, bedre kjent som “oppfinerne av mp3”. Hovedkomponenten i MusicDNA er en såkalt “audio analyzer” som analyserer hvert segment i hver låt, for deretter å kalkulere låt-profiler, artistprofiler, konsumentprofiler osv. for å kunne forbedre anbefalinger og integrasjon mellom forskjellige type tjenester og applikasjoner.Produktet hadde en betydelig mediedekning under sin pre-lansering under MIDEM 2010, og ved utgangen av 2011 har selskapet analysert 14 millioner lydspor. Fra i sommer har selskapet begynt å lansere en serie med kommersielle applikasjonen for online tjenester, hardware-produsenter, musikkprodusenter og artister. Under by:larm vil man få en introduksjon til MusicDNA generelt, samt se konkrete eksempler på hvordan man kan benytte MusicDNA-teknologien til å øke brukeropplevelsen for konsumenter samt nytte-effekten for artister og musikkprodusenter. Noen scenarier: - Kombinasjon av musikkanalyse og rikt medieinnhold for å skape et nytt dynamisk albumkonsept eller artist-apper
    - Integrering av streaming/download med andre online tjenester
    - Applikasjoner som bedrer artisters muligheter for promotering og sikring av vederlag
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Red Bull Music Academy and by:Larm presenterer: Dj Harvey
    Friday February 17, 2012 5:00pm - 6:00pm @ Blå
    It is a great pleasure to welcome the legendary DJ Harvey back to Oslo! This time he’s here both to talk (about Red Bull Academy) and to play (DJ at Blå together with Prins Thomas)
    NB: The lecture is free and open to everybody.For the uninitiated; Harvey is one of the DJ culture’s elder statesmen. After spending his teens as a graffiti artist in Cambridge, his attention turned to the other mainstay in hip hop: DJing. His knack for finding obscure, yet danceable tunes was unsurpassed – something he has truly perfected over the years. He was one of the first Europeans to bring garage, disco and house across from the U.S. to Europe, and introduced Great Britain to people like Francois K and Kenny Carpenter. After a residency at Ministry of Sound in London, he started releasing obscure disco himself through the small, now near legendary label Black Cock. He is also behind the band Map of Africa together with Rub-n-Tugs / Thomas Bullock. Few album releases have stirred up more positive response internationally, and we can only hope that we will hear more from this duo. Harvey is a sought after producer and re-mixer, and has done remixes of artists like The Police, Cornershop, LCD Soundsystem and, just recently, House of House’s fabulous “Rushing to Paradise”. He also hosts the monthly club Harveysarcasticdisco in San Francisco.
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


Where will you stream tomorrow? The hurricane development of streaming services from the cradle of Norway
    Friday February 17, 2012 5:15pm - 6:00pm @ Rockefabrikken
    Per Einar Dybvik of Aspiro, the company behind award winning music streaming service WiMP, tells the fascinating story of how Scandinavia’s position at the forefront of development will come to guide the rest of the world’s music distribution, for the second time.With a background at Telenor Research, Schibsted Mobile and for over ten years at Aspiro, Dybvik presents unique insight on the history of music distribution from a mobile point of view. From the very first time it was possible to carry music with you, through today’s reality where anyone can have millions of songs in their pocket at any time, Scandinavia has played a key role. How did this come about, where do we stand today and what is next in store?
    Type Seminar (delegates only)


GAFFA presents Friday @ Mono
    Friday February 17, 2012 5:59pm - 6:29pm @ Mono
    Gaffa Magazine presents Friday @ Mono, featuring; Snorri Helgason (IS), Siinai (FI), Bendik (N), Little Majorette (S), The New Tigers (FI), Iceage (DK)
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Snorri Helgason (IS)
    Friday February 17, 2012 6:00pm - 6:30pm @ Mono
    Snorri Helgason, formerly of Sprengjuhöllin, is a singer-songwriter from Reykjavik, Iceland. At age 19, Snorri decided to devote his life to the only thing that ever truly interested him – music. He taught himself to play guitar, sing and write songs. When Sprengjuhöllin went on hiatus in 2009, Snorri recorded a solo album focusing on the folk and Americana influences at the centre of his musical tastes. The album, “I’m Gonna Put My Name On Your Door” was released in Iceland in November of 2009 and in Europe and the US in December 2010 through Kimi Records, to the usual critical acclaim. Since 2009, Snorri has toured excessively, building a diverse and spread-out fan base while honing his craft as a performer and songwriter. He’s played shows in some far flung parts of the world like Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Faenza, Italy and performed sold-out shows in international music nexus points such as New York, Berlin and London. His personal, understated yet intense live shows, whether playing solo or with a band, have garnered positive reviews from blogs and magazines all around the world. With his home grown and self-taught approach to songwriting, Snorri has been favorably compared to singer-songwriter greats like Paul Simon, Harry Nilsson and Neil Young. While his music resonates with past greats, his mixing of diverse influences of everything from soul to Britpop to glam-rock into his primarily folk-based songs, not to mention his Icelandic background, leaves us with something entirely unique. Snorri is now based in London. He released his sophomore solo album, “Winter Sun” in Iceland in August 2011. The album was produced by Icelandic indie-pop great Sindri Már Sigfússon (Seabear, Sin Fang) and has received unanimous critical praise domestically.
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Beaten To Death (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 6:30pm - 7:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Beaten To Death made their debut on the 23rd of September with eighteen minutes and thirty six seconds of extraordinary, dirty, catchy grindcore! Machine gun drums, agressive guitars, snarling bass and truly evil vocals are the foundations of Beaten To Death. Rising out of this hideous darkness are beautiful harmonies and with a smattering of brutally groovy tracks, “Xes and Strokes” is an infectious and ebullient record, that’s irresistible no matter what your taste is.
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Østkanten Bluesklubb´s vorspiel: Swingville Brothers
    Friday February 17, 2012 7:00pm - 7:30pm @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    A duo from Oslo consisting of Dag Bøgeberg on vocals, guitar, drums, and Esben Johnsen on bass. Some might know these veterans in the Norwegian rock’n’roll / rockabilly community from The Tempo Toppers. The Swingville Bros. carry on the boy’s love for jagged rock and roll / rockabilly / country, and they amaze their audience with the sheer power they produce on stage.
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Dark Times (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 7:30pm - 8:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Trio Dark Times began life in Oslo in 2010 as group with no previous band experience, and with minimal musical knowledge. However, they quickly got to it, recording a demo that Autumn, which was subsequently released on cassette by DIY labels Ormeyngel and on Sacred Tapes in the US. One of the tracks was featured on Fysisk Format’s Bransjevelter #6. Dark Times’ noisy brand of punk has been well received by the underground scene their nascent live career has now begun with shows in Oslo and Bergen. The band is also part of the Black Hole Crew, along with Okkultokrati, Haust and Drugged SS. In the Autumn of 2011 they released a 7-inch on Sheep Chase Records and are planning a full length album for 2012. Reviews:
    “[the demo] was as much a mission statement of intent than anything else. It cracked a trebly and raw take on making a Riotous bat in little under a quarter of an hour” – jajajamusic.com “Worlds Away “In particular is a great example of the band that their best; a dark trudge brimming with resentment” – itsatrap.com
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Eik (N)


Highasakite (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    Ingrid Helene Håvik from Your Headlights Are On and Trond Bersu from Pelbo are the core of HighasaKite. Vocals, zither, electronics and drums form the basis of the band’s sound. In the studio the band are joined by Krøyt’s Thomas Dahl on guitar and live the band are augmented by Sacred Harp’s Øystein Skar on keys. HighasaKite are a relatively new proposition, but even in a short space of time, a lot has happened. They won the 2011 Momentum prize netting them 15 days at the Ocean Sound studio and a slot at now key event Sommerfesten Giske. In addition they’ve had a couple of nods from NRK Urørt and that’s resulted in airplay on P3 as well as being playlisted on a number of other regional stations. Their debut album is now complete and will be released via Riot Factory. “Like a warm breeze HighasaKite swathe you in mystery, something that feels both comfortable and healthy. “Indian Summer” has qualities that sound like they’re from the world that Lykke Li plays in, cool electronic pop with a good ear for melody and stunning vocals." – NRK P3 Urørt
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Scarlet Chives (DK)
    Friday February 17, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ Rockefeller annex
    A landscape of sound, pictures and feelings that draws you in to a magical musical wonderland! Hypnotic shoegaze which makes your dreams go pop. Maria Mortensen’s dreamy vocal is at the very centre of their noisy, orchestrated and playful alternative-pop which harks back to classic shoegaze and dream-pop. From Winter 2009 until Autumn 2010 the band worked on recording their self-titled debut album. Produced and mixed by Brian Batz (Sleep Party People) and English producer Paul Schroeder (Stone Roses, The Verve and Talk Talk). The album was released in February 2011 in Denmark via A:larm Music / Sureleaf to excellent reviews, the record being subsequently released in Norway on Riot Factory.
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Siinai (FI) - Nordic Music Prize nominee
    Friday February 17, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ Mono
    Coming from the same neo-kraut scene as bands like K-X-P and Joensuu 1685, Siinai was formed in the cold of the Finnish winter by four friends who all share a long background in the Finnish music scene. With members from bands like Joensuu1685, Zebra and Snake & Äänijännite the band immeadiately began to create a buzz in Finland. “Siinai were brilliant: almost totally instrumental, with intense Krautish rhythms, ebbing and flowing melodies delivered with an intensity that only Finnish bands can summon.”
    -Kieron Tyler (MOJO/The Arts Desk) on their set at SPOT
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The Field (Solo Live Set) - Nordic Music Prize nominee
    Friday February 17, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ Kulturkirken Jacob
    It’s with the arrival of Looping State Of Mind on October 24th (via Kompakt) that you finally realise that, for The Field’s ambient techno explorer Axel Willner, the loop never stops. While fans and critics alike point to 2007’s phenomenal debut From Here We Go Sublime – included in Pitchfork’s Top 100 albums of the 2000s – and 2009’s equally stirring follow up Yesterday & Today as standalone points of the Swede’s music; it becomes clear that they appear as mere snapshots of what, for the producer, is a continual cycle of revolutions. Revelling in the warm recognition of their recurring patterns, imbuing conflicting twin senses of present and nostalgia, familiarity doesn’t breed contempt; for Willner sees each loop as another chance to adjust, to build upon and multiply so that several of even the slightest nuances can combine to form a true aural evolution. Previous ideas have been expanded upon and, more importantly, new ones added; vocal samples now creep around signature sound washes, whispering on the periphery; greater contrast has been added with acoustic instruments such as double bass and piano recorded amongst the samples – the result of recording of in the fully-equipped Dumbo Studios in Kompakt’s home town of Cologne. Many of the initial sketches, however, still came from Willner himself at his home studio in Berlin, suggesting an embryonic growth to the creation process; “some of the ideas stretching back to the debut are still there,” he says, cementing this idea of furthering the re-visited, “but we’ve just made a real attempt to grow the sound.” The album was mixed by Jörg Burger aka The Modernist.
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Hymns From Nineveh (DK)
    Friday February 17, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ The Crossroad Club
    Hymns from Nineveh was one of the year’s most critically acclaimed Danish albums and was was subsequently hailed as album of the year by Gaffa. Behind this self titled debut is one Jonas Petersen a Danish singer and guitarist who works under the alias Hymns from Nineveh. Hymns from Nineveh are the sound of life’s highs and low, protest songs and hymns respectively, melancholy and joy. All feelings evoked by his live shows, when he’s joined on stage by seven other musicians. “It was during the morning downpour that Hymns from Nineveh took to the stage, and played one of the best sets of the year’s Rosklide festival, you live and breathe for moments like that. The Danish debutants, with Jonas “Hymnboy” Petersen leading the charge, gave an inspired performance of dynamic folk-rock songs lifted from their brilliantly ramshackle debut album." – Kim Skotte for Politiken reviewing theur performance at Roskilde 2011
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Prinspolo (ICL)
    Friday February 17, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Revolver
    Prinspóló is the alter-ego of Skakkamanage’s front man Svavar Pétur Eysteinsson. Prinspóló sings about the important things in life, like food and senior citizens. His quirky lyrics and catchy tunes has gained him some popularity amongst the downtown Reykjavík music scene and among suburban housewives. Prinspóló has released one EP called “Einn Heima” and new LP is being released on Kimi Records in the beginning of June 2011. The album is called “Jukk”, meaning everything, something and nothing. Prinspóló performs with a band comprised of musicians drawn from FM Belfast, Reykjavík! and Sudden Weather Change.
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Sirkus Eliassen (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Nokia teltet
    Sirkus Eliassen are brothers Erik and Magnus Eliassen from Bodø. Younger brother Erik is the dancehall fan, whilst the elder brother Magnus has previously released a solo album as well as several tracks with Tungtvann, Kråkesølv and Joddski. As a duo the brothers made their debut only in 2010 and have taken their hometown by storm with a number of phenomenal shows. Their first single “Hjem til dæ” was released in June and quickly became one of the hits of the Summer. The track got masses of plays online and was A-listed on NRK P3. The duo are currently working on new material and have a bunch of hits ready to unleash in the none too distant future.
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Thom Hell (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Rockefeller
    It was during Autumn 2010 when the plan for the recording of what would be Thom Hell’s fifth studio album began to take shape. Thom had established contact with one of his true heroes, Jason Falkner. The songwriter, solo artist, session musician, producer and composer of the soundtrack to Ocean’s 13. “Last year I took a chance and sent him a message, asking if he was at a loose end and wondering if he wanted to make a record with me. He said yes and so we got on with it. We gave ourselves three days together to see if it worked. No pressure to do anything in particular, just to see if it clicked. After the first day we went out partying together.” For Thomas the songwriting and recording process for this record has been vital. “If I hadn’t had the outlet that songwriting can give, I’d have been fucked. It is about getting over stuff and getting back on the horse as fast as possible.” The result comes on February 13th, with the release of the album entitled “Suddenly Past”.
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Zoom winner - Slim B & Horvei the Greatness (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Slim-B & Horvei The Greatness and Rabalasset are a new shot at the hip-hop establishment with their live based hip-hop hybrid. Their style is comprised of a bunch of elements that you wouldn’t normally associate with hip-hop. A seven man band create an intensity more reminiscent of a punk band rather than hip-hop and the lyrics are sung in English with an American swagger. The sound is characterised by dark, slamming beats that brings it all together.
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Ask Embla (N/S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    Ask Embla are Swedish songwriter/producer Arnthor Birgisson (though actually born in Iceland) and Norwegian songwriter Ina Wroldsen. Between them they have written hits for huge international artists including Britney Spears, Leona Lewis, Shontelle, J-Lo and the Pussycat Dolls. With their Icelandic and Norwegian background they’ve come together to form a unique sound that defines Ask Embla.
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AutoLaser (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Dattera til Hagen
    AutoLaser has been one of Trondheim’s best kept secrets for a while now. A buzz band for those in the know, who’ve mooted the band as one to watch in the coming year. AutoLaser are unorthodox, with an audacity that is refreshing and an ability to create a sound that gives a nod to both Skrillex and Deadmau5, to mention two other great all rounders. The result achieves the remarkable feat to be both headphone and dancefloor friendly at the same time.
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Bendik (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Mono
    Bendik is where noise, ice-cold pop and warm ambience converge, creating something achingly beautiful, siren-like that can lead you into dangerous waters. Bendik’s music belongs to a fantasy universe, like something emanating from deep inside a dark forest. “Foggy ambient pop from a wide, dim landscape that can make your heart ship a beat – or sometimes, if the conditions are right, even stop completely.” – No Fear Of Pop In March 2011 Bendik released the homemade “Silent EP” limited to just 100 copies, and at the same time were picked as an Urørt artist of the week for the song “Again” on NRK P3. Bendik plan a beautiful and exciting little EP for release in Spring 2012 and their debut album is slated for release later in the year. In 2011 they’ve enjoyed a busy festival season having played among others Slottsfjell, Øya and Pstereo. Bendik are:
    Silje Halstensen – vocals, guitar, synth
    Erlend Sveen River – Moog, synth, vocals
    Eivind Helgerød – drums, vocals
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Husky Rescue (FI)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Jaeger
    Husky Rescue was formed by Marko Nyberg, who began composing under the name in 2002, wanting to create cinematic music influenced by film, photography and painting. The project soon transformed into a visionary electro-pop band. Husky Rescue has since released 3 albums for the UK label Catskills Records and played a lot of shows around the world, including UK and USA, with several songs placed in advertisements and TV series, the most notorious quite possibly being “New Light of Tomorrow”, heard in the TV-series The Sopranos and One Tree Hill. The line-up in 2012 features Stockholm-based singer Johanna Kalén, founding member / key composer Marko Nyberg and guitarist Antony Bentley. In addition to their exciting live performances, the plan is to release several audio and music releases during the year.
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Jonas V (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Rockefeller annex
    He recently released the mixtape 21 gram (www.21gram.no) with contributions from big names such as Ralph Myerz and old heroes from the Bergen rap community, such as Peter Beyer and Mike “Kazaam” Tamba (from the former rap group Freakshow). The mixtape received good reviews in including Bergens Tidende and Natt & Dag. Jonas V and Hkon has played at most notable nightlife clubs in Bergen, both together and separately, and have opened for, among others, Devin the Dude (U.S.) and Slaughter House (U.S.). His lyrics deal with both sides of the life (assuming that there are only two sides to life) of a young generation of people who enjoy life in one of the world’s richest countries and portrays a life of partying and drugs with a hint self-irony, but still honestly, often in a gangsta-rap style.
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Loney Dear (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Kulturkirken Jacob
    Lonely Dear has, through his previous albums combined home-made indie pop with classical ideas, and this time, frontman Emil Svanängen taken genre mix a step even further. In 2010 he toured Sweden with a chamber orchestra and the process of arranging his old songs for the orchestra became a key influence on how “Hall Music” was written. With an expanded and more elaborate sound Svanängen’s emotional range is further highlighted. ’Hall Music" shifts from the spiritual to the sensational with such an easy grace that it serves as a testament to the extraordinary musicianship of this visionary romantic.
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Marie (N)


Monica Heldal (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    Monica Heldal, in spite of her young age (20) managed to garner both domestic and international attention. With her brilliant and technically advanced guitar playing and alluring voice she has left audiences spellbound in all manner of settings. Her deep-seated love of American country-blues and for the deceased Irish singer, guitarist and songwriter Rory Gallagher led to her being invited to play last year’s ”Rory Gallagher International Tribute Festival” in his home town. After many plaudits she was invited back this year and that led to further invitations to play at Nottoden, in Oslo, The Netherlands and France. Monica’s songbook is primarily drawn from her own material but she throws in a couple of covers too. The material is a mix of trad. ragtime and country blues, straight up country and folk. Influences range from the aforementioned Rory Gallagher to Bonnie Raitt, Nick Drake, Chet Atkins, Jackson Browne and Neil Young amongst others.
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Mugison (ICL)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Sentrum scene
    Mugison (a.k.a. Ørn Elías Guðmundsson) born September 4th 1976 is an Icelandic musician and vocalist who is a one man’s band of sorts, with the help of a guitar and computer. In 2004 Mugison was nominated at the Icelandic Music Awards. His album Mugimama Is This Monkey Music? was hailed as album of the year and the track “Murr Murr” best song.
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Oter (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Oter is one 27 year old Stian Ottesen from Tromsø. Oter has been part of the so called hip-hop underground for years now. Originally as the driving force behind Oslo-based studio / collective Cracklab alongside such luminaries as Svartepetter, Herreløse, OnklP amongst others. Almost three years ago now though, he moved back to his home town of Tromsø in the North of Norway. As chance would have it one of his contemporaries, Poppa Lars of Tungtvann fame moved at the same time and the pair have been working together ever since. The results are striking, creating some of the best hip-hop to ever come out of Norway. In danger of laying waste to all that has gone before, this is next level shit. In October 2011 their debut proper was released, the single “Karusell”, produced by Bergen based electro act Souldrop. The released was launched with an explosive video directed by Carl Critical, an insight into the murky psyche of Oter, ex-hitmen, armed robbers, Russian coke, mental institutions, violent flashbacks, a disasterous killing and not least a rather sexy nurse. See it in full at the NORDalliansen.org website. The album, with the working title “Kollektiv Kollaps” is expected to be finished in the coming year. Over the past year or so Oter has played at Døgnvillfestivalen 2010, Parkenfestivalen in Bodø (2010), Sparebanken Nord-Norge’s 175 year jubilee, Rock Against Drugs in Andenes and opened for Yelawolf in Oslo and Xzibit / DJ Quik in Tromsø, played alongside Lars Vaular and A-Laget as well as a bunch of his own gigs. On stage the duo often are joined by Klisne Fingra, who’s also originally from Tromsø byt now resident in Oslo. Their gig at by:Larm will be an unprecedented, explosive show.
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Anja Elena Viken (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Revolver
    Anja Elena Viken is, according to Bergenavisen, one of the standout new acts of the last year. After putting up only two songs on her Urørt profile (NRK equivalent of BBC Introducing) she already had Made Management (Young Dreams, John Olav Nilsen og Gjengen) and Up Front Artist (Fjorden, Baby!, 120 Days, Lindstrøm) on board. According to Bergenavisen she is the middle ground between Bergen’s hottest acts John Olav Nilsen and Razika and is a long awaited shot in the arm for the Bergen music scene. Anja Elena Viken is near the top of Musikknyheters ones-to-watch in 2012 and with tracks like “Gatekredibilitet” and “Klæssar deg ned”, even at this early stage it looks like she’s got a big year ahead of her.
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Bernhoft (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Rockefeller
    Jarle Bernoft has built his career bit by bit, from small children’s roles at the opera, via the success of his first band Span, to his soul influenced solo debut. After a couple of detours he has now found an intensely personal way of expressing himself as an artist, which is characterised by his truly unique voice and has transformed him into one of the most successful Norwegian artists of recent times. In January 2011 Bernhoft released his second solo album “Solidarity Breaks”, a record which aptly showcases the results of many years at the grindstone working to find his own voice. Musically it is a distinctive mix of some clear and some rather less clear influences:
    “I’ve amongst other things, been listening to a lot of hip-hop, which is the pop genre which is developing most these days,” Bernoft says. “I’ve tried to be a bit more humble about this kind of stuff, and more open to other ideas than I have before. You could say it is a cross between early Nick Kershaw and The Roots but in the year 20202,” he quips. Right before Christmas he put out a live album entitled “Walk With Me” recorded with Kork (NRK’s in house orchestra). Jarle also appeared at the prestigious Nobel Prize concert, which was broadcast internationally enabling the whole world to enjoy one of Norway’s biggest voices.
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Helgi Jonsson (ICL)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ The Crossroad Club
    Icelandic artist Helgi Jonsson started his unconventional journey in music when he picked up the trombone at the age of 7, but already at 5 he proclaimed he wanted to be a “pop singer”. Today, a critically acclaimed singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist, not many people would call Jonsson’s music “pop”, with its great wide landscapes of contrasts, sharp edges and big emotions, yet it’s evident that he is an artist with a strong ear for catchy melodies and a will to embrace and touch a broad audience. He studied classical music at the Reykjavik Conservatory of Music and later at the University of the Arts in Graz, Austria. Here he started digging into contemporary music and the world of jazz and improvisation. The beginning of the millennium saw the birth of Jonsson as a singer and songwriter, now accompanying himself on guitar and piano. While nurturing his own project and sound, Helgi Jonsson has been a treasured sideman, touring the world with Danish Tina Dico, Faeroese Teitur and fellow Icelanders Sigur Rós. He has recorded and performed with artists such as Damien Rice, Glen Hansard, Ane Brun, Wildbirds & Peacedrums, Amiina, Funkstörung, Dzihan & Kamien, Tom Jones, Múm, Philipp Poisel and many others. Helgi Jonsson’s eclectic new solo album ”Big Spring” was released in September 2011.
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Ignug (DK)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Stratos
    The band met in 2006 and started recording their first songs in an apartment above a brothel in the Red Light district of Copenhagen, Denmark. Prostitutes and drug addicts lay on the doorstep of their home studio in the mornings, and drunks littered the streets throughout the long nights. Amidst the chaos and debauchery of their living arrangements, IGNUG focused their energies into channelling positivity into their music to contrast their external world. They did however utilise the raw sexual energy that surrounded them and fused this with tough electronic rhythms and gritty synth riffs to encapsulate the reality of the seedy surroundings in which they lived. IGNUG’s songs tell stories born out of a chaotic lifestyle. Ruby’s incredible range punches out allegorical lyrics on some tracks, and in others he adopts a high pitched slow gritty nature to his voice that surreptitiously ensnares your mind and body to draw you into the story his lyrics unfold. Songs such as ‘Trail Of Thought’ and ‘The Power Of Truth’ possess truly fantastical qualities and other songs like ‘Tell Me That You Love Me’ have such finger licking passion you can’t help but become lost in them, leaving the mundane routine of the real world behind. In 2010 IGNUG decided to move to the UK to draw upon fresh inspiration for their debut album and to unleash their infectious new sound upon the British live scene. All IGNUGs’ music is produced in their studio at the Dairy complex in Brixton by the only member of the band you won’t see on stage – Ace Connor. Ace has remixed for the likes of Lady Gaga, Jamiroquai, White Lies and Coldcut. IGNUG can be categorised as Love, Chaos and Fantasy. All the music is written, composed, produced and performed by IGNUG, and they have performed gigs across London at nights and venues such as Proud Galleries, Potty Mouth Disco, Fiesta, 333, Fabric, Cargo, Notting Hill Arts Club, Shunt, The Garage, 93 Feet East and Bangers & Mash to name but a few.
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Machine Birds (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Nokia teltet
    Machine Birds play experimental pop with touches of electronica and improv. Their music encompasses everything from melancholy melodies to catchy riffs, and varies between a simple and a massive sound. The atmosphere, the dissemination and the sheer presence in the songs takes the aucience on small musical adventures. “There are few musical universes as attractive as the one that Machine Birds have created with “One Last Try”. Without a doubt this is the most beautiful thing to have come out of Urørt this year, beautiful production and stripped down pop which stays in your heart long after the track is over."
    - NRK Urørt “With an impressively wide ranging, dynamic sound (especially with only two people on stage), this is a band that has quickly found its own voice: Eberson’s heavy synth waves combined with lighter, catchier riffs and Skranes’ dreamy vocal underpinned by various looping and tape effects.” – Studvest “Together we were admitted in to Marte Eberson and Maria Skranes’ dreamworld. A world full of electronic, organic and incredibly beautiful music. There is perhaps a contradiction in there somewhere, but it a really long time since I’ve heard electronic music that is so “live”." – Under Dusken
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Staer (N)


Zoom tour 2012 - Casual Friday (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Casual Friday breath new life into the much debated and already established indie genre, with a band with an an energetic, melodic twist. The band was initially inspired by bands like The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, Kings of Leon and so on but more recently the band have take a more Foals orientated direction with contrasting guitar melodies. The Tønsberg based band have played at Slottsfjell festival in 2010 amongst others and have appeared at the festival’s live venue Total on a number of occasions including a support slot for Lukestar. On stage, Casual Friday are brimming with energy and have a reputation for engaging their audience from start to finish.
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Cody (DK)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Pop with a twist of folk, or the other way around… Named by many as one of the best new bands from Denmark, adored by critics and quite quickly becoming an audience favourite too. Cody were nominated for three Danish Music Awards 2010 for the debut album ‘Songs’. In July 2011 they played the Roskilde Festival, for the second time in three years, which is very rare for a Danish band. They have toured heavily across Europe and have also played SXSW. Their debut album was released throughout Europe in 2010. At the Danish showcase festival SPOT in May 2010 Cody scored 6/6 reviews across the board! The international response has since then been overwhelming and Cody were selected to play three SPOT ON DENMARK showcases: @ Montreux JazzFestival (July 2010), in Bruxelles (November 2010), and Vienna (February 2011). Cody are now recording new songs, with a planned release in early 2012.
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Gunnhild Sundli (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Sentrum scene
    After her band Gåte went on hiatus on New Year’s Eve 2005, Gunnhild Sundli focussed on her acting career and has for the past four years worked with Trønderlag Teater. Alongside her theatrical career though she’s also been working on solo material on the quiet. Now Gunnhild Sundli is ready to emerge as a fully formed solo artist with new material of her own and a number of new collaborators. A bit less metal, but still very much recognisable as Gunnhild Sundli, her crystal clear voice, melodic flair and power has continued to shape her musical outlook.
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Icona Pop (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Dattera til Hagen
    Swedish duo Icona Pop are comprised of Aino Jawo and Caroline Hjelt. Together they deliver the kind of electronic pop that has captivated bloggers, dancefloors and music critics the world over. On the back of single “Manners” for the tastemaking UK label Neon Gold (Marina & The Diamonds, Passion Pit, Ellie Goulding, The Naked & Famous) the girls upped sticks and moved to London where they’ve played a bunch shows including Club NME and have made a host of DJ appearances. The hype surrounding the Neon Gold release led to a number of festival appearances in both Sweden and England this past Summer. In October the band released the E.P. “Nights Like This” getting love from the likes of Discobelle, rollingstones.com, Hype Machine, Popjustice and Attitude. In the Spring the band will release their debut album which has been produced by Patrik Berger who has worked with both Tove Styrke and Robyn.
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Linnea Olsson (S)


Lumeet (FI)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Jaeger
    The New Lofi on Lumeet – Isadora Mu: “The whole album is an epic intergalactic electro-disco journey… an audio adventure into some unknown science fiction future. One of my favorite LP’s this year” Lumeet is the synth disco lovechild of Finnish producer/musician Väinö Ala-Härkönen. His output of self-produced music started with old home computers and keyboards at the tender age of 12 and has spanned multiple genres during the past sixteen years. Never sticking to one style for too long, with Lumeet he has done a personal synthesis of influences such as classic synth pop of Yellow Magic Orchestra, Norwegian modern space disco of Lindstrøm and Mungolian Jet Set, Fennoscandian folk songs, old video game soundtracks and classical minimalism of Steve Reich & Philip Glass. The first self-published Lumeet album “Isadora Mu” was released digitally in August 2011 and a limited edition vinyl release followed in October 2011.
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Samsaya (N)


Simen Tangen
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    There is an art to finding positivity in life’s low points, and there is an even greater art to putting words and music to it. The bittersweet songs on Simen Tangen’s debut album are soaked in warm and irresistible melancholy, and it’s presented in a way that makes it absolutely impossible to ignore. It is a love story. A tragedy and a comedy that is as real as it is escapist. The songs are very varied, bringing to mind early Belle and Sebastian, Beach Boys, Steely Dan, Nick Drake, even Abba. From crackling lo-fi to pearly, polished folk-pop. From the sunny American west coast to the woods surrounding Oslo on a rainy day – all without effort. Silje Høgevold is Tangen’s heavenly duet partner on the album.
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Sóley (ICL)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Kulturkirken Jacob
    A beat is laid out, hesitantly moving along at first, then careering, taking off; soon sepia-toned clouds of piano gather overhead, shimmering, turning darker and richer, and then Sóley raises her voice – a voice that, until five years ago, she didn’t even consider a proper “singing voice”. It’s true: the bespectacled multi-instrumentalist from Iceland, now in her mid-twenties, had been around the world and back with her band, Seabear, when she finally discovered her own vocal skills.
    Even though Sóley Stefánsdóttir sings non-stop in private, creating a musical backdrop to pretty much everything she does, it just took her a while to get used to the sound of her own voice. We all know this, don’t we? It’s the sound of this voice that’s at the very core of her intricate compositions, tracks that flare like a bunch of magic lanterns, taking shape, growing hazy, flaming up once again, then moving on.
    Sóley sans Seabear – and the band’s mastermind Sindri was, after all, the first to go solo, as Sin Fang Bous, one should keep in mind – is basically a storyteller who has come up with her very own wonderland. Meet her on the street and she seems rather introverted; yet, she’s far from shy in this self-created musical sphere, a sonic realm she freely expands, stakes out, reinvents, turns upside down. Throughout the album, Sóley spins one yarn after the next; at one point, unfortunate “Smashed Birds” have to give their feathers for a new dress, while the guitar, making a special appearance, sets the tone. Elsewhere, she focuses on the moment when a dream is exposed as such, this time over a huge sonic expanse drowned in reverb. She moves gently over magic carpets, woven landscapes, majestic like movie scores (“Fight Them Soft,” which might as well be her mantra), only to serve the listener a plate of “Blue Leaves” next. Song after song, the former student of composition manages to combine seemingly disparate elements with stunning ease, a snap of her fingers, a click of the tongue, a carefree mood reminiscent of earlier projects hailing from Iceland. Not to mention the sound of the letter R when she sings, wobbling smoothly off the tip of the tongue, all straight at first, then branching off, 180 degrees, eventually hitting the home stretch – reflecting the shape of the letter itself. After “Theater Island,” last year’s 6-track EP, Sóley returns with her first full-length, an album full of rhythmic makeshift creatures, of handclaps hidden in the undergrowth, tempting us to join in.
    The 13 tracks are sometimes incredibly catchy; amazingly quirky at other times: think cardigan-folk from the northern hemisphere, an ocean of stained glasses bopping up and down in the shared apartment’s dishwater, leeward in limbo. The result is refreshing in its lack of edginess; think Joanna Newsom minus her harp, or the Casady sisters circa 2004, but then clearly better trained, less crooked. In other words: her voice, those loops moving around like wooden toys, and finally the piano – that’s the backbone, the essence of her compositions; at least until some unexpected element appears elsewhere, a rhythmic creaking or the lack thereof, like a hidden Rube Goldberg machine, setting off yet another component, thus paving the way across the threshold and on into the next realm of sound.
    And thus we keep on sinking, deeper and deeper, until we stand on terra firma once again, realizing that somehow, next to us, above us, around us, a beat is laid out, hesitantly moving along at first, then careering…
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The Avalanche (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Rockefeller annex
    The Avalanche play shoegaze tinged noise rock, combined with the best elements from a host of other genres. Catchy melodies hidden beneath endless layers of twisted guitar noise, driving drums and fuzz bass paired with the soothing sound of warm synths push you back and forth between oscillating waves of delicious pop and dirty noise. The Avalanche was recently picked as Urørt artist of the week on NRK P3 calling it “a beautiful piece of dizzy shoegaze”. The Avalanche are signed to Riot Factory’s Sad Songs For Happy People imprint. Their debut album will be recorded at Greener Productions in late 2011 and will be released in 2012.
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Bendagram (FI)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Stratos
    Bendagram feed off tickling, bouncing, slapping electronic apparatus and lush guitar strings like hunter-gatherers in the wake of a technological singularity. The Helsinki duo’s deeply penetrating, strange, pop songs have that rare quality of creating a warm, soothing atmosphere, simultaneously leaving one with a tingly sense of a small electric shock. Formed in 2010 in Helsinki by Lauri Solin and Pekka Tynkkynen, the band kept a low profile quietly putting together their debut release and drawing influences to their songwriting from occasional live shows. Apart from gigs in Helsinki’s main venues such as Tavastia, they’ve been received by small but devoted crowds in Turku, Tampere and recently Stockholm’s legendary Debaser Slussen. Bendagram has been named several times during 2011 by the Finnish media as one Finland’s most promising new acts.
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Jabba The Butt (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Gloria Flames
    Jabba the Butt are an experimental noise-rock duo originally from rural Northern-Norway. With only two members, a bassist and a drummer, the sound is bound to be unconventional. And that is very much the case with Jabba the Butt. The band sounds dirty, rough and at times quite groovy and noisy, and brings to mind new hardcore as well as old sludgecore and heavy metal. The band consists of Rolf-Ole Rydeng Jenssen and Lars-Erik Kroken Mikkelsen, and the boys have consistently delivered compelling, innovative and interesting live shows.
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Les Big Byrd (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Rockefeller
    les big byrd what I thought was the night sky
    was a sheet stretched over the earth with people hanging from it like little suns far, far away the moon is bigger than ever
    almost as large as earth and mixes up the clock with January 8 do you hear us
    we’re hanging on for life and limb up here, we want to have contact
    we are down here and cry, crying until you hear us it is a great time
    far, far away I hear you, that you are in here, humming
    it’s so good Mattias Alkberg
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Maribel (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Critically acclaimed Oslo four-piece Maribel have resurfaced with the announcement of their second album “Reveries”, forthcoming this January on Oslo based label Splendour (of Montreal, Harrys Gym, Siinai). Blending shoegaze and noise-pop with cinematic influences Maribel create heavy, dark, distorted pop. The tracks are guided by the breathy and enchanting vocals of their newly added East-German lead singer Rebekka Marstein. As female vocals intertwine with those of songwriter/ lead guitarist Pål Espen Kapelrud, one is likely to recall the oft-referenced My Bloody Valentine or Jesus and Mary Chain. On the back of their debut album “Aestheircs” (produced by Serena-Maneesh frontman Emil Nikolaisen) the band earned high praise form the Norwegian press and international recognition from the likes of Drowned in Sound (UK), Soundvenue (DK) and GAFFA (DK) amongst others. It also saw Maribel implode, break-up and then reform with a new line-up including Pica Pica’s Rebekka Markstein on vocals and Bjarne Stensil (Harrys Gym) on percussion. Maribel has toured in Scandinavia and the UK, including a warming up for Crystal Stilts and Interpol. In addition Maribel managed to captivate audiences at festivals such as Øya, Hove, SPOT, by:Larm and many others. Of their set at SPOT in 2010 Clash Magazine said, “Obvious influences from My Bloody Valentine, Lush and Slowdive (isn’t referencing to those bands the whole point anyway?) didn’t get in the way of what came to be an intense, feedback-laden sonic experience hinting at a very exciting follow-up. Looking forward to it.” The band is known for noisy and chaotic pop with sugar sweet melodies that are often compared to the aforementioned My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins or fellow Oslo shoegazers Serena Maneesh. However, since reforming Maribel sites their most important influences as film scores by like John Barry, John Dankworth, Henry Mancini and Ennio Morricone. Darker and heavier sound are accompanied by programmed percussion that is apparently influenced by hip-hop style sampling and looping. With a new record ready for release and a new line-up, Maribel is ready to start to get re-acquainted with dark bar-rooms across the world. “Norwegian outfit Maribel could soundtrack the most hallucinogenic dream or hellish nightmare at the flick of a switch.” – DrownedinSound “In half an hour Maribel succeeds in taking you on a dizzying journey, recalling what is so great about the bands they reference.” – Soundvenue “By combining dirty American style rock and more polite British noise-pop they create something that is simultaneously new and known.” – Dagsavisen
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Sondre Lerche (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ The Crossroad Club
    Songwriter, film music composer, guitarist, singer and pop artist from Bergen, now residing in Brooklyn, New York. Sondre Lerche played by:Larm in 2007, and now he’s back. This time with his first self-titled album, his sixth studio album so far. Meanwhile, Sondre has recorded the soundtrack to the movie Dan in Real Life, took part in the Muppet tribute The Green Album and has appeared twice on The Late Show with David Letterman. The latest album is released on Tellé Records. Sondre has again collaborated with his regular producer Kato Ådland, alongside Nicholas Vernhes who has previously produced for Animal Collective, Dirty Projectors and Spoon. The record’s musicians are drawn from Midlake, Regina Spektor’s backing band and Vetiver. Sondre himself describes the album as coarser and darker than previous works, and it is at times quite stripped down, sometimes almost fuzzy.
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The Amazing (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Nokia teltet
    The Amazing is an apple that fell far from the tree. A natural process: coming together through affection, then slowly crystallising into a folk-rock- psych-pop- collective slowly pushing, bending then playing with any preconceived notions of pop. When a band take a name like The Amazing, they’d better be have the chops to back it up. Happily, this Swedish outfit – a collective headed by Reine Fiske (who’s solos so furiously it’s as if something’s trapped inside him that must be turned into melody or he’ll burst into flames) of neo-psych juggernauts Dungen and singer-songwriter Christoffer Gunrup – are masterful enough to take that mantle on. Friends first and foremost, it’s this kindred spirit that imbues the band’s two previous releases (“The Amazing” / “Wait For A Light To Come”) with a feeling unlike that of most releases – one of natural harmony, persistent progression and with a panoramic gaze fixed on distant settings. Some review excerpts: ”…the cream of Sweden’s psychedelic/neo-folk underground, an album of rare beauty." – MOJO 4/5 “Swedish underground supergroup’s debut suggests the dusty riches of some
    long-lost LP locked away in psychedelic folk-rock Valhalla.” – SPIN “…a sublime debut, genuinely an amazing album” – UNCUT 4/5 “The Amazing’s first is a gorgeously understated blend of gentle psychedelic pop, tranquil folk rock, and gently stoned prog.” – Q 4/5 “…a classic case of strength in diversity, blurring the boundaries between folk-rock dreaminess and psych splendour” – Word With an all-encompassing sonic soundscape of groovy electric folk rock, psychedelic pop and heavy jams. The intimacy permeating through their songs intensifies itself steadily in the music they produce; swimming idly through the groups twisted melody, yet luminously anchored by Reine’s astral guitar. Elsewhere they forgo interstellar for a more bucolic revelry, built upon acoustic laments and a male and female vocal ripple that could only have spread itself outwards from Sweden’s forlorn beauty. Nothing is introverted or overworked – everything is balanced, kept together by natural melodies, soulful vocals and just how perfect should be. The Amazing is a feeling, an organic consequence of something that effortlessly came together, the start of a quite extraordinary tale. The band will release their 2nd album proper worldwide in October/November 2011; “Gentle Stream” is widescreen, panoramic, horizon-reaching stuff. An elegantly constructed record of moody psychedelic majesty, it comes with a greater dose of CSNY-style Laurel Canyon bliss than those previous recordings. Astral guitars intertwine in serpentine solos, horns blast rainbow melodies and Gunrup’s flute-like voice floats elegantly over the sunset sounds. The line-up completed by Alexis Benson, Johan Holmegard and highly rated jazz drummer Moussa Fadera, The Amazing lives in Stockholm, Sweden and formed plans to collect themselves in this incredible unison. There are doubtless stories to be told. Including the one about playing a show for the Swedish Royal Family and Pink Floyd, where in the crowd Roger Waters appreciatively caught a bouquet thrown from the band during a standing ovation, but this mysterious band hold one principle dear to their hearts: “The music speaks for itself”.
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Thea Hjelmeland (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Victoria / Nasjonal Jazzscene
    Thea Hjelmeland is a twenty four year old singer songwriter from Førde, now based in Paris. Her debut album entitled “Oh, the third..” is now ready for release in February 2012. The record was recorded in ØRA Studio in Trondheim, produced by Jostein Ansnes (Kristin Asbjørnsen, Dadafon) and Jarle Bernoft, who also played several parts on the record. The lyrics, melody and arrangements are all pure Hjelmeland though. In addition to vocals, she also plays mandolin, banjo, guitar, ukelele, piano, percussion and more. The music she describes as blue, acoustic pop, all centered around here vocals. She listens to flamenco, fado, Balkan and Bollywood music as well as straight R&B, and seeks out voices that inspire and challenge her when she’s listening to music. Thea Hjelmeland san the duet “En av oss to” with Lars Vaular on his “Helt om natten, helt om dagen” and has contributed vocals and mandolin to a number of tracks still to come. As previously mentioned she is based in Paris and has already played at a number of key venues there. She’s currently working on projects with the likes of Hugh Coltman (UK), Krystle Warren (US), Melissa Laveaux (CA), Katapult (FR), Hey Hey My My (FR) and Matthew Kerr (UK).
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Thulebasen (DK)
    Friday February 17, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Revolver
    Thulebasen consist of Nis, Niels and Felia, a trio from Vesterbro (downtown Copenhagen), who grew out of the underground scene centered around the Escho label. Escho, which Nis co-founded, has put out records for bands including Düreforsøg and Eric Copeland, and recorded and released Iceage. Nis Bysted put out the first Thulebasen record, “Guitar Wand”, as a solo project on Escho in 2008, but soon started improvising sessions with Niels and Felia, who played in several other Danish underground bands. In 2010 they recorded the sophomore Thulebasen LP, “Gate 5”, which was released in February 2011 on Escho (vinyl) and on CD+DD by Tambourhinoceros, a new label founded by Oh No Ono’s Kristoffer Rom and Aske Zidore. The record received a string of rave reviews across the Danish press. 2011 has seen the band play dozens of shows in Scandinavia. In March the band was handpicked by Efterklang (DK, 4AD) as the support act for their final mega show at Copenhagen’s Amager Bio. This year alone, Thulebasen has played festivals such as Pop Revo, Spot, Roskilde (on the main stage) and Way Out West, and put together a special performance as Danish representatives at the Venice Biennale art festival in June. The band also played Iceland Airwaves Festival and Copenhagen Dox Film Festival with a special visual/live show, as well as support slots for tUnE-yArDs (US, 4AD) on two dates this September.
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Saturday City (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    Saturday City are a duo comprised of brothers Stian (Death by Unga Bunga) and Magnus Gulbrandsen from Moss. The brothers only began to play together as a duo a couple of years ago, after having been in a variety of bands in various guises they began to realise that they both had a whole host of material that weren’t able to use. Rather more laid back, catchy songs that didn’t fit into a standard rock band format, but that absolutely had to see the light of day. Thus Saturday City was born. The music is inspired by American and British pop, folk and country. In its live format they are passionate, two guitars, one acoustic, one electric and two voices. A kind of folk version of the Everly Brothers, if you want it simplified a bit. Work on their first full length is well under way, with a release planned for 2012.
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Charlotte Thorstvedt (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Dattera til Hagen
    Charlotte Thorstvedt is a model and sought-after DJ. Previously she has worked for MTV, hosting a variety of different shows, and now she has released her debut single Treacle. Her debut album Solomé is a project she has been working with since 2010 and will be released on Universal Music.
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Daniel Norgren (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Daniel Norgren makes traditional rootsy Americana music filtered through the sound of Swedish forests.
    He first came to public attention with his 2007 debut, “Kerosene Dreams”, which was followed a year later with sophomore effort “Outskirts” and more recently “Horrifying Deatheating Blood Spider” which earned him a nomination for best Singer / Songwriter at the Manifest awards.

    Since 2009, Daniel Norgren has toured all across Europe, Scandinavia and has even visited the United States. On stage he plays his guitar and drums at the same time, and is joined by Anders Grahn on upright bass and Pelle Nyhage on the organ.

    In late September 2011, a new EP “Black Vultures” was released, including the track “Moonshine Got Me” amongst others. The 6 track EP is a studio quality live recording that was recorded for Mark Lamarr’s “God’s Jukebox” program on BBC Radio 2.

    “If blues singer Robert Johnson actually sold his soul to the Devil to become the world’s best guitarist, as legend has it, Daniel Norgren has probably offered the latter a similar deal.” – Roskildefestivalen
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Den Svenska Björnstammen (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Jaeger
    Den Svenska Björnstammen are a creative collective who two years ago moved from Norrköping Art Centre out to a little cabin in the woods. This became not only their home but also the workspace in which they created everything from shorts and animation to comic books and art as well as documentary about the construction of a zeppelin. But most people know them as the band behind one of this year’s best singles. No one could have missed the triple platinum certified “Vart jag mig i världen vänder”, which was occupied the number one in the singles charts for six weeks whilst being Spotify’s most played song. The 30/11 is the release date for the next single, “Cooling off the wind” from the upcoming album which is released during the first quarter of next year. This is followed out an extensive Scandinavian tour, premiering at by:Larm in Oslo on February 17.
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Hanne Hukkelberg (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Kulturkirken Jacob
    With Hanne Hukkelberg you never know for sure what you get, but you know that it is experimental, cinematic and melodic. Hukkelberg’s music has always had a strong personal signature. This has given her great artistic freedom to move effortlessly between genres, and her three previous albums are defined by very distinct sound: the debut Little Things (2005) was eccentric and adventurous, the sequel Rykestrasse 68 (2007), was warm and lyrical, and the third album Blood from A Stone (2009) explored a large, romantic indie-canvas inspired by artists such as Cocteau Twins, Pixies, PJ Harvey and Sonic Youth. Her soundscapes pop, art rock, jazz and impro have earned Hukkelberg two Grammy nominations, multiple worldwide tours and thus a big international audience. In 2010 she went on tour with Wilco. This was also the year she traveled to New York to write new material. The result is Featherbrain – Hukkelberg’s fourth album – to be released worldwide in February 2012.
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Korallreven (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Sentrum scene
    In the wake of singles “The Truest Faith” and “Honey Mine” the partnership of Marcus Joons and Daniel Tjäder (also of The Radio Dept) presents its debut album, “An Album By Korallreven”. The project was conceived after Joons returned from an extended trip to Samoa where he inspired by the music of the local Catholic choirs. Mesmerized by the beauty of the South Pacific and the exhilaration of travel, he shared his newfound passion with Tjäder and a partnership was born. One of the strongest traditions in Swedish Pop is escapism. For a country that spends much of its year in Winter darkness this should come as no surprise. The music of Stockholm’s Korallreven champions this tradition while extending it across a range of different genres. The result is a blissful journey through influences as far flung as Southern rap, dreampop, reggae, and minimal techno, among many others. The glittering, joyful production focuses on melodic evolution rather than structure; lush, dubbed-out instrumentals (on “Loved-Up”) perfectly complement trance-pop vocal cuts (“Keep Your Eyes Shut” and “Comin’ Closer”). Joining the duo for the ride are a host of collaborators including Victoria Bergsman (Taken By Trees, The Concretes) and Julianna Barwick. Released this November, An Album By Korallreven wistfully yearns for Summer days. As our days shorten and the cold sets in, take it from the Swedes: nothing quells the stirring for warmer months quite like the brightness of a sincere pop song.
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Megafon (DK/NO)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Gamla
    Megafon are a duo based in Denmark, comprised of vocalist Marte Schow who is Norwegian but of Gypsy extraction and Danish multi-instrumentalist Mikael Fleron. Live they are joined on stage by a bassist and a drummer. Megafon hop backwards and forwards between incalculable number of genres, Balkan meets nordic folk, Middle Eastern bazar meets metal and electro. Mikael plays Balkan sax until he sweats buckets and Marte sings so hard her soul almost springs out of her mouth. Her vocals have roots in Bulgarian traditions but she’s also been strongly influenced by Norwegian, Indian and Arabian vocal techniques and yes, you’re reading this correctly, heavy metal. They have just released “HURRA”, a cornucopia of strong emotions and meaty beats. The lyrics are delivered in Norwegian, English, Bulgarian and Danish, a crazy mix, just like the music. The members in Megafon are full-time musicians in their own right and work with the likes of Trentemøller, Bjørn Svin, Fleshquartet, Jacob Groth, Frans Bak, Mikael Simpson & Sølvstorm, Kira Skov, Düreforsøg amongst others.
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Pirate Love (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Last Train
    Pirate Love are finally back… The Oslo band, who by many people’s reckoning were heirs apparent to the Norwegian rock throne in the wake of their debut album “Black Vodoun Space Blues”, have spent their time since profitably. With their caustic brew of psychedelic nihilism, razor sharp guitars and otherworldly primal cries, Pirate Love have once again turned the reverb up to eleven, and as usual, they wander along rock’s more peculiar paths. Guitarist Milton Von Krogh, vocalist David Al Dajani, guitarist Henrik Steen and bassist Mr. R form the core of Pirate Love, which since their inception in 2005 has grown to become a sought-after name at both Norwegian and foreign concert venues. Their new album “Narco Lux High School” sees the band take a quantum leap further, and invites the listener on a sedated, transcendental journey into Pirate Love’s twisted musical universe. An album as troublesome as it is grandiose.
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Soup (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Rockefeller annex
    Soup’s double album ”Children of the e.l.b” from 2010 earned them glittering reviews. The band played over fifty shows in support of the release amongst others at Steinkjerfestivalen and Storåsfestivalen and have become a phenomenal live band. Now the brains behind the band, Erlend Viken, has an arsenal of over thirty new tracks that will see the light of day as three full length albums in 2012. Jørgen Træn mixed and produced the record, the recording of which also included Snah from Motorpsycho as a spiritual mentor of sorts as well as as a guest artist.The anthology will be released in Europe via viersieben.de/How is Annie Records and will be followed by a comprehensive European tour in the Spring.
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The New Tigers (FI)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Mono
    The New Tigers are a Finish fuzzy pop group based in Turku. The music of The New Tigers sounds like you were sitting next to a jet engine and listening to 60′s pop on a walkman that plays the tape slightly too fast. Their songs come in many shapes; fast, slow, loud, hushed, long, short… but their melodies are always blissful. The New Tigers are influenced by a zillion different artists. Some people have said they sound a bit like Yo La Tengo, My Bloody Valentine and Teenage Fanclub. In September 2011 the Finnish label Soliti released The New Tigers’ eponymous debut album. The album gained excellent reviews in Finnish music press and country’s biggest newspapers, and was also positively reviewed on various international music blogs.
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Turboweekend (DK)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    The band have just been named best Danish live act at the 2011 Danish Music Awards. Turboweekend will release their third full-length in Summer 2012 and are ready to take to the stage both in Europe but also in the States also. In three short years, the band have grown from being underground darlings to one of Denmark’s most popular bands both love and on the radio. Turboweekend play by:Larm for the third time in 2012 and are looking forward to playing for Norwegian audiences again.
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Deportees (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Rockefeller
    Deportees are a Swedish four-piece band consisting of brothers Anders and Peder Stenberg, Thomas Hedlund and Mattias Lidström. Following their critically acclaimed and award winning album “Under The Pavement – The Beach” (2009) they now return with a new work “Islands & Shores”, a creative outburst that captures a world in gradual disintegration and indignation – a world where everyone is an island – and the dream of a love greater than death. “Islands & Shores” was recorded in Stockholm and Umeå over the last two years and although the members have been busy undertaking other musical journeys (Thomas plays the drums with French band Phoenix and Anders plays the guitar with Lykke Li, who is also featured on a track) the band has spent an unhealthy amount of time together in an old Kung-Fu dojo which now serves as their headquarters. From this site the band has created a strikingly beautiful and sincere pop album full of eccentric arrangements, fantastic harmonies and a love for details that will keep you coming back for more. Even though the music echoes of Paul Simon, Suicide, Arthur Russell, World, Arcade Fire and Big Star it keeps resisting easy categorization. Many Swedish critics have already named “Islands & Shores” album of the year.
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Grande Roses (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ The Crossroad Club
    Grande Roses play loud and proud classic rock but without falling into the age old trap of making something generic and stale. Think Gun Club, Union Carbide, National, early Springsteen, Madrugada and er, Sisters of Mercy. Grande Roses began life in 2003 as the brainchild of Göran. Because he wasn’t a good enough musician to be able to master anyone else’s songs he wrote his own, which in time turned out to be some cracking tunes. Later that same Summer Göran was supposed to play a festival and needed someone to play pedal steel. He got the number for a guy in Östersund but it turned out that the chap had never played pedal steel. Göran tried to give him a bass but he took a guitar instead. This was the first time Göran and Johan has met. In the aftermath of the festival show they recorded a demo of post-apocalyptic rock and were subsequently signed, split up and got back together, then took a long break before getting back together a second time. Just the usual band stuff. As to how Grande Roses started for real; Johan had played with Erik and Magnus. Johan hinted to Göran that these could be smart choices for drums and bass for the band. And that’s how it was for the first few years, until Emil came along and took over on drums and Magnus moved up to play guitar alongside Johan.
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Hanne Kolstø (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Victoria / Nasjonal Jazzscene
    Hanne Kolstø, also known as one half of electronica duo Thelma & Clyde, is a restless singer / songwriter who never fails to surprise. In forgotten sounds and abandoned synths Hanne finds hidden melodies. Growing up in the shadow of the mountains in Sunnmøre and subsequently for the last decade in Kristiansand has certainly left its mark. There is often an Obstfelderesque (Norwegian poet) alienation behind her lyrics and sounds, and even in her most beautiful pop songs, there is a sense of desperation in her mystical, unpolished voice. “You’ll notice that fantastic sensation of music that grows on you every time you hear it, that reveals exciting new details each time you listen. In the end you’re left with one of the most exciting Norwegian debut albums in a long, long time.” – Musikknyheter.no 8/10 “Riot Break is the record that Björk has been promising for fifteen years but has never delivered… It is lucky that we don’t give quantitative scores in reviews in this paper, because any number I were to give would be too low.” – Morgenbladet
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Masquer (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Revolver
    “Swedish synth-pop outfit Masquer’s debut consists of pop hits with a dark edge” (Dazed Digital) Masquer entwine lonesome, broken guitar lines drowned in chorus with beautiful teen angst vocals and catchy synthesizers backed by lo-fidrum machines. They remind you of your favorite 80’s mixtape, and it hits you right there, like they’re channeling that poetic pop love from your past. The long awaited debut album “Cover My Face As The Animals Cry” had Scandinavian release September 14th, through Rough Trade distribution and was produced by Swedish artist and composer Per Egland. Their first single “Happiness” was released in May together with a remix by Swedish-German techno act The Field (Kompakt). “Happiness” was played frequently on national radio and Masquer recieved critical acclaim amongst music- and fashion blogs such as Dazed Digital and PSL. Next single included a remix by Swedish electronica artist Andreas Tilliander, and was also added to frequent rotation on national radio. The Stockholm based duo has performed frequently the past year and played at venues together with acts like Niki And The Dove and also toured as opening acts for artists like The Field and Asha Ali. They got booked for Swedish festival Way Out West, summer 2011, and played at the same venue as Warpaint and Radio Dept.
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Reptile Youth (DK)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Gloria Flames
    This band is so awesome they haven’t even released one single track. Instead the two renegades Esben Valløe and Mads Damsgaard Kristiansen in Reptile Youth have focused on honing their sonic cocktail with frequent brushes with the law and a musical horror show at every concert that makes everyone go crazy. You would most definetely do the same. In September Reptile Youth recorded their debut album in London with Dave M. Allen (The Cure, Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk) and Marc Ralph (Lady Gaga, Hot Chip). Reptile Youth have already played Iceland Airwaves, Roskilde Festival, Montreux Jazz Festival, Trailer Park Festival, Spot Festival, Reeberbahn Festival, Berlin Independent Night amongst others.
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Team Me (N)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Nokia teltet
    If you believe bloggers and journalists all around the world, Team Me is one of the hottest newcomers of 2011. And it all started out as an accidental success when Marius Hagen and his private, little side project Team Me ended up in a Norwegian national radio-battle for new and unsigned bands. Marius quickly had to get a band together and Team Me made their live debut in January 2010 at the finals of the contest. Marius´ little secret is not so easy to hide anymore. The world seems to fall in love with this little indieband and their rich orchestrated music and unique live shows. Still surprised by the attention the band started doing live shows and releasing singles, which led into the Team Me EP that was released the winter of 2011 by Propeller Recordings to great reviews. The EP peaked at # 92 on the American CMJ top 200 with a base of solid airplay on different american radio stations. Team Me have the last year played a lot of concerts at events like The Great Escape in Brighton, Club NME in London, Spot festival in Denmark and numerous festivals in Norway including two years in a row at Øyafestivalen in Oslo. The band have also been supporting for The Wombats and British Sea Power on tours in the UK and Norway. While awaiting the international release of the bands debut album the winter of 2012, Team Me will keep on touring this fall, and they will also will play their first shows on the European mainland this.Team Me will play more than 50 shows this autumn only, including new support dates for The Wombats, and appearances at festivals such as Reperbahnfestival, Berlin Indiependent Nights and Iceland Airwaves. “Expect big things from Oslo’s Team Me” – NME “Meet your new favorite band” – loveatfirstlistenblog.com “This fabulous sextet from Norway make Magic Numbers-like magic” – Sunday Times “Much admired six-piece from Norway who are beginning to attract a lot of attention – and rightly so – for their complex, majestic pop.” – Q Magazine
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Tove Styrke (S)
    Friday February 17, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Stratos
    In the vein of artists like Robyn and Lykke Li – Tove Styrke has with self-titled debut won over fans and critics alike with her of intelligent “left of center” pop. Tracks like “Million Pieces”, “White Light Moment” and “Call My Name” have all topped the airplay charts helping this young talent to a gold certified album and securing licenses in various parts of the world. 2012 will be a busy a year for Tove Styrke.
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Alfred Hall (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    Alfred Hall consists of the Drammen duo Hans Thomas Kiær and Bjorntveit, who began making music together in the Summer of 2009. One and a half years later, they went into the studio and put together their first single “So Bright”, which earned them a coveted NRK Urørt artist of the week spot on P3. The duo creates catchy, soaring pop, and the music is inspired by everything from rock to pure electronica. Alfred Hall are currently working on new songs, in addition to playing shows.
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Busi Ncube (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Gamla
    Busi Ncube has been a musician in Zimbabwe since the 1980s. First with the legendary band Ilanga and later on as leader of Band Rain. After a long career as the frontman in some of Zimbabwe’s most popular acts, she has relocated to Norway where she has worked with Women’s Voice and Mari Boine amongst others has played at venues such as Oslo Mela, Oslo World Music Festival, Cosmopolite and Lillehammer Litteraturfestival with her Norwegian band. Her most recent record “Salulandela” was released by Ethnic Musikklubb in December 2010.
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Casiokids (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Sentrum scene
    Casiokids are an electro-pop band from Bergen, Norway who have released two critically acclaimed albums, and played more than 500 shows internationally in the last 3 years. Their new album “Aabenbaringen over aaskammen” was released in Norway, Japan and N.America in October 2011, and will get a worldwide release via Moshi Moshi Records in January 2012. Recently nominated for two Norwegian Grammys for Best Electronica Album and Best Video, and with a world tour starting in January, 2012 is the year that Casiokids consolidate their postion as Norway’s most loved electro-pop band. NME: “The best thing to come out of Norway since black metal”
    Q Magazine: “Truly beguiling”, 4/5 Review of Aabenbaringen over aaskammen"
    Pitchfork: “My favorite Norwegian discovery”
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I Break Horses (S)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Kulturkirken Jacob
    Allow us to introduce you to the world of I BREAK HORSES, the nom de plume of Maria Lindén and her musical partner Fredrik Balck. Residing in the Swedish capital of Stockholm, the duo have been meticulously crafting the nine incredible tracks that make up debut album “Hearts” throughout stolen moments gathered up over the past two years. The task of capturing the sonic density of Lindén’s compositions was painstaking, while Balck’s lyrics, constantly teasing the senses, are at times insular and cold to the touch. It’s only when interpreted by Maria’s gorgeous vocals that a warmth is added, like the first rays of sun on a winters morning. A balancing act of light vs. dark that reveals an exquisite beauty within the darkness. Although heavily (and openly) influenced by My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, Jesus & Mary Chain et al, “Hearts” is far from an exercise in typical shoegaze fayre. Maria, waif-like and unassuming in person, is transformed on record to sound ten feet tall. And, perhaps where certain contemporaries would hypnotize the listener into their world by sheer volume alone, I Break Horses lock firmly onto the very thing that makes each and every one of us ‘tick’: our pulse. Our Hearts. The common thread that links the nine songs together; always present, always beating – the album’s strength and presence guided entirely by it. Coupled with Lindén’s vocal, a seductive Scandinavian croon that’s bathed in an ocean of reverb and tremelo, “Hearts” is quite the sonic experience. It can’t be defined via a few meagre adjectives or genre classifications; you have to live it, live inside it. It will soak you up, embrace you and give back what you put in… and so much more. Welcome to the most bewitching debut of the year.
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Iceage (DK) - Nordic Music Prize nominee
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Mono
    Iceage formed while at school in Copenhagen aged 12, and they quickly became a vital part of the city’s heavy music scene. It doesn’t do any good to cite influences, rather, Iceage mixes punk, post-punk, Goth and hardcore as if they invented it. Now all between 18 and 19, they have created an album overflowing with youthful energy, a 12 track sprint, crammed into just 24 minutes, recorded in 4 days. It’s long enough to hit you in the chest, short enough to make you wonder what happened. It’s immediate, catchy and clever. Everything a debut album should be. The band can currently be found playing shows in every corner of America, sleeping on floors, bloodying noses and getting everyone from The New Yorker to VICE magazine very, very excited. Their shows are still notoriously physical, sometimes aggressive, often destructive and always fun. You may get pushed around. Deal with it.
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Jørn Åleskjær (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Jørn Åleskjær finally makes his solo debut after having been a songwriter for four studio albums with Loch Ness Mouse as well as having worked with the likes of Brooklyn based band The Ladybug Transistor and somewhat closer to home, I Was A King. A whole host of members of the extended “family” feature heavily on the record. The album features a duet with Elvira Nikolaisen and former Loch Ness Mouse member Emil Nikolaisen (Serena Maneesh) who plays drums, bass and guitar. Likewise another ex-Loch Ness Mouse man, Håvard Krogedal (I Was A King, Serena Maneesh, Mirror Lakes) plays most of the bass parts on the record. Other players include Gary Olson (The Ladybug Transistor), Fred Strand (Lionheart Brothers, I Was A King, The Loch Ness Mouse) and Rebekka Markstein (Maribel). The record is produced by Jørn’s brother Ole Johannes Åleskjær. The record’s musical reference points range from Todd Rundgren-like 70s pop-sould to Beach Boys type orchestral antics, but at the very core of Jørn Åleskjær’s music is, as characterised by the duet with Elvira “I’m so glad I spent this day with you”, muted Dennis Wilsonesque tender pop.
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Simian Ghost (S)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Rockefeller annex
    Initially Simian Ghost was an experiment, the solo adventure of Sebastian Arnström, but has subsequently become a full band. The first album “Infinite Traffic Everywhere”, written and performed by Sebastian Arnström, was released in 2010. On the record he plays to an electronic backing track, mixed with drums and guitar, the poppy result of his background in the Swedish indie scene. The album received great reviews and was was named Album of the Year 2010 by readers of dagensskiva.com. Shortly after this, Simian Ghost became a trio, having been joined by Sebastian’s brother Erik Klinga and mutual friend Mathias Zachrisson. So far this past year, they released the fantastic E.P. “Lovelorn”, played concerts with, among others, Mount Kimbie, Firefox AK, Håkan Hellström, and at festivals such as Way Out West, Storsjöyran, Umeå Open and Trästockfestivalen. The band has just signed a deal with Playground Music, where the focus is on promotion. The first single from the E.P. “Bicycle Theme”, was released in the UK this past Autumn and the new album will be released just in time for by:Larm 2012.
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Vestindien (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Last Train
    Vestindien started life in January 2010 and immediately began to play shows, soon becoming a favourite of the Bergen underground scene, playing shows all over town. At the time of writing, the band are putting the finishing touches to an E.P. at Pelikan Studios with Mattias Tellez (Razika, Young Dreams, Kakkmaddafakka, Real Ones) at the controls. Dag Erik Nygaard (Blood Command, Livstid, I.O.U.) will mix the record and it will be self-released on the band’s own label Totalagenda Records, in October 2011.
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Yngve & his Boogie Legs (N) - Union Blues Band
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    Yngve and His Boogie Legs are a jump-blues band from Voss in Hordaland. At the moment the band members are spread across Oslo, Bergen and Voss. They write and play jump-blues songs with a modern twist, drawing influences also from classic rock and pop. At this year’s Notodden Blues Cup the band hit top form and from 2012 can call themselves a Union Blues Band. With upright bass, mouth organ and some rather snappy suits, Yngve & His Boogie Legs guarantee good times for both those listening at home or on the dance floor.
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Casa Murilo (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ Revolver
    Over the last few years Casa Murilo have made serious headway in a crowded Norwegian indie scene, and have managed to establish themselves as one of the most relevant bands of their kind. Not unlike Mumford & Sons, they too are more than capable of treading that fine line that needs to be taken when you’re a folky indie band. It is truly sing-a-long stuff that can catch you off guard, whisking you along with their legion of fans, which is growing steadily not least due to their phenomenal live shows. It says something perhaps that after their Øya show in August last year, Plan B magazine hailed them as Norway’s best band. Come to the show and let Casa Murilo show you how good it can be when you marry British precision and Norwegian spirit.
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Donkeyboy (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ Rockefeller
    Donkeyboy began life in 2005, but didn’t get going for real until the release of their debut “Caught In A Life” in 2009. The singles “Ambitions” and “Sometimes” put the Drammen natives en route to a chart record at the top of the VG charts, having their singles in the top two spots at the same time as their debut L.P. topping the album charts. In the same year, the band won three Spellemann awards in the categories hit of the year, video of the year and new comer of the year. P3 has never playlisted a track for longer than “Ambitions” and no other band has ever has had four songs in the singles charts simultaneously for four weeks. In March 2012 the band’s second record will be released, with the first single “City Boy” coming at the end of November.
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Gram Per Person (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ The Crossroad Club
    Gram Per Person is a band rooted in traditional Americana, and they sing rock music (in English) the way that Robert Johnson and Eartha Kitt used to. GPP will help to continue the musical heritage of the cultural experiment that is America. The sextet, from Bergen, completed work on their second album at the tail end of October. The record entitled “Fables for some”, was recorded at Duper Studio with Iver Sandøy manning the controls. Musical ideas are drawn from all across the genre spectrum, with role models as diverse as Dylan, Cash, Earle and Parsons, Grateful Dead/Jerry Garcia along side newer artists such as Uncle Tupelo, Lucinda Williams, Jesse Sykes, the Replacements, Son Volt and Ryan Adams. Also worthy of honourable mention are some Norwegian heroes, 12 Volt, Tussler Society and Flying Norwegians. In spite of their position as an unsigned band, GPP are playing more and more shows, and a number of tracks from their debut album frequented the airwaves following the record’s release.
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GusGus (ICL) - Nordic Music Prize nominee
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ Nokia teltet
    It’s a moving story, the tale of GusGus. Founded in the year 1995 by different artists such as Daniel August, DJ Herb Legowitz, cameraman Stephan Stephensen, musician Birgir Pórarinsson, producer Baldur Stefánsson and six more performers, the line-up shifted several times, some left and others joined as time went on. Since 2009, the year they released their album "24/7“, the band has had a stable line-up consisting of president Bongo, Biggi Veira and Daniel August. The three of them recorded the current album called "Arabian Horse“ which was released in May.
    Compared to their quite minimalistic former work, "Arabian Horse“ is by far more "in your face“.

    The songs are packed with gestures, thrilling moments, pop and soul. Doubtlessly GusGus has perfected the breach of the fine line between commercial pop and u-dance music on their 8th studio album. “Arabian Horse“ is a dance-pop album that reminds of the early 90’s house music as well as of the urban soul à la Massive Attack and which still is tangible contemporary. He who has already had the chance of seeing their live shows, knows how much power and feeling the 3 masters can deliver on stage. Now, saddle up your horses and head out to the next live show of the enigma that is GusGus!
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Sykur (ICL)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ Stratos
    Consisting of Halldór, Stefán, Kristján and new singer Agnes, Reykjavik-based Sykur (pronounced seek-er) quickly established a reputation for packing out parties with girls and boys looking for good times. So much so that Dazed and Confused described Sykur as “plucked from the top drawer, a morsel of such rare succulence that it is sure to gain attention even beyond the cordoning velvet rope that sequesters the art world’s N.I.P (Nearly Important People)”. The band released their first album, Frábært eða Frábært in October 2009 to much critical acclaim and commercial success in their native Iceland. The band already play a pivotal role in the Reykjavik scene and have collaborated with a number of the much of the hottest local talent, as well as sharing stages with international acts as Peaches, Familjen, Casiokids, Juvelen, Kleerup and Junior Boys. Mesopotamia, released through Icelandic indie Records Records on 12th October 2011, sees the band develop their much-loved electro sound. From the exquisite downtempo Battlestar, to the full-on party anthems of Messy Hair and Curling, Mesopotamia is the soundtrack of lost weekends and fun times. The first single from the album, Shed Those Tears, has already gained them international recognition, with The Guardian describing as “laser-guided synth riffs, bubbling beats and brilliantly detached vocals” and their September 2011 London show described by Artrocker as “one of the most memorable performances of the year”.
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Goylem Space Klezmer (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 1:00am - 1:30am @ Gamla
    Goylem Space Klezmer have, since the band’s inception in 2009, moved many thousand happy dancing feet, be they of die hard fans or sometimes even random passers by; At late night parties, on the street and events and at established venues such as Parkteatret, Herr Nilsen and John Dee. The band have also played at the Heddaprisen awards ceremony, in the NRK radio theatre and alongside a number of international klezmer stars such as Amsterdam Klezmerband, Geoff Berner and Urban Tunnels. Goylem play new Norwegian space-klezmer, though firmly rooted in traditional klezmer, they also draw inspiration from contemporary pop from the Middle East, psychedelic prog, Norwegian folk and sci-fi electronica. This is something you simply must hear live. Erlend Barrat-Due Solum is one of the rising stars of the Scandinavian klezmer scene. Violinist Ingrid Halvorsen is classically trained, and has had a long term romantic relationship with Béla Bartók. Nikolai Rohrlapper is joined at the hip to his accordion, Øystein Hvamen Rasmussen plays percussion and Hans Erik Wagner, known for his work with Rex Rudi plays upright bass.
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Invasionen (S)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 1:00am - 1:30am @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    In the wake of the as poetical as well as political EP “Arvegods” Invasionen are back with their second album, " Saker som jag sagt till natten." The fiery sound is rooted in both krautrock and post punk. This is also the album where Dennis Lyxzén flourishes as a song writer as well as singer, even in his own language. Lyxzén hardly needs any introduction. As front man for Refused he was the passionate singer and agitator for friends outside of Umeå, and is one of the most influential songwriters and visionaries in the Swedish hardcore scene. The ban never got to be as big as they deserved to be in Sweden, but it was an international phenomenon, representing an almost life-changing inspiration for the hardcore bands, vegans and young, enthusiastic people around the world. Refused ended up on top, after the release of the groundbreaking and somewhat prophetically-titled album The Shape Of Punk To Come. This autumn Invasionen are playing live shows. The invasion begins in September, in China. Invasionen will sing in Swedish in China. Dennis acknowledges that it felt strange, until someone pointed out that the Chinese really do not understand English either! Having led two internationally successful band it would seem easy for Dennis Lyxzén to continue on the same path.
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Lars Vaular (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 1:00am - 1:30am @ Sentrum scene
    Even though on the back of his Spellemann nominated “D’e Glede” (2009) and Spllemann winning “Helt Om Natten, Helt Om Natten” (2010) Lars Vaular has become something of a national institution, he’s not someone that can be accused of resting on his laurels. “Du Betyr Meg” (2011) was Vaular’s fourth album in as many years, a darker and more challenging proposition than previous efforts, but still with that same distinctive style that has come to characterise his work. “The record is probably one of the darkest, boldest albums ever from an established Norwegion rap artist and gives the impression that perhaps Vaular is now in a league of his own.” – Thomas Talseth, VG 5/6 “Lars Vaular is better now than he has ever been.” – BT 5/6 “Without a doubt one of Norway’s most important artists.” – Dagsavisen 5/6 “All the same it has an air of Steve McQueenesque cool about it.” – Dagbladet 5/6 “The country’s best rapper.” – Aftenposten 5/6
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Rubik (FI) - Nordic Music Prize nominee
    Saturday February 18, 2012 1:00am - 1:30am @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Rubik is a Finnish indie pop/rock band known for its unique style of rich sound, complex but well-contained arrangements, changing rhythms and melodies ranging from playful and danceable to wistful and delicate. “Want to know what Sigur Ros would sound like if you took acid? There’s no need for drug experimentation, instead it’s all right here for you in Rubik’s new album, Solar.” (The 405, UK) “Perfect summer listening” (Mashable, US) “Brilliantly pitched helping of bespoke, superfried indie pop.” (Irish Times, IRL)
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Souldrop (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 1:30am - 2:00am @ Stratos
    After gaining increasing recognition from the Norwegian music world with their bass heavy, catchy, clubby remixes for the likes of Lars Vaular, Datarock, Razika, Susanne Sundfør, Thomas Eriksen, Gatas Parlament, Fjorden Baby! and many more, Souldrop are now ready to drop their debut E.P. of their own material. The idea to make the leap from remixers to artists in their own right came when Even Brenna, Pål Myran-Håland and Thomas Knudsen realised that the way they created the remixes was not to far off the way they would go about creating original tracks. Why not put a few together and see how it goes? The first track out, “Om Igjen” with vocal contributions from Lars Vaular and Store P went straight in at number one on the iTunes electronic chart and quickly became a DJ favourite. Souldrop decided to take it all a step further and begun to work on a live show. After a full house at the live debut and absolutely smashing it at their second show at Slottsfjell / Kastellnatt, the boys knew they were on to something. On “Prelude E.P.” Souldrop have put together a varied spectrum of guest appearances. From Swedish rap star Adam Tensta, to Norwegian pop hopeful Kinee, the band have clearly experimented somewhat whilst honing what defines Souldrop. Aftenposten described Souldrop’s remix of Gatas Parlament’s track “Jobbe litt mindre og tjene litt mer” as “…a production that Robyn would love” and decreed that “the track deserves to be a hit”. Head of music at NRK P3, Mats Borch Bugge, picked out Souldrop’s Lars Vaular remix as a personal favourite when writing on P3.no: “The remix takes the track’s clubby vibe seriously and and takes it in an out and out dance direction. The build-up and the drop are absolutely phenomenal, and reminds me of the feeling I had at Hyperstate in 1995”.
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Torch (N)


Dante (S)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 2:00am - 2:30am @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    Dante is perhaps best known as the drummer and a key creative force behind The Concretes for the last five years. But earlier this past year he made his debut as a solo artist with the critically acclaimed single “Next To You” receiving both national and international plaudits. Since then Dante has released a follow up single, “Runners” which was subsequently picked as track of the year by P3 presenter Märtha Myrstener. The music is influenced by commercial pop, Drake, The Dream and the cream of the R&B crop, the result though is a sort of cross between Phil Collins and The Weekend. Dante self produces all his material, and is also working with other artists including his own father Toni Holgersson who he’s assisted with the production on his Swedish Grammy nominated album “Ibland kallar jag det kärlek”. Dante’s own self titled debut will be released in the Spring by Baseline Music.
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Emilio (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 2:00am - 2:30am @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Emilio is an unknown artist for many people in Norway, but the 20-year-old rapper from Oslo has been behind the scenes of the music industry in Norway for many years. With an active participation in Gatekunst (Street Art) Projects and releases by Sama D, Emilio started a humble but solid career when he was just eleven years old. He has done warmup gigs for Karpe Diem, Madcon, Lars Vaular, Lloyd Banks, Ken Ring, Gatas Parlament, and the future looks promising for the young artist. Emilio is a part of the creative collective “BAWS”, and you may have seen him in Baws videos with rappers such as Phil T Rich, Rob Banks and Aon. In the first week of September 2011, his first EP, “While You Were Sleeping,” was released. “While You Were Sleeping” is a reflection of everyday life with influences from a very colorful environment, and describes moods and love. The title is inspired by a sense of being underrated and “slept on”, and perhaps it is due time to wake up and download Emilio – “While You Were Sleeping”.
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Todd Rundgren - Q&A
    Saturday February 18, 2012 12:15pm - 1:45pm @ Folketeateret
    by:Larm proudly presents an in depth interview with the legendary American artist and producer Todd Rundgren.Todd Rundgren first stepped into the spotlight with the sixties band The Nazz, and he later explored several musical directions as a solo singer/songwriter in the seventies, including stadium rock, progressive rock, power pop, ambient and soul. Rundgren on his day is right up there with visionary artists such as Prince, Frank Zappa and Paul McCartney. Rundgren can also add the title of a star producer to his many musical triumphs as a solo artist or with his band Utopia. His resume includes production credits for the likes of Patti Smith, The Band, XTC, Hall & Oates, Meat Loaf, The New York Dolls, Cheap Trick, Grand Funk Railroad, and Badfinger to mention just a few. He is also an avid innovator, pioneering music videos, CD-rom technology, mp3-subscription-services etc. During his stay in Norway, Rundgren will also join a Norwegian artist in the studio, and will also play a couple of intimate solo shows, drawing on material from his entire career. Interviewer: Audun Vinger (editor, Vinduet)
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Dag Häggqvist, intervju med en skandinavisk musikkbransjebauta
    Saturday February 18, 2012 2:15pm - 3:15pm @ Mono
    by:Larm er stolte over å presentere en intervjusamtale (Q&A) med den legendariske svenske forleggeren og plateselskapsmannen Dag Häggqvist.Født i 1941, akkurat tidsnok til noen år senere – som 15-åring – å bli med på tidenes største eventyr; vanvittige oppturer, nedturer og opp-igjen-turer i musikkbransjen. Uten blygsel startet han sin karriere i 1956 med å skrive brev til Charles Mingus kone, Celia, for å sikre utgiverrettighetene til plater med Mingus, Miles Davis og Max Roach. Den skandinaviske bransjebautaen tilbragte senere flere tiår i Sonet og jobbet med flere av Skandinavias og verdens største artister. Jazz, rock, pop, konserter, innspillinger, og reiser verden rundt; kort sagt, Häggqvist har gitt en mengde betydelige bidrag til årevis med musikalske minner og vært med på å legge grunnlaget for den skandinaviske musikkbransjen. Han har også vært med på å hente frem noen av tidenes beste A&R-menn i Skandinavia, inkludert Ola Håkansson og Terje Engen. Akkurat som sine gamle kolleger i bransjen, som for eksempel Ertegun-brødrene og Chris Blackwell, er han en gentleman som besitter mye kunnskap om kreativitet og det bransjemessige håndverket som det er lett å glemme i disse digitale tider. Häggqvists samtalepartner under by:Larm er Kai Lofthus, tidligere Nordic Bureau Chief i bransjebladet Billboard, som har tilbragt endel tid med ham og observert hans arbeid i en årrekke. Intervjuet av Kai Lofthus
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Piratliv; En prat med Anders Odden
    Saturday February 18, 2012 3:30pm - 4:30pm @ Mono
    Vi tar en prat med Anders Odden om hans bok “Piratliv”. Anders har spilt med noen av de beste innen norsk metal, og han har førstehånds innsikt i norsk black metals opprinnelse.Anders var med i norsk black metals barndom på 90-tallet og var personlig venn med Øysten Aarseth. Han opplevde miljøet fra innsiden da det stormet som verst med kirkebranner, satanisme og drap. Som medlem av flere band med internasjonal suksess har han vært mye på veien og har sett metalscena fra innsiden. Boka forteller også bakgrunnshistorien for hans nye band, Doctor Midnight & The Mercy Cult med Hans-Erik Dyvik Husby som frontfigur.
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Sóley (ICL)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 6:00pm - 6:30pm @ Mono
    A beat is laid out, hesitantly moving along at first, then careering, taking off; soon sepia-toned clouds of piano gather overhead, shimmering, turning darker and richer, and then Sóley raises her voice – a voice that, until five years ago, she didn’t even consider a proper “singing voice”. It’s true: the bespectacled multi-instrumentalist from Iceland, now in her mid-twenties, had been around the world and back with her band, Seabear, when she finally discovered her own vocal skills.
    Even though Sóley Stefánsdóttir sings non-stop in private, creating a musical backdrop to pretty much everything she does, it just took her a while to get used to the sound of her own voice. We all know this, don’t we? It’s the sound of this voice that’s at the very core of her intricate compositions, tracks that flare like a bunch of magic lanterns, taking shape, growing hazy, flaming up once again, then moving on.
    Sóley sans Seabear – and the band’s mastermind Sindri was, after all, the first to go solo, as Sin Fang Bous, one should keep in mind – is basically a storyteller who has come up with her very own wonderland. Meet her on the street and she seems rather introverted; yet, she’s far from shy in this self-created musical sphere, a sonic realm she freely expands, stakes out, reinvents, turns upside down. Throughout the album, Sóley spins one yarn after the next; at one point, unfortunate “Smashed Birds” have to give their feathers for a new dress, while the guitar, making a special appearance, sets the tone. Elsewhere, she focuses on the moment when a dream is exposed as such, this time over a huge sonic expanse drowned in reverb. She moves gently over magic carpets, woven landscapes, majestic like movie scores (“Fight Them Soft,” which might as well be her mantra), only to serve the listener a plate of “Blue Leaves” next. Song after song, the former student of composition manages to combine seemingly disparate elements with stunning ease, a snap of her fingers, a click of the tongue, a carefree mood reminiscent of earlier projects hailing from Iceland. Not to mention the sound of the letter R when she sings, wobbling smoothly off the tip of the tongue, all straight at first, then branching off, 180 degrees, eventually hitting the home stretch – reflecting the shape of the letter itself. After “Theater Island,” last year’s 6-track EP, Sóley returns with her first full-length, an album full of rhythmic makeshift creatures, of handclaps hidden in the undergrowth, tempting us to join in.
    The 13 tracks are sometimes incredibly catchy; amazingly quirky at other times: think cardigan-folk from the northern hemisphere, an ocean of stained glasses bopping up and down in the shared apartment’s dishwater, leeward in limbo. The result is refreshing in its lack of edginess; think Joanna Newsom minus her harp, or the Casady sisters circa 2004, but then clearly better trained, less crooked. In other words: her voice, those loops moving around like wooden toys, and finally the piano – that’s the backbone, the essence of her compositions; at least until some unexpected element appears elsewhere, a rhythmic creaking or the lack thereof, like a hidden Rube Goldberg machine, setting off yet another component, thus paving the way across the threshold and on into the next realm of sound.
    And thus we keep on sinking, deeper and deeper, until we stand on terra firma once again, realizing that somehow, next to us, above us, around us, a beat is laid out, hesitantly moving along at first, then careering…
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The Avalanche (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 6:30pm - 7:00pm @ Sub Scene
    The Avalanche play shoegaze tinged noise rock, combined with the best elements from a host of other genres. Catchy melodies hidden beneath endless layers of twisted guitar noise, driving drums and fuzz bass paired with the soothing sound of warm synths push you back and forth between oscillating waves of delicious pop and dirty noise. The Avalanche was recently picked as Urørt artist of the week on NRK P3 calling it “a beautiful piece of dizzy shoegaze”. The Avalanche are signed to Riot Factory’s Sad Songs For Happy People imprint. Their debut album will be recorded at Greener Productions in late 2011 and will be released in 2012.
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Østkanten Bluesklubb´s vorspiel: Heidi Solheim
    Saturday February 18, 2012 7:00pm - 7:30pm @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    Heidi is usually found behind the microphone as the raw and powerful frontman of the acclaimed blues-rock band Pristine, but her first solo album “Found” is far from blue notes and edgy riffs. Her soulful, energetic and melancholic music bears witness to a unique and mature singer. This is brilliant and melancholic pop produced by Andreas Mjøs. Release date for the debut album is 20th of February “Girl with the right to raise your voice”: (Oyvind Rønning, Dagbladet) “The vocalist Heidi Solheim has that little extra it takes”: (Svein Andersen, Aftenposten)
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Highasakite (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 7:30pm - 8:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Ingrid Helene Håvik from Your Headlights Are On and Trond Bersu from Pelbo are the core of HighasaKite. Vocals, zither, electronics and drums form the basis of the band’s sound. In the studio the band are joined by Krøyt’s Thomas Dahl on guitar and live the band are augmented by Sacred Harp’s Øystein Skar on keys. HighasaKite are a relatively new proposition, but even in a short space of time, a lot has happened. They won the 2011 Momentum prize netting them 15 days at the Ocean Sound studio and a slot at now key event Sommerfesten Giske. In addition they’ve had a couple of nods from NRK Urørt and that’s resulted in airplay on P3 as well as being playlisted on a number of other regional stations. Their debut album is now complete and will be released via Riot Factory. “Like a warm breeze HighasaKite swathe you in mystery, something that feels both comfortable and healthy. “Indian Summer” has qualities that sound like they’re from the world that Lykke Li plays in, cool electronic pop with a good ear for melody and stunning vocals." – NRK P3 Urørt
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Utdeling av statoilstipendet


Eno magazine Presents Saturday @ Kulturkirken Jakob


Beaten To Death (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ Rockefeller annex
    Beaten To Death made their debut on the 23rd of September with eighteen minutes and thirty six seconds of extraordinary, dirty, catchy grindcore! Machine gun drums, agressive guitars, snarling bass and truly evil vocals are the foundations of Beaten To Death. Rising out of this hideous darkness are beautiful harmonies and with a smattering of brutally groovy tracks, “Xes and Strokes” is an infectious and ebullient record, that’s irresistible no matter what your taste is.
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Helgi Jonsson (ICL)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    Icelandic artist Helgi Jonsson started his unconventional journey in music when he picked up the trombone at the age of 7, but already at 5 he proclaimed he wanted to be a “pop singer”. Today, a critically acclaimed singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist, not many people would call Jonsson’s music “pop”, with its great wide landscapes of contrasts, sharp edges and big emotions, yet it’s evident that he is an artist with a strong ear for catchy melodies and a will to embrace and touch a broad audience. He studied classical music at the Reykjavik Conservatory of Music and later at the University of the Arts in Graz, Austria. Here he started digging into contemporary music and the world of jazz and improvisation. The beginning of the millennium saw the birth of Jonsson as a singer and songwriter, now accompanying himself on guitar and piano. While nurturing his own project and sound, Helgi Jonsson has been a treasured sideman, touring the world with Danish Tina Dico, Faeroese Teitur and fellow Icelanders Sigur Rós. He has recorded and performed with artists such as Damien Rice, Glen Hansard, Ane Brun, Wildbirds & Peacedrums, Amiina, Funkstörung, Dzihan & Kamien, Tom Jones, Múm, Philipp Poisel and many others. Helgi Jonsson’s eclectic new solo album ”Big Spring” was released in September 2011.
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I Got You On Tape (DK)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ Mono
    “We believe that you have the ability to write big, important songs, and to reach a much larger audience” was the justification when I Got You On Tape in January 2010 received the prestigious P3 Gold Award. An award that was the beginning of a new musical journey for the band. With two sold-out tours in Denmark during the past year, SXSW concerts and a successful Benelux tour, the band has now truly tapped hole in the abscess. From being indie darlings and critic’s favorites, yet still a well kept secret for the few, they are now establishing themselves as an international name. Eighteen months after receiving the P3 Gold Award I Got You On Tape are finally ready to unveil what they’ve been working on, and a first taste of their new album is ready in the form of single “Run From The Rain”. As a natural response to I Got You On Tape’s last and very introspective album “Spinning For The Cause” the band members have applied a brighter and more open expression. Keyboards are used far more explicitly than previously, and the sampled drums takes the tempo on the record up a notch. Several of the heavy and dark layers are pealed away to achieve a simpler, more playful sound, still with the characteristic I Got You On Tape-feeling and with Jacob Bellens sonorous vocals as the focal point. “Church Of The Real” was released in September 2011 hitting number one in the Danish album charts.
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Rebecca & Fiona (S)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ Jaeger
    The DJ-duo of friends Rebecca Scheja and Fiona Fitzpatrick have, in less than 18 months have become well known as “Rebecca & Fiona” for nigh on the entire Swedish population. Having released three successful singles since June 2010, “Luminary Ones”, “Bullet” and most recently the double A-side, “If She Was Away / Hard”, these two girls have become something of a phenomenon, that everyone feels a connection to. A meteoric rise that is the stuff dreams are made of. Rebecca & Fiona have played over 100 gigs across Sweden, Scandinavia and Europe. They have won the “Kristallen” award for their reality show, the first web-based television series to win the prize. They’ve played twice in Ibiza at the world’s biggest club “Privilege” with the world’s biggest DJ, Tiësto. They have gone platinum with their single “Bullets” which is one of the most played songs on Swedish radio this past year. They have opened for Robyn on her European tour and was signed by Europe’s largest DJ booking agency Mainstage Artists. In addition, Rebecca & Fiona were featured on American house-giant Cascade’s latest single “Turn It Down”. Their debut album titled “I Love You, Man!” was released November 16, 2011. The album is produced by Rebecca & Fiona and co-produced by Adrian Lux (known for “Teenage Crime” and other house-hits) and Carli (Savage Skulls / Stay Gold / Robyn / Crookers).
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Saturday City (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ Kulturkirken Jacob
    Saturday City are a duo comprised of brothers Stian (Death by Unga Bunga) and Magnus Gulbrandsen from Moss. The brothers only began to play together as a duo a couple of years ago, after having been in a variety of bands in various guises they began to realise that they both had a whole host of material that weren’t able to use. Rather more laid back, catchy songs that didn’t fit into a standard rock band format, but that absolutely had to see the light of day. Thus Saturday City was born. The music is inspired by American and British pop, folk and country. In its live format they are passionate, two guitars, one acoustic, one electric and two voices. A kind of folk version of the Everly Brothers, if you want it simplified a bit. Work on their first full length is well under way, with a release planned for 2012.
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Statoil presenterer: Ingrid Olava
    Saturday February 18, 2012 8:00pm - 8:30pm @ Folketeateret
    Ingrid Olava’s debut album was released in March 2008 in Scandinavia to both commercial and critical acclaim. The album, “Juliet’s Wishes”, has been certified gold in her native Norway and earned Olava three Norwegian Grammy nominations, including Best New Artist, Best Song (“Back to Love”) and Female Artist of the Year. Ingrid Olava’s second album was called ‘The Guest’’ and released in February 2010 through
    Universal. Ingrid was awarded the Statoil grant in 2010.
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Andrea Dahle (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Nokia teltet
    Andrea Dahle is a new and exciting artist with a truly distinctive voice. Since the age of 12 she has written her own music, and lately she has gained national attention after having leaked a selection of songs from her forthcoming debut album, slated for release in February 2012. She has already been picked as “Ukas Urørt” (NRK’s new music show and equivalent of BBC Introducing) and the track “Play For Me” was in the airplay charts for almost six months. Now she has a new singel “Seeds” that has also received numerous plays on NRK P3. Her music is often described as a mix between Kate Bush and Neil Young, with a touch Motown and Tarantino’s soundtracks. These elements afford Andrea Dahle a truly unique sound, pitched somewhere between indie and pure pop.
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Bendik (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Bendik is where noise, ice-cold pop and warm ambience converge, creating something achingly beautiful, siren-like that can lead you into dangerous waters. Bendik’s music belongs to a fantasy universe, like something emanating from deep inside a dark forest. “Foggy ambient pop from a wide, dim landscape that can make your heart ship a beat – or sometimes, if the conditions are right, even stop completely.” – No Fear Of Pop In March 2011 Bendik released the homemade “Silent EP” limited to just 100 copies, and at the same time were picked as an Urørt artist of the week for the song “Again” on NRK P3. Bendik plan a beautiful and exciting little EP for release in Spring 2012 and their debut album is slated for release later in the year. In 2011 they’ve enjoyed a busy festival season having played among others Slottsfjell, Øya and Pstereo. Bendik are:
    Silje Halstensen – vocals, guitar, synth
    Erlend Sveen River – Moog, synth, vocals
    Eivind Helgerød – drums, vocals
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Eirin Kinn (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ The Crossroad Club
    Eirin Kinn has just released her first E.P. an acoustic potpourri of americana, rock and folk. As well as writing her own songs, she plays both guitar and violin and sings with a voice that evokes Rickie Lee Jones as well as Alison Krauss. Her sound demonstrates depth in her personal tastes, with the likes of Joe Henry, Elliott Smith and The Flaming Lips all shining through. In addition to the tracks penned by her own fair hand, she’s chosen to to include a cover of Neil Young’s “Tell Me Why” with perhaps a nod to CSNY and their harmonies. The record also features a number of more established musicians, with help coming from members of Beady Belle, Serena Maneesh, Turboneger and Okavango.
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Jabba The Butt (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Revolver
    Jabba the Butt are an experimental noise-rock duo originally from rural Northern-Norway. With only two members, a bassist and a drummer, the sound is bound to be unconventional. And that is very much the case with Jabba the Butt. The band sounds dirty, rough and at times quite groovy and noisy, and brings to mind new hardcore as well as old sludgecore and heavy metal. The band consists of Rolf-Ole Rydeng Jenssen and Lars-Erik Kroken Mikkelsen, and the boys have consistently delivered compelling, innovative and interesting live shows.
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Rubik (FI) - Nordic Music Prize nominee
    Saturday February 18, 2012 8:30pm - 9:00pm @ Rockefeller
    Rubik is a Finnish indie pop/rock band known for its unique style of rich sound, complex but well-contained arrangements, changing rhythms and melodies ranging from playful and danceable to wistful and delicate. “Want to know what Sigur Ros would sound like if you took acid? There’s no need for drug experimentation, instead it’s all right here for you in Rubik’s new album, Solar.” (The 405, UK) “Perfect summer listening” (Mashable, US) “Brilliantly pitched helping of bespoke, superfried indie pop.” (Irish Times, IRL)
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Andre Holstad (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Dattera til Hagen
    Andre Holstad is a beanpole of a chap with a heart that constantly beats 4/4. By the time he was ten he’d already had it all mapped out, neatly recording in his school books how by the time he was thirty, he would be both a rock star and living in a castle. At 27, he looks like he’s well on schedule. With rare charisma and unforgettable tunes, &(&^&(&^%^&*& (which has become his trademark), André Holstad is at the vanguard of new Norwegian rock music. His new single “Corporation” is out on Universal.
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Astaroth (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Sentrum scene
    Astaroth are a black / deathmetal band from Oslo who have been together about four years. The band played this year’s Infernofestival in Oslo and plan to release their record through Indie Distribution. “Its like taking a step back and reliving the past versions of today’s black metal and being able to relive those moments that we all miss. – www.nightspirit.no “Not many bands master the art of making cold inhuman atmospheres seamlessly fit with raw and heinous rage. Norway’s Astaroth is one of those that do. So, if you miss those black metal bands of yours that were truly the masters of their frozen element Astaroth is on hand to take you back to those times.” – Infernofestival magazine
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Bendik Brænne (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Gamla
    Bendik Brænne has for many years been the man in the shadows. As a sax player for a whole host of different artists he’s stood behind the curtain, at the very periphery of the action, with neither lights nor monitors more times than he cares to count. In his twenty four years of life on earth, he’s played the world over and has never for a minute thought of jacking it all in. In May of 2011 he swapped his sax for a mic and went to the Mecca for the world’s country trash, Nashville. With the aim of making an alt-country record he enticed the likes of Bobby Keys, Bryan Owings, Fats Kaplin, Tim Marks, Steven Sheehan, Andy Hall, and Rob McNelly in to the studio with him. The results are almost ready. Stay tuned!
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Cody (DK)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    Pop with a twist of folk, or the other way around… Named by many as one of the best new bands from Denmark, adored by critics and quite quickly becoming an audience favourite too. Cody were nominated for three Danish Music Awards 2010 for the debut album ‘Songs’. In July 2011 they played the Roskilde Festival, for the second time in three years, which is very rare for a Danish band. They have toured heavily across Europe and have also played SXSW. Their debut album was released throughout Europe in 2010. At the Danish showcase festival SPOT in May 2010 Cody scored 6/6 reviews across the board! The international response has since then been overwhelming and Cody were selected to play three SPOT ON DENMARK showcases: @ Montreux JazzFestival (July 2010), in Bruxelles (November 2010), and Vienna (February 2011). Cody are now recording new songs, with a planned release in early 2012.
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Gerilja (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    Word on the street is that if Dave Mustaine and Marc Bolan had a son, (…not considering biological issues etc..) it would be Aleks, singer/guitarist (lead) of GERILJA. Since Aleks’ bro Simon plays bass in Gerilja too, Dave and Marc could also be held responsible for him. No one really knows where Ottar comes from, but he has gold teeth and the babes love him so who cares? This, in combination with GERILJA’s unconditional love for analog synths and the almighty 808 drum machine, has resulted in their rad sound. To cut a long story short, GERILJA has merged early Megadeth-style intensity with T-rex groove and flair and added just a tsp of synthesized sci-fi. The combination may seem unlikely, but that’s not the case folks. It’s the classic rock of the future!
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I am Sound (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Mono
    I am Sound was founded by songwriter Tore Kobbeltvedt with a desire to create something that draws the audience into a world of both sorrow and joy. I Am Sound was picked out to be NRK Urørt artist of the week with for the track “Soul Mates”. “I am Sound arranges sounds, instruments and harmonic vocals beautifully. “Soul Mates” is an embracing, epic, and warm song – and it feels just as magical as meeting a soulmate." – Trine Jørgensen Aandahl, NRK P3 With his fellow musicians he takes the listener on a musical journey with instruments such as glasses, glockenspiel and accordion. Musical reference points are artists such as Sigur Ros, echo, Fever Ray, Björk, Bugge Wesseltoft and Arvo Pärt
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Møster! (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Kulturkirken Jacob
    Møster! is the dream band of saxophonist Kjetil Møster, an internationally renowned jazzsaxofonist of long standing, but for the last three years, best known as part of Datarock. Møster came to public attention after a momentous solo with Chick Corea and the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra at the Molde Jazz 2000. After this he focused on The Core, Zanussi Five and Ultrasound and got much positive coverage in both Norwegian and international press. Møster! have played with Paal Nilssen-Love, Christian Wallumrød, Nils Petter Molvaer, Trygve Seim, Ingebrigt Flaten, Thomas Strønen and Bugge Wesseltoft. Datarock aside, Kim has also played in King Midas in addition to that, he also participated on albums with, amongst others, 120 Days, Ungdomskulen and Sondre Lerche, as well as touring with Bertine Zetlitz and Morten Abel. In 2006 Møster was named the “International Jazz Talent of the Year”. When the Kongsberg Jazz Festival gave Møster opportunity to take along whomever he wanted, the choice was easy, taking fellow musicians now in the band Møster! which consists of Ståle Storløkken plays hammond organ and Moog, bassist Nikolai Eilertsen and drummer Kenneth Kapstad.
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Overthrow (N)


Renaissance Man (FI)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Jaeger
    Renaissance Man are comprised of two former architects from Finland. Two former architects with an aptitude for driving, bassline orientated tech-house. After Dave “Switch” Taylor saw their potential and signed their first track to Dubside Records, Renaissance Man soon became a well known name in club-land. The Finnish duo followed that with an E.P. entitled “What Is Guru” for ultra-cred label Sound Pellegrino as well as three tracks for Jesse Rose’s label Made to Play. Then the remix requests started to come in, with work for Brodinski, Crystal Fighters, Wareika, Who Made Who, Crookers and Le Corps Mince de Françoise to name but a few.
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Statoil presenterer: Mathias Eick
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Folketeateret
    Being one of Norways most promising young talents for over a decade, Mathias Eick moves steadily towards being one of the finest musicians from the Northern regions, regardless of age group and genre. Still early in his thirties, Eick has marvellous range of achievements to show for himself; in 2007 he won the International Jazz Talent, awarded to him by the International Jazz Festivals Organization situated in New York. He then won the Statoil Scholarship in 2009, undoubtedly the largest scholarship in Norway, and he has released two albums on one of the worlds most influential jazz record labels, Eick also keeps himself busy participating on several albums playing either trumpet, double bass, vibraphone, piano, guitar, or in his own words “anything needed.”
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Yngve & his Boogie Legs (N) - Union Blues Band
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:00pm - 9:30pm @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Yngve and His Boogie Legs are a jump-blues band from Voss in Hordaland. At the moment the band members are spread across Oslo, Bergen and Voss. They write and play jump-blues songs with a modern twist, drawing influences also from classic rock and pop. At this year’s Notodden Blues Cup the band hit top form and from 2012 can call themselves a Union Blues Band. With upright bass, mouth organ and some rather snappy suits, Yngve & His Boogie Legs guarantee good times for both those listening at home or on the dance floor.
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Bugge Wesseltoft presents Saturday @ Victoria


Beglomeg (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Gloria Flames
    Beglomeg is a mechanism built up by hypnotic rhythms under a retractable bass machine with brass tubes that goes up to an upper part, where psychedelic death funk is being processed by a spanish archivist and a hungarian doctor into giant flashing bulbs of buttered butlers and transcendental european bastards dripping bossa, rumba, prog, imitated italian library, Asia. And maybe even the odd super-easy? Beglomeg, a dansband for the living dead, a music box for cockroaches.
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Bugge Wesseltoft presenterer: Moskus (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Victoria / Nasjonal Jazzscene
    Moskus isn’t exactly minimalism, nor avant-garde or even ambient, or jazz. The acoustic trio, with its peculiar chemistry, have found that elusive uniqueness that can only come from this kind of creative interaction. The band come from wildly different backgrounds, drummer Hans Hulbækmo has his roots in folk and prog, Fredrik Luhr Dietrichson on standup bass is more rock orientated and pianist Anja Lauvdal has a background in gospel music. Hans and Anja are also involved in the band Your Headlights Are On who played by:Larm last year. Their debut record is slated for release in 2012, with a tour planned around the record.
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Eye Emma Jedi (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Rockefeller
    From totally out of nowhere Eye Emma Jedi popped up on Norwegian radio in November of 2010. From the very outset the band immediately attracted both industry and public attention, so much so that the band were booked by Øya (a first in their ten year history) to play the festival without having seen or heard them play live. What was the reason for this sea change? Of course the festival wanted to hear more than what had already aired publicly and amongst the four EPs they’d recorded in their ting rehearsal room, was Emma Eye Jedi’s new single “BROTHER.” And it was indeed BROTHER that NRK Lydverket picked out as their best song in their review of their packed show at Øya: “The track “Brother” is particularly special, and impresses immensely. It is more lingering and introverted, yet still totally danceable taking inspiration from more epic indierock." Together with Chris Zane (Passion Pit, Tokyo Police Club, Friendly Fires etc.) and recent George Merino (Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Guns And Roses), recently a Grammy winner for Arcade Fire’s “Suburbs” the band have produced, mixed and mastered this fantastic track which is already playlisted on NRK P3.
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Lumeet (FI)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Stratos
    The New Lofi on Lumeet – Isadora Mu: “The whole album is an epic intergalactic electro-disco journey… an audio adventure into some unknown science fiction future. One of my favorite LP’s this year” Lumeet is the synth disco lovechild of Finnish producer/musician Väinö Ala-Härkönen. His output of self-produced music started with old home computers and keyboards at the tender age of 12 and has spanned multiple genres during the past sixteen years. Never sticking to one style for too long, with Lumeet he has done a personal synthesis of influences such as classic synth pop of Yellow Magic Orchestra, Norwegian modern space disco of Lindstrøm and Mungolian Jet Set, Fennoscandian folk songs, old video game soundtracks and classical minimalism of Steve Reich & Philip Glass. The first self-published Lumeet album “Isadora Mu” was released digitally in August 2011 and a limited edition vinyl release followed in October 2011.
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Simen Tangen


Sisi (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ Nokia teltet
    Susanne ”Sisi” Sumbundu has been making music for as long as she can remember. Though until now this has been providing vocals for other artists. She’s appeared both on recordings and live with Madcon and Paperboys on their hits such as “Liar” and “Lonesome Traveller”. In the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest she was a backing singer for Stella Mwangi and was able to enjoy the show from the stage in Düsseldorf. After that she toured far and wide with not only Stella but also with Norway’s new reggae sensation Admiral P who she worked with on hit singles ”Snakke litt” and ”Spinnvill”. Sisi released her debut solo single “Stay” in June 2011 on the People Love Music label. The label was met with broadly positive reviews and was subsequently playlisted on P3. She’s working at the moment on a couple more singles and has an album in the pipeline. Her sound could be described as retro soul with modern elements. With refreshing dancey rhythms and oodles of soul, Sisi is an artists to watch.
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Staer (N)


Thom Hell (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 9:30pm - 10:00pm @ The Crossroad Club
    It was during Autumn 2010 when the plan for the recording of what would be Thom Hell’s fifth studio album began to take shape. Thom had established contact with one of his true heroes, Jason Falkner. The songwriter, solo artist, session musician, producer and composer of the soundtrack to Ocean’s 13. “Last year I took a chance and sent him a message, asking if he was at a loose end and wondering if he wanted to make a record with me. He said yes and so we got on with it. We gave ourselves three days together to see if it worked. No pressure to do anything in particular, just to see if it clicked. After the first day we went out partying together.” For Thomas the songwriting and recording process for this record has been vital. “If I hadn’t had the outlet that songwriting can give, I’d have been fucked. It is about getting over stuff and getting back on the horse as fast as possible.” The result comes on February 13th, with the release of the album entitled “Suddenly Past”.
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Prinspolo (ICL)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:00pm - 10:00pm @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Prinspóló is the alter-ego of Skakkamanage’s front man Svavar Pétur Eysteinsson. Prinspóló sings about the important things in life, like food and senior citizens. His quirky lyrics and catchy tunes has gained him some popularity amongst the downtown Reykjavík music scene and among suburban housewives. Prinspóló has released one EP called “Einn Heima” and new LP is being released on Kimi Records in the beginning of June 2011. The album is called “Jukk”, meaning everything, something and nothing. Prinspóló performs with a band comprised of musicians drawn from FM Belfast, Reykjavík! and Sudden Weather Change.
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Ask Embla (N/S)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Gamla
    Ask Embla are Swedish songwriter/producer Arnthor Birgisson (though actually born in Iceland) and Norwegian songwriter Ina Wroldsen. Between them they have written hits for huge international artists including Britney Spears, Leona Lewis, Shontelle, J-Lo and the Pussycat Dolls. With their Icelandic and Norwegian background they’ve come together to form a unique sound that defines Ask Embla.
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Bloksberg (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Jaeger
    The duo consisting of Eivind J. Vullum and Jens-Kjole Bjerkan, formerly of Sally Suicide, has certainly found new paths for its future trips. So far in their short career, the band have played support for 120 Days in Oslo, Bergen and Kristiansand, Klubb-Øya 2011 at Revolver in Oslo, ENO magazine’s release party at Landmark in Bergen and opened for Martin Rev (Suicide) in Oslo. The band play real analog synthesizers, drum machines and sequencers, musical genre is defined as “Tækno”. A unique proposition for both young and old. “The boys in Bloksberg, these beautiful, captivating, boys are the kind of young fellows you’re just as likely to meet at a Kiss concert as at some sort of new age ritual and are quite possibly trying to modernise E2-E4. A bold undertaking, perhaps but that’s not something they’re too worried about.” – Herr R, Beglomeg, Club Knulldrøm
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Execration (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Sentrum scene
    Execrations’ (N) second album “Odes of the Occult” contains 9 tracks of vicious, evil death metal on double 12" vinyl. It parts with the percussive style of previous releases in favour of a wider set of influences drawing from death metal, doom and cult black metal. “…one of the most interesting albums to come out of the country in years" 9/10
    (It’s A Trap) .”.. the bearer of new life in the experimental genre of death metal… a genuinely dark and experimental sound." 8/10
    (Rockerilla Magazine) “Norway is maybe not one of the first places that would come to mind when it comes to proper old school death metal, but that could well change. Execrations second record, “Odes of the Occult”, is a tour de force of the genre."
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Hymns From Nineveh (DK)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Kulturkirken Jacob
    Hymns from Nineveh was one of the year’s most critically acclaimed Danish albums and was was subsequently hailed as album of the year by Gaffa. Behind this self titled debut is one Jonas Petersen a Danish singer and guitarist who works under the alias Hymns from Nineveh. Hymns from Nineveh are the sound of life’s highs and low, protest songs and hymns respectively, melancholy and joy. All feelings evoked by his live shows, when he’s joined on stage by seven other musicians. “It was during the morning downpour that Hymns from Nineveh took to the stage, and played one of the best sets of the year’s Rosklide festival, you live and breathe for moments like that. The Danish debutants, with Jonas “Hymnboy” Petersen leading the charge, gave an inspired performance of dynamic folk-rock songs lifted from their brilliantly ramshackle debut album." – Kim Skotte for Politiken reviewing theur performance at Roskilde 2011
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Linnea Dale (N)


Masquer (S)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Mono
    “Swedish synth-pop outfit Masquer’s debut consists of pop hits with a dark edge” (Dazed Digital) Masquer entwine lonesome, broken guitar lines drowned in chorus with beautiful teen angst vocals and catchy synthesizers backed by lo-fidrum machines. They remind you of your favorite 80’s mixtape, and it hits you right there, like they’re channeling that poetic pop love from your past. The long awaited debut album “Cover My Face As The Animals Cry” had Scandinavian release September 14th, through Rough Trade distribution and was produced by Swedish artist and composer Per Egland. Their first single “Happiness” was released in May together with a remix by Swedish-German techno act The Field (Kompakt). “Happiness” was played frequently on national radio and Masquer recieved critical acclaim amongst music- and fashion blogs such as Dazed Digital and PSL. Next single included a remix by Swedish electronica artist Andreas Tilliander, and was also added to frequent rotation on national radio. The Stockholm based duo has performed frequently the past year and played at venues together with acts like Niki And The Dove and also toured as opening acts for artists like The Field and Asha Ali. They got booked for Swedish festival Way Out West, summer 2011, and played at the same venue as Warpaint and Radio Dept.
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Mmm (N)


Samsaya (N)


Statoil presenterer: Kvelertak
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ Folketeateret
    Brutally catchy punkrock/metal with a taste of groovy darkness!
    Kvelertak shamelessly draw inspiration from every corner of something that could fit into their idea of good hard-hitting and catchy rock’n’roll. Regardless of genre, but always truthful to the basic idea of the band; good songs performed with the tongue-in-cheek attitude of their punk-rock pioneers. Unlike the majority of heavier bands they sing in their native language – adding even more character to their already unique sound. Kvelertak are already well known in Norway for their furious live energy and catchy, melodic, metal-inspired punk rock. Outside Norway they are fairly unknown yet, but that is changing with each show they play abroad. “completely over the top, these six rocking rascals with a three-man guitar front, going for all sacred cows in the aforementioned genres with undisguised fun and catchy melodies. Whether the listener will like it? Let’s put it this way: once gripped by Kvelertak you never want anything else.” (Eurosonic festival magazine)
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Zoom winner - Casual Friday (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:00pm - 10:30pm @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    Casual Friday breath new life into the much debated and already established indie genre, with a band with an an energetic, melodic twist. The band was initially inspired by bands like The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, Kings of Leon and so on but more recently the band have take a more Foals orientated direction with contrasting guitar melodies. The Tønsberg based band have played at Slottsfjell festival in 2010 amongst others and have appeared at the festival’s live venue Total on a number of occasions including a support slot for Lukestar. On stage, Casual Friday are brimming with energy and have a reputation for engaging their audience from start to finish.
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AutoLaser (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Stratos
    AutoLaser has been one of Trondheim’s best kept secrets for a while now. A buzz band for those in the know, who’ve mooted the band as one to watch in the coming year. AutoLaser are unorthodox, with an audacity that is refreshing and an ability to create a sound that gives a nod to both Skrillex and Deadmau5, to mention two other great all rounders. The result achieves the remarkable feat to be both headphone and dancefloor friendly at the same time.
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Carmen Villain (NB - Sunkissed LIVE, separate tickets sold)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Sunkissed LIVE@Blå
    For over a year, Carmen has worked on an album produced by Emil Nikolaisen (Serena Maneesh), of which two songs are produced by fellow nordic luminary Prince Thomas. The result is pop shrouded in claustrophobic and melodic noise-cascades with references to “Bad Moon Rising” era Sonic Youth and early Royal Trux.
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El Doom & the Born Electric (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ The Crossroad Club
    El Doom (Ole Petter Andreassen) is a well respected Norwegian guitarplayer/singer/producer (4 Norwegian Grammy nominations, 2 wins), whose work in the past has been divided between his main projects The Cumshots and Thulsa Doom, while still finding time to produce/engineer some of Norways biggest bands. Never a quitter, El Doom soon put together his new group after Thulsa Doom’s demise. Both former bands always had progressive elements, but those influences were somewhat restrained by some of the collaborators distaste for the genre. But those days are over. His new musicians are sort of a who’s who of the Norwegian progressive/jazz scene, including bassplayer Nicolai Eilertsen (Elephant 9, Bigbang), hammond wizard Ståle Storløkken (Elephant 9) and the grand old man Jon Eberson The music is labelled as progressive rock, but never loses its focus on delivering a good catchy chorus. The influences range from Thulsa Doom, Rush, Deep Purple, Melvins, (Badmotorfinger era) Soundgarden, to newer progressive bands like Mastodon and Opeth.
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Fonal label night - Jarse (FI)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Revolver
    A power duo from south coast of Finland, Jarse has been preparing for a psychedelic revolution since 2009, drawing inspiration from the entire history of psychedelic music, from dark, prehistorical times right through to the distant future. In 2011 first official Jarse release, 7" single “Alas” (Fonal Records) saw daylight. To celebrate this in Summer 2011 Jarse played 6 week long European tour through central Europe, Scandinavia and even Iceland. Performances in pitch dark venues with a custom built flicker machine producing hallucinogenic vibrations left audiences astonished. While Jarse was forced to do this tour with a one member lineup, now Jarse are able to manifest their jaw-dropping version of modern day psychedelia as a two piece operation. The curiculum vitae of the members of Jarse contains many notable bands including Shogun Kunitoki, Rauhan Orkesteri, Kiila, Pymathon etc. A.D. 2012 will see the release of first Jarse full length album that has been slowly perfected since early 2010 in their remote cottage studio in Lapland, just under the Arctic Circle.
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Hanne Kolstø (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Sub Scene
    Hanne Kolstø, also known as one half of electronica duo Thelma & Clyde, is a restless singer / songwriter who never fails to surprise. In forgotten sounds and abandoned synths Hanne finds hidden melodies. Growing up in the shadow of the mountains in Sunnmøre and subsequently for the last decade in Kristiansand has certainly left its mark. There is often an Obstfelderesque (Norwegian poet) alienation behind her lyrics and sounds, and even in her most beautiful pop songs, there is a sense of desperation in her mystical, unpolished voice. “You’ll notice that fantastic sensation of music that grows on you every time you hear it, that reveals exciting new details each time you listen. In the end you’re left with one of the most exciting Norwegian debut albums in a long, long time.” – Musikknyheter.no 8/10 “Riot Break is the record that Björk has been promising for fifteen years but has never delivered… It is lucky that we don’t give quantitative scores in reviews in this paper, because any number I were to give would be too low.” – Morgenbladet
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Machine Birds (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Victoria / Nasjonal Jazzscene
    Machine Birds play experimental pop with touches of electronica and improv. Their music encompasses everything from melancholy melodies to catchy riffs, and varies between a simple and a massive sound. The atmosphere, the dissemination and the sheer presence in the songs takes the aucience on small musical adventures. “There are few musical universes as attractive as the one that Machine Birds have created with “One Last Try”. Without a doubt this is the most beautiful thing to have come out of Urørt this year, beautiful production and stripped down pop which stays in your heart long after the track is over."
    - NRK Urørt “With an impressively wide ranging, dynamic sound (especially with only two people on stage), this is a band that has quickly found its own voice: Eberson’s heavy synth waves combined with lighter, catchier riffs and Skranes’ dreamy vocal underpinned by various looping and tape effects.” – Studvest “Together we were admitted in to Marte Eberson and Maria Skranes’ dreamworld. A world full of electronic, organic and incredibly beautiful music. There is perhaps a contradiction in there somewhere, but it a really long time since I’ve heard electronic music that is so “live”." – Under Dusken
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Mira Craig (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Nokia teltet
    Mira Craig is one of Norway’s biggest pop icons, known for her experimental and exciting mix of different styles. She’s received some stunning reviews and has two albums that have gone gold. The 29 year old won the Alarm prize for best newcomer and has been nominated for both Spellemann and MTV Europe awards. The 29 year old takes a comprehensive approach to her music, and is deeply involved in every facet of her operation, visually and musically, and is involved in the production and songwriting as well as as choreographer, director, stylist and designer. Craig has previously collaborated with international stars such as Snoop Dogg and Timbaland. At Quart festival she duetted with Wyclef Jean and shared a stage with Pharrell Williams, which forms just part of her huge concert experience both at home and abroad. On her forthcoming fourth full-length, she’s gone into the studio with a full band and has kept to a more organic pop-rock sound. The concept revolves around epic tales from a bygone western era. The first single is entitled “Aces High” and is launched in Scandinavia in January 2012. www.miracraig.com
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Simian Ghost (S)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Gloria Flames
    Initially Simian Ghost was an experiment, the solo adventure of Sebastian Arnström, but has subsequently become a full band. The first album “Infinite Traffic Everywhere”, written and performed by Sebastian Arnström, was released in 2010. On the record he plays to an electronic backing track, mixed with drums and guitar, the poppy result of his background in the Swedish indie scene. The album received great reviews and was was named Album of the Year 2010 by readers of dagensskiva.com. Shortly after this, Simian Ghost became a trio, having been joined by Sebastian’s brother Erik Klinga and mutual friend Mathias Zachrisson. So far this past year, they released the fantastic E.P. “Lovelorn”, played concerts with, among others, Mount Kimbie, Firefox AK, Håkan Hellström, and at festivals such as Way Out West, Storsjöyran, Umeå Open and Trästockfestivalen. The band has just signed a deal with Playground Music, where the focus is on promotion. The first single from the E.P. “Bicycle Theme”, was released in the UK this past Autumn and the new album will be released just in time for by:Larm 2012.
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Sondre Lerche (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 10:30pm - 11:00pm @ Rockefeller
    Songwriter, film music composer, guitarist, singer and pop artist from Bergen, now residing in Brooklyn, New York. Sondre Lerche played by:Larm in 2007, and now he’s back. This time with his first self-titled album, his sixth studio album so far. Meanwhile, Sondre has recorded the soundtrack to the movie Dan in Real Life, took part in the Muppet tribute The Green Album and has appeared twice on The Late Show with David Letterman. The latest album is released on Tellé Records. Sondre has again collaborated with his regular producer Kato Ådland, alongside Nicholas Vernhes who has previously produced for Animal Collective, Dirty Projectors and Spoon. The record’s musicians are drawn from Midlake, Regina Spektor’s backing band and Vetiver. Sondre himself describes the album as coarser and darker than previous works, and it is at times quite stripped down, sometimes almost fuzzy.
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Anna Järvinen (S) - Nordic Music Prize nominee
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Kulturkirken Jacob
    Anna Järvinen made her solo debut in 2007 with “Jag Fick Feeling”. The album was warmly received and was nominated for four Swedish Grammy awards and P3 prizes as well as the Stockholm City paper’s music prize. In 2009 the follow up “Man Var Bland Molnen” and was received with similar enthusiasm to her debut. In March 2011 she released her third record, entitled “Anna Själv Tredje”. The album was her first for the Stranded Records label after moving on from Häpna and just like her debut was recorded in Gothenburg with Mattias Glavå. On the record she’s accompanied by such luminaries as Reine Fiske, Gustav Ejstes, The Amazing and Joel Alme. It has been said that “Anna Själv Tredje” is a record about Spring, but also the final part of a trilogy. Some have called it biblical, others jazz and folky pop, but that’s something the listener can decide for themselves. “The record doesn’t have any hit singles, it is something greater than that.” – Situation Sthlm 5/5 “Perfection.” – Rocky Magazine 10/10 “Amongst the year’s best.” – NSD 5/5 “Anna Järvinen has outdone herself.” – Veckorevyn 5/5
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Årabrot (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Sentrum scene
    True Norwegian Noise-rock! New album Solar Anus out on Fysisk Format recorded by Steve Albini. “…one of Europe’s best heavy rock bands.” – Stool Pigeon 5/5  "Underground Album of the Month" / “Second Best Underground
    album of the year” – Mojo 4/5
     - Terrorizer 4/5 “Årabrot are at the peak of their powers right now”
    “…a thunderstorm approaching a medieval battle.” - NME 8/10
    Top ten Nordic release 2011 - Drowned in Sound 9/10
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Ignug (DK)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Dattera til Hagen
    The band met in 2006 and started recording their first songs in an apartment above a brothel in the Red Light district of Copenhagen, Denmark. Prostitutes and drug addicts lay on the doorstep of their home studio in the mornings, and drunks littered the streets throughout the long nights. Amidst the chaos and debauchery of their living arrangements, IGNUG focused their energies into channelling positivity into their music to contrast their external world. They did however utilise the raw sexual energy that surrounded them and fused this with tough electronic rhythms and gritty synth riffs to encapsulate the reality of the seedy surroundings in which they lived. IGNUG’s songs tell stories born out of a chaotic lifestyle. Ruby’s incredible range punches out allegorical lyrics on some tracks, and in others he adopts a high pitched slow gritty nature to his voice that surreptitiously ensnares your mind and body to draw you into the story his lyrics unfold. Songs such as ‘Trail Of Thought’ and ‘The Power Of Truth’ possess truly fantastical qualities and other songs like ‘Tell Me That You Love Me’ have such finger licking passion you can’t help but become lost in them, leaving the mundane routine of the real world behind. In 2010 IGNUG decided to move to the UK to draw upon fresh inspiration for their debut album and to unleash their infectious new sound upon the British live scene. All IGNUGs’ music is produced in their studio at the Dairy complex in Brixton by the only member of the band you won’t see on stage – Ace Connor. Ace has remixed for the likes of Lady Gaga, Jamiroquai, White Lies and Coldcut. IGNUG can be categorised as Love, Chaos and Fantasy. All the music is written, composed, produced and performed by IGNUG, and they have performed gigs across London at nights and venues such as Proud Galleries, Potty Mouth Disco, Fiesta, 333, Fabric, Cargo, Notting Hill Arts Club, Shunt, The Garage, 93 Feet East and Bangers & Mash to name but a few.
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Kaveh (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Despite his young age, one can safely say that the Oslo rapper Kaveh has worked his way to being one of the hottest names in Oslo’s underground hip-hop scene. The 17-year-old realized early on that he had a talent and a burning desire to make music his living. Today Kaveh has released his first official solo release, a free download-EP titled “Alt eller Ingenting” (All Or Nothing). An accompanying music video which was also launched in conjunction with the release, is now about to pass 80,000 views on YouTube. During his short but fairly eventful career, the youngster has worked with prominent Norwegian artists and producers like Pumba, Onkl P, Admiral P, Nico D, Phil T. Rich and Nasty Kutt. He has also played shows at venues like Blå, Sentrum Scene and the Norwegian Opera House. Work is currently underway on Kaveh’s debut album slated for release in Autumn 2011.
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Lemaître (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Jaeger
    Lemaître are a Norwegian indie-electronic duo who formed in the Summer of 2010. Together, Ketil Jansen & Ulrik Denizou Lund create raging disco beats, blended with soft synths and gripping melodies. In their short career, Lemaître have gained a following all over the world. The Friendly Sound EP was released at the end of 2010, and the duo are currently working on new material and playing shows wherever the music takes them. Lemaître are influenced by artists like Justice, Phoenix, Daft Punk, Deadmau5, Noisia, Ratatat and Röyksopp.
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Maya Vik (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Rockefeller annex
    Multifaceted musician Maya Vik plays bass in Spellemann winning pop-band Montée and has previously played with bands such as Savoy and Furia. Her first solo effort, the album “Château Faux-Coupe” (2011) is a beautiful funk laden extravaganza with reference points that stretch all the way from 70s jazz-rock via militant drum machine jackin’ funk and 80s soul to 90s hip-hop, all underpinned by the unmistakable sound of an Linn LM-1 drum machine, a sound immortalised by a vast catalogue of 80s hits. With clear references to Minneapolis-funk (Prince, Jimmy Jam og Terry Lewis/Flyte Tyme, The Time, Sheila E., Janet Jackson etc.) the album has already become a talking point for international fans of the genre. The album was mixed by sought after, four time Grammy winning producer Jimmy Douglass and formed part of a wider audio visual project including an exhibition and book including photography and artwork by Pål Laukli and Gary Swindell.
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Monica Heldal (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Last Train
    Monica Heldal, in spite of her young age (20) managed to garner both domestic and international attention. With her brilliant and technically advanced guitar playing and alluring voice she has left audiences spellbound in all manner of settings. Her deep-seated love of American country-blues and for the deceased Irish singer, guitarist and songwriter Rory Gallagher led to her being invited to play last year’s ”Rory Gallagher International Tribute Festival” in his home town. After many plaudits she was invited back this year and that led to further invitations to play at Nottoden, in Oslo, The Netherlands and France. Monica’s songbook is primarily drawn from her own material but she throws in a couple of covers too. The material is a mix of trad. ragtime and country blues, straight up country and folk. Influences range from the aforementioned Rory Gallagher to Bonnie Raitt, Nick Drake, Chet Atkins, Jackson Browne and Neil Young amongst others.
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Scarlet Chives (DK)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Mono
    A landscape of sound, pictures and feelings that draws you in to a magical musical wonderland! Hypnotic shoegaze which makes your dreams go pop. Maria Mortensen’s dreamy vocal is at the very centre of their noisy, orchestrated and playful alternative-pop which harks back to classic shoegaze and dream-pop. From Winter 2009 until Autumn 2010 the band worked on recording their self-titled debut album. Produced and mixed by Brian Batz (Sleep Party People) and English producer Paul Schroeder (Stone Roses, The Verve and Talk Talk). The album was released in February 2011 in Denmark via A:larm Music / Sureleaf to excellent reviews, the record being subsequently released in Norway on Riot Factory.
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Sirkus Eliassen (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Gamla
    Sirkus Eliassen are brothers Erik and Magnus Eliassen from Bodø. Younger brother Erik is the dancehall fan, whilst the elder brother Magnus has previously released a solo album as well as several tracks with Tungtvann, Kråkesølv and Joddski. As a duo the brothers made their debut only in 2010 and have taken their hometown by storm with a number of phenomenal shows. Their first single “Hjem til dæ” was released in June and quickly became one of the hits of the Summer. The track got masses of plays online and was A-listed on NRK P3. The duo are currently working on new material and have a bunch of hits ready to unleash in the none too distant future.
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Zoom winner - Slim B & Horvei the Greatness (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    Slim-B & Horvei The Greatness and Rabalasset are a new shot at the hip-hop establishment with their live based hip-hop hybrid. Their style is comprised of a bunch of elements that you wouldn’t normally associate with hip-hop. A seven man band create an intensity more reminiscent of a punk band rather than hip-hop and the lyrics are sung in English with an American swagger. The sound is characterised by dark, slamming beats that brings it all together.
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Punani SS (NB - Sunkissed LIVE, separate tickets sold)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:20pm - 11:50pm @ Sunkissed LIVE@Blå
    Punani SS is basically the duo Salvador Sanchez (formerly Dark Side of the Force) and Hele Fitta (formerly Snuten) – a free haven where two aging hip-hoppers can enjoy themselves playing eccentric funkpop for the dance floor, with guest vocalists from both Mungolia, Tåsen and Pomona. During work on an E.P. that has gradually mutated into a (future) twelve inch trilogy and a possible album, they have also taken a few detours to remix artists such as Nils Bech, King Midas, Hanne Nabintu Hærland (!), Kong Sverre and the Alabama rap outfit G Page. Until now they have merely performed a handful of chaotic live karaoke evenings with guests like Pål Strangefruit and Ando Woltmann. Chances are that several of these guests (and perhaps others as well) will show up when Punani SS enters the stage at Blå for the first ever band issue of Punani SS, with guest musicians and more percussion than ever before
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Bugge Wesseltoft presenterer: PELbO (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Victoria / Nasjonal Jazzscene
    Pelbo are a band from Trondheim who originally met on the respected jazz course at NTNU university, but even though musical roots are in jazz but they also encompass electronica and rock. The band were nominated for a Spellemann prize in 2010 (Norwegian Grammy equivalent) in the “open” category, their debut album having received plaudits nationwide. In the aftermath they were tipped as rising stars of the Norwegian jazz scene and have subsequently toured heavily at home and abroad. 2011 saw the band pick up the Adresseavisens Musikkpris award and the release of the critically acclaimed second album “Days of Transcendence”. ""Days of…" is a shade darker than their debut, but at the same time is richly varied with stronger songs. This is a band that is never dull to listen to. …Producer Stian Westerhus and Helge “Deathprod” Sten (mastering) have given the songs a crisp, delicate feel that contributes heavily to this will be a warmly received follow-up." – Adressa
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Carl Louis & Martin Danielle (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Stratos
    Carl Louis & Martin Danielle are two of the brightest new talents on the house scene with support already coming from major acts such as Sebastian Ingrosso, Tiesto, Axwell, David Guetta & many more. This Norweigan duo are already well on their way towards global domination. With a major new EP release on Steve Angello’s Size Records label they have been hugely acclaimed by a host of A-list DJs with tracks such as “Little Bit” & “I’m Coming Home With You” as well as the hugely massive “The Message” (Signed to Chris Lake’s Rising Music) which seems to have made Beatport’s Top 10 House Chart it’s home and is still consistently played all over the world. The young Norweigan duo kicked off their career in 2008 with releases on big US label Feljai Music, but it wasnt until 2010 that the world stood up to take notice of Carl & Martin thanks to the incredible release of “The Message” and it has snowballed from there, with shows in New York, Geneva, London, Miami, Berlin, Toronto, Oslo, Ibiza & Marbella. The duo have supported the biggest names in house such as Axwell, David Guetta, Dimity Vegas & Like Mike, Sandy Rivera, Steve Angello, Paul Okenfold, Roger Schanzes, Fedde Le Grand and Funkerman to name a few and combined with new Size Records label this list is to only expand. In 2012 They look to take there own UpNorth brand to all parts of the world teaming up with a host of artist agencies to turn the brand into the super power it promises to be!
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Fonal label night - Tuusanuuskat (FI)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Revolver
    Tuusanuuskat is a collaboration between Es and Tomutonttu. The name of the project Tuusanuuskat is a play on words derived from the phrase “tuusan nuuskana”, (tr. total shambles). It is a Finnish saying that is used when something has broken to a million pieces. Together, they have prepared an experimental cocktail that sounds like two drunken masters of music, conducting the protons and neutrons travelling from their instruments to their skulls and back, to create a musical nucleus.
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Mikhael Paskalev (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Nokia teltet
    Mikhael Paskalev plays pop music with roots in gospel music and alt-country, inspired by artists like Paul Simon, The Shins, Tom Waits, Edward Sharpe and the Everly Brothers. With a band full of charisma and good ideas, the 23 – year-old displays a rare quality. Paskalev’s strength lies in his ability to create melodious tunes, sometimes shamelessly catchy, but always with a wonderful, rusty sound. Besides playing with Jonas Alaska and Billie Van, Paskalev is busy recording his debut album, sue spring 2012. Live Review from Nerve Magazine (UK): Mikhael Paskalev demonstrates what appears to be a signature element of Red Deer Club’s roster, hushed, uncoiling guitars and close harmony singing. Backed by a five-piece band, the majority of his songs are amazingly spare sounding, with the electric guitar mournfully picking its way through the tracks. I Spy proves to be an exception, lurching into a hoe-down midway through complete with Duane Eddy-esque guitar. The second track, a gently murmured lullaby could easily have been heard crackling out of a wireless in an early episode of Mad Men. Touching almost on gospel music at points, Woman evokes glacial US trio Low, its epically slow pace conveying the full weight of the lyrics’ turmoil. The restraint of the musicians is to be praised as any diversions into Guitar Hero style antics would shatter the carefully spun web of Mikhael’s delicate tracks.
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Mirror Lakes (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Rockefeller
    Mirror Lakes consists of Frode Fivel (vocals), Knut Schreiner (guitar), Trond Mjøen (guitar), Havard Krogedal (bass) and Arne Mathisen (drums). This is an experienced group of musicians with broad experience – from bands like Kåre & The Cavemen, Euroboys, Turbonegro, I Was A King, Serena Maneesh, Heroes & Zeros and Hello Goodbye. Mirror Lakes sounds like a singer/songwriter backed by a loud rock band with a distinctive sound. The band members have a great musical heritage, but they show an emotionality and ambition that makes the songs never end up as a pastiche. First and foremost it is a group of friends who are beyond their twenties, but still want a creative band situation, a home for songwriting, studio production and guitar playing – hopefully for years to come. Mirror Lakes were recently signed to Warner Music Norway. Their first album has been recorded in Gothenburg, Oslo and New York and is scheduled for release in Winter 2012.
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Mugison (ICL)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ The Crossroad Club
    Mugison (a.k.a. Ørn Elías Guðmundsson) born September 4th 1976 is an Icelandic musician and vocalist who is a one man’s band of sorts, with the help of a guitar and computer. In 2004 Mugison was nominated at the Icelandic Music Awards. His album Mugimama Is This Monkey Music? was hailed as album of the year and the track “Murr Murr” best song.
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The New Tigers (FI)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:30pm - 12:00am @ Gloria Flames
    The New Tigers are a Finish fuzzy pop group based in Turku. The music of The New Tigers sounds like you were sitting next to a jet engine and listening to 60′s pop on a walkman that plays the tape slightly too fast. Their songs come in many shapes; fast, slow, loud, hushed, long, short… but their melodies are always blissful. The New Tigers are influenced by a zillion different artists. Some people have said they sound a bit like Yo La Tengo, My Bloody Valentine and Teenage Fanclub. In September 2011 the Finnish label Soliti released The New Tigers’ eponymous debut album. The album gained excellent reviews in Finnish music press and country’s biggest newspapers, and was also positively reviewed on various international music blogs.
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Bigbang (N)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Kulturkirken Jacob
    Bigbang have been for many years vetrans of the Norwegian circuit but for the last few years the band spent more time playing abroad than at home. The band’s line-up has changed many times but vocalist and songwriter Øystein Greni has always been the lynchpin. Today’s roster of Nikolai Eilertse on bass and Olaf Olsen on drums alongside Greni has been relatively stable for the past few years and is reckoned by some to be the band’s definitive line-up. The band have had an impressive register of hits in Norway since they released “Electric Psalmbook” for Warners in 1999, their first on a major. In 2011 they released their eighth studio album “Epic Scrap Metal”, an explosion of old debris, new sounds, broken hearts, belief, strength, insanity and eternal dreams. The band pick out such luminaries as Zeppelin, Al Green, Sonic Youth, Van Halen, The White Stripes and Tom Petty when discussing their musical reference points for the record.
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Daniel Norgren (S)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Last Train
    Daniel Norgren makes traditional rootsy Americana music filtered through the sound of Swedish forests.
    He first came to public attention with his 2007 debut, “Kerosene Dreams”, which was followed a year later with sophomore effort “Outskirts” and more recently “Horrifying Deatheating Blood Spider” which earned him a nomination for best Singer / Songwriter at the Manifest awards.

    Since 2009, Daniel Norgren has toured all across Europe, Scandinavia and has even visited the United States. On stage he plays his guitar and drums at the same time, and is joined by Anders Grahn on upright bass and Pelle Nyhage on the organ.

    In late September 2011, a new EP “Black Vultures” was released, including the track “Moonshine Got Me” amongst others. The 6 track EP is a studio quality live recording that was recorded for Mark Lamarr’s “God’s Jukebox” program on BBC Radio 2.

    “If blues singer Robert Johnson actually sold his soul to the Devil to become the world’s best guitarist, as legend has it, Daniel Norgren has probably offered the latter a similar deal.” – Roskildefestivalen
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Dark Times (N)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Rockefeller annex
    Trio Dark Times began life in Oslo in 2010 as group with no previous band experience, and with minimal musical knowledge. However, they quickly got to it, recording a demo that Autumn, which was subsequently released on cassette by DIY labels Ormeyngel and on Sacred Tapes in the US. One of the tracks was featured on Fysisk Format’s Bransjevelter #6. Dark Times’ noisy brand of punk has been well received by the underground scene their nascent live career has now begun with shows in Oslo and Bergen. The band is also part of the Black Hole Crew, along with Okkultokrati, Haust and Drugged SS. In the Autumn of 2011 they released a 7-inch on Sheep Chase Records and are planning a full length album for 2012. Reviews:
    “[the demo] was as much a mission statement of intent than anything else. It cracked a trebly and raw take on making a Riotous bat in little under a quarter of an hour” – jajajamusic.com “Worlds Away “In particular is a great example of the band that their best; a dark trudge brimming with resentment” – itsatrap.com
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Hedvig Mollestad Trio (N)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Mono
    Outgoing and progressive instrumental guitar jazz rock, inspired by Led Zeppelin, Terje Rypdal, The Melvins and Motorpsycho: Hedvig Mollestad Trio released their debut album “Shoot!” on Rune Grammofon in September 2011. The band have received massive attention and strong reviews for both the album and live shows. The album was subsequently released internationally in November. The label Rune Grammofon has released records by the other power trios a bit like Hedvig Mollestad Trio: Bushman’s Revenge and Elephant9 in recent years. They all play hectic jazz-rock and are all in the "kicks ass live” category, but Hedvig Mollestad trio is better than both the aforementioned acts. First and foremost because of the band’s compositional talents. In addition, the musical performances are unique. “The album is chock full, without being overloaded, either sonically or musically. Superbly done!”
    - Marius Lien, Morgenbladet “Hedvig Mollestad Trio’s “Shoot!” burns through the speakers and makes scorch marks in your ears. It’s hot guitar tone flanked by a immediate comp, and not least, the lucky connoisseurs find out that this is a guitarist plays with her heart on her sleeve and in such a brilliant way. This record is rock solid and burning hot."
    - Jarle Bernhoft
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Husky Rescue (FI)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Nokia teltet, annex
    Husky Rescue was formed by Marko Nyberg, who began composing under the name in 2002, wanting to create cinematic music influenced by film, photography and painting. The project soon transformed into a visionary electro-pop band. Husky Rescue has since released 3 albums for the UK label Catskills Records and played a lot of shows around the world, including UK and USA, with several songs placed in advertisements and TV series, the most notorious quite possibly being “New Light of Tomorrow”, heard in the TV-series The Sopranos and One Tree Hill. The line-up in 2012 features Stockholm-based singer Johanna Kalén, founding member / key composer Marko Nyberg and guitarist Antony Bentley. In addition to their exciting live performances, the plan is to release several audio and music releases during the year.
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Nekromantheon (N)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Sentrum scene
    NEKROMANTHEON has one thing in mind: to play fast, evil and dirty thrash metal in the way of the old gods. Influenced by SLAYER, SADUS, KREATOR, DARK ANGEL and SEPULTURA, they have been unleashing their attack on modern metal since their inception in 2005. With two members of OBLITERATION in its ranks, NEKROMANTHEON is no stranger to the Norwegian metal scene. Originally hailing from Kolbotn, the hometown of the mighty DARKTHRONE, NEKROMANTHEON has previously performed at the Maryland Deathfest and Live Evil festival in London. With one album and a EP under its belt, NEKROMANTHEON “has regressed far back into the glorious days of real metal, breaking the chains to all that is plastic,” according to a press release. “Their second and forthcoming full-length is even faster, filthier, and more evil than ever! NEKROMANTHEON have truly summoned the ancient Greek gods of havoc, and will let nothing stand in the way of this unholy blood offering. Worship the beast!”
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Pirate Love (N)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    Pirate Love are finally back… The Oslo band, who by many people’s reckoning were heirs apparent to the Norwegian rock throne in the wake of their debut album “Black Vodoun Space Blues”, have spent their time since profitably. With their caustic brew of psychedelic nihilism, razor sharp guitars and otherworldly primal cries, Pirate Love have once again turned the reverb up to eleven, and as usual, they wander along rock’s more peculiar paths. Guitarist Milton Von Krogh, vocalist David Al Dajani, guitarist Henrik Steen and bassist Mr. R form the core of Pirate Love, which since their inception in 2005 has grown to become a sought-after name at both Norwegian and foreign concert venues. Their new album “Narco Lux High School” sees the band take a quantum leap further, and invites the listener on a sedated, transcendental journey into Pirate Love’s twisted musical universe. An album as troublesome as it is grandiose.
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SynKoke (N)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:00am - 12:30am @ Herr Nilsen / Østkanten bluesklubb
    SynKoke is part of the Norwegian extreme jazz scene. Their second album “The Ideologist” was released in September 2011, and was in addition to very good reviews, also an important gateway for SynKoke in to the UK market, leading to the band playing London Jazz Festival in November. “The Ideologist” is recorded and produced in collaboration with Kato Ådland. The musicians in SynKoke are also in bands such as Pony the Pirate, Dag Arnesen Trio, Pixel, White Willow and Super Paint.
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120 Days (Sunkissed, separate tickets sold)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:10am - 1:00am @ Sunkissed LIVE@Blå
    Jonas Dahl, Arne Kvalvik, Kjetil Ovesen and Ådne Meisfjord finally released “120 II” at the end of last year. The sequel to the eponymous monument of a first album took the band in an even darker and more intense direction than before. Guitars, bass and drums are replaced with synthesizers in this dystopic, barren, but still organic sound. It is as much allowed to just nod your head slightly, as it is to dance your socks off with your hands in the air. Because it matters when120 Days takes to the stage, coaxing out the prince of darkness from old synths and a kick drum .
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Charlotte Thorstvedt (N)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ Stratos
    Charlotte Thorstvedt is a model and sought-after DJ. Previously she has worked for MTV, hosting a variety of different shows, and now she has released her debut single Treacle. Her debut album Solomé is a project she has been working with since 2010 and will be released on Universal Music.
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Fonal label night - Barry Andrewsin Disko (FI)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ Revolver
    Barry Andrewsin Disko is a pseudonymn of Jukka Herva. Jukka comes from Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland and the current home of Santa Claus, but lives now in Turku. He has released two cassettes and played concerts in Finland and Estonia. Recently B.A.D. has piqued the interest of the Finnish music press where they have found some favour. Jukka is currently working on his debut album which is to be released by Fonal Records in 2012. B.A.D’s music is a melange of traditional pop melodies, tape hiss, lo-fi loops, dreams, fears and colourful soundscapes.
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Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O (N)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ Rockefeller
    The band rose from the ashes of Madrugada and My Midnight Creeps and have found almost instant success with their brand of hypnotic, percussive and primitive rock. The debut album was released in June of last year and was widely praised with excellent reviews from the likes of VG, Dagbladet, Aftenposten, Dagsavisen and Musikknyheter.no. The band played at a number of key festivals, taking in Roskilde, Øya and Bukta amongst others during the Summer. The band is comprised of Alex Kloster-Jensen (vox, guitar), Frode Jacobsen (bass), Behzad Farazollahi (drums), Dag Stiberg (sax) and Anders Møller (percussion) as well as a couple of backing singers. Øya 2011 was closed by a near perfect concert from KKKMO and they plan to pick up where they left off during by:Larm with a show at Rockefeller.
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Souldrop (N)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ Nokia teltet
    After gaining increasing recognition from the Norwegian music world with their bass heavy, catchy, clubby remixes for the likes of Lars Vaular, Datarock, Razika, Susanne Sundfør, Thomas Eriksen, Gatas Parlament, Fjorden Baby! and many more, Souldrop are now ready to drop their debut E.P. of their own material. The idea to make the leap from remixers to artists in their own right came when Even Brenna, Pål Myran-Håland and Thomas Knudsen realised that the way they created the remixes was not to far off the way they would go about creating original tracks. Why not put a few together and see how it goes? The first track out, “Om Igjen” with vocal contributions from Lars Vaular and Store P went straight in at number one on the iTunes electronic chart and quickly became a DJ favourite. Souldrop decided to take it all a step further and begun to work on a live show. After a full house at the live debut and absolutely smashing it at their second show at Slottsfjell / Kastellnatt, the boys knew they were on to something. On “Prelude E.P.” Souldrop have put together a varied spectrum of guest appearances. From Swedish rap star Adam Tensta, to Norwegian pop hopeful Kinee, the band have clearly experimented somewhat whilst honing what defines Souldrop. Aftenposten described Souldrop’s remix of Gatas Parlament’s track “Jobbe litt mindre og tjene litt mer” as “…a production that Robyn would love” and decreed that “the track deserves to be a hit”. Head of music at NRK P3, Mats Borch Bugge, picked out Souldrop’s Lars Vaular remix as a personal favourite when writing on P3.no: “The remix takes the track’s clubby vibe seriously and and takes it in an out and out dance direction. The build-up and the drop are absolutely phenomenal, and reminds me of the feeling I had at Hyperstate in 1995”.
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The Amazing (S)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 12:30am - 1:00am @ The Crossroad Club
    The Amazing is an apple that fell far from the tree. A natural process: coming together through affection, then slowly crystallising into a folk-rock- psych-pop- collective slowly pushing, bending then playing with any preconceived notions of pop. When a band take a name like The Amazing, they’d better be have the chops to back it up. Happily, this Swedish outfit – a collective headed by Reine Fiske (who’s solos so furiously it’s as if something’s trapped inside him that must be turned into melody or he’ll burst into flames) of neo-psych juggernauts Dungen and singer-songwriter Christoffer Gunrup – are masterful enough to take that mantle on. Friends first and foremost, it’s this kindred spirit that imbues the band’s two previous releases (“The Amazing” / “Wait For A Light To Come”) with a feeling unlike that of most releases – one of natural harmony, persistent progression and with a panoramic gaze fixed on distant settings. Some review excerpts: ”…the cream of Sweden’s psychedelic/neo-folk underground, an album of rare beauty." – MOJO 4/5 “Swedish underground supergroup’s debut suggests the dusty riches of some
    long-lost LP locked away in psychedelic folk-rock Valhalla.” – SPIN “…a sublime debut, genuinely an amazing album” – UNCUT 4/5 “The Amazing’s first is a gorgeously understated blend of gentle psychedelic pop, tranquil folk rock, and gently stoned prog.” – Q 4/5 “…a classic case of strength in diversity, blurring the boundaries between folk-rock dreaminess and psych splendour” – Word With an all-encompassing sonic soundscape of groovy electric folk rock, psychedelic pop and heavy jams. The intimacy permeating through their songs intensifies itself steadily in the music they produce; swimming idly through the groups twisted melody, yet luminously anchored by Reine’s astral guitar. Elsewhere they forgo interstellar for a more bucolic revelry, built upon acoustic laments and a male and female vocal ripple that could only have spread itself outwards from Sweden’s forlorn beauty. Nothing is introverted or overworked – everything is balanced, kept together by natural melodies, soulful vocals and just how perfect should be. The Amazing is a feeling, an organic consequence of something that effortlessly came together, the start of a quite extraordinary tale. The band will release their 2nd album proper worldwide in October/November 2011; “Gentle Stream” is widescreen, panoramic, horizon-reaching stuff. An elegantly constructed record of moody psychedelic majesty, it comes with a greater dose of CSNY-style Laurel Canyon bliss than those previous recordings. Astral guitars intertwine in serpentine solos, horns blast rainbow melodies and Gunrup’s flute-like voice floats elegantly over the sunset sounds. The line-up completed by Alexis Benson, Johan Holmegard and highly rated jazz drummer Moussa Fadera, The Amazing lives in Stockholm, Sweden and formed plans to collect themselves in this incredible unison. There are doubtless stories to be told. Including the one about playing a show for the Swedish Royal Family and Pink Floyd, where in the crowd Roger Waters appreciatively caught a bouquet thrown from the band during a standing ovation, but this mysterious band hold one principle dear to their hearts: “The music speaks for itself”.
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I Got You On Tape (DK)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 1:00am - 1:30am @ Nokia teltet, annex
    “We believe that you have the ability to write big, important songs, and to reach a much larger audience” was the justification when I Got You On Tape in January 2010 received the prestigious P3 Gold Award. An award that was the beginning of a new musical journey for the band. With two sold-out tours in Denmark during the past year, SXSW concerts and a successful Benelux tour, the band has now truly tapped hole in the abscess. From being indie darlings and critic’s favorites, yet still a well kept secret for the few, they are now establishing themselves as an international name. Eighteen months after receiving the P3 Gold Award I Got You On Tape are finally ready to unveil what they’ve been working on, and a first taste of their new album is ready in the form of single “Run From The Rain”. As a natural response to I Got You On Tape’s last and very introspective album “Spinning For The Cause” the band members have applied a brighter and more open expression. Keyboards are used far more explicitly than previously, and the sampled drums takes the tempo on the record up a notch. Several of the heavy and dark layers are pealed away to achieve a simpler, more playful sound, still with the characteristic I Got You On Tape-feeling and with Jacob Bellens sonorous vocals as the focal point. “Church Of The Real” was released in September 2011 hitting number one in the Danish album charts.
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LidoLido (N)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 1:00am - 1:30am @ Gamla
    LidoLido is an eighteen year old singer / rapper / producer / songwriter / drummer / pianist from Haugesund whose music sits somewhere between hip-hop, r&b and pop. In the past year, this young artist has begun to attract a lot of attention. Not only as a vocal media personality but also at the Stargate masterclass in New York, playing VG-Lista at Rådhusplassen (or Radio One Big Weekender for Norwegians) , performing all over the country and working with big acts such as Timbuktu, Little Steven (of The Sopranos / E Street Band fame) and many more. All alongside his radio hit “Different”. Now with an arsenal of material under his belt, LidoLido has put together a talented band of musicians to help him deliver a phenomenal live show, which is perhaps due in part to having Norway’s best DJ amongst their number. LidoLido’s debut full-length is due for release just before by:Larm.
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Maribel (N)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 1:00am - 1:30am @ John Dee (Torggata 16, 0181 Oslo, Norway)
    Critically acclaimed Oslo four-piece Maribel have resurfaced with the announcement of their second album “Reveries”, forthcoming this January on Oslo based label Splendour (of Montreal, Harrys Gym, Siinai). Blending shoegaze and noise-pop with cinematic influences Maribel create heavy, dark, distorted pop. The tracks are guided by the breathy and enchanting vocals of their newly added East-German lead singer Rebekka Marstein. As female vocals intertwine with those of songwriter/ lead guitarist Pål Espen Kapelrud, one is likely to recall the oft-referenced My Bloody Valentine or Jesus and Mary Chain. On the back of their debut album “Aestheircs” (produced by Serena-Maneesh frontman Emil Nikolaisen) the band earned high praise form the Norwegian press and international recognition from the likes of Drowned in Sound (UK), Soundvenue (DK) and GAFFA (DK) amongst others. It also saw Maribel implode, break-up and then reform with a new line-up including Pica Pica’s Rebekka Markstein on vocals and Bjarne Stensil (Harrys Gym) on percussion. Maribel has toured in Scandinavia and the UK, including a warming up for Crystal Stilts and Interpol. In addition Maribel managed to captivate audiences at festivals such as Øya, Hove, SPOT, by:Larm and many others. Of their set at SPOT in 2010 Clash Magazine said, “Obvious influences from My Bloody Valentine, Lush and Slowdive (isn’t referencing to those bands the whole point anyway?) didn’t get in the way of what came to be an intense, feedback-laden sonic experience hinting at a very exciting follow-up. Looking forward to it.” The band is known for noisy and chaotic pop with sugar sweet melodies that are often compared to the aforementioned My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins or fellow Oslo shoegazers Serena Maneesh. However, since reforming Maribel sites their most important influences as film scores by like John Barry, John Dankworth, Henry Mancini and Ennio Morricone. Darker and heavier sound are accompanied by programmed percussion that is apparently influenced by hip-hop style sampling and looping. With a new record ready for release and a new line-up, Maribel is ready to start to get re-acquainted with dark bar-rooms across the world. “Norwegian outfit Maribel could soundtrack the most hallucinogenic dream or hellish nightmare at the flick of a switch.” – DrownedinSound “In half an hour Maribel succeeds in taking you on a dizzying journey, recalling what is so great about the bands they reference.” – Soundvenue “By combining dirty American style rock and more polite British noise-pop they create something that is simultaneously new and known.” – Dagsavisen
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Mayhem (N)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 1:00am - 2:30am @ Sentrum scene
    When it comes to the definitive history of black metal, only one name has survived all the sensationalism. Through the church burnings, murder, imprisonments and myopic nationalism, only MAYHEM has been able to channel the circus like atmosphere, which surrounded a core of fanatical bands, into a sustained musical career, in the studio and more importantly, on stage. In ’84 in the cold darkness of sunless winters, MAYHEM was born! The unholy trinity of Euronymous (guitar/vox), Manheim (drums) and Necrobutcher (bass/vox) perfected their black art away from prying eyes of metal scrutiny. In ’86, after a single demo, the modestly entitled “Pure Fucking Armageddon”, the band enlisted Maniac as a full time vocalist. His debut was a re-working of the demo material, christened “Deathcrush”. What should have been a triumphant time, directly after that first recording as a quartet, turned into a dark chapter, not only for the band, but for the burgeoning underground scene as well. A series of events from which many have never completely recovered. Following the release, Manheim and Maniac left the band, to be replaced by Dead on vocals and the band’s current drum deity, Hellhammer. While that line-up could only muster a pair of studio compilations, Dead does appear on “Live in Leipzig”, regarded by many as the first live black metal recording ever. It heralded something of a new era, as many of the fledging Norwegian artists disdained live performances, let alone an actual tour outside the homeland. After the tour Dead commits suicide. As a twosome, Euronymous and Hellhammer recruited the infamous Count Grishnackh (Burzum) to play bass and Atilla to handle the tortured vocals on the debut, “De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas”, which was unleashed on an unsuspecting world in 1993. After the murder of Euronymous and the subsequent arrest of Count Grishnackh, the details of which remain sketchy to this day, Hellhammer decided to continue MAYHEM. Both Necrobutcher and Maniac rejoin the band, and Blasphemer was chosen as the new guitarist. After several years of silence, a follow-up studio album was finally recorded. In 1997 the five tracks “Wolf Lair Abyss” hits the market. The MCD was the answer to “Deathcrush”, Raw, Brutal and Evil. In 1999, “Mediolanum Capta Est”, the second live CD, albeit the first with the new and current line-up, was released. While “De Mysteriis Dom Santhanas” is seen as an album that set new standards in the world of metal, unlike many contemporaries, MAYHEM weren’t content to rest on their laurels. The band sought to usher in the new millennium with a bold step, “Grand Declaration of War”. The album picks up where “Wolf’s Lair Abyss” left off, hence it starts with the paradoxically entitled, “Part II.” The destruction continues through the fifth track. Thereafter, the recreation of MAYHEM, if not the entire black metal genre, takes off, devoid of instruments, like the emptiness of a battlefield without warriors. 2001 sees the release of the third live platter entitled “Legions”. (“European Legions” in Europe and “U.S. Legions” in the States) The two CDs feature slightly different track listings and both feature raw studio tracks and outtakes from the GDOW sessions. These records and a subsequent DVD (recorded in SOM’s homeland of Marseille, France) is a whirlwind of psychotic energy and punishing rhythms, MAYHEM live is a special sight and the DVD bears witness to that. 2004’s Chimera was a more conventional affair, although it still incorporates progressive elements on tracks like “Slaughter of Dreams.” It was embraced by many of the fans who denounced Grand Declaration of War. After Chimera was released, Maniac was fired from the band. His replacement was Attila Csihar. The band completed work on Ordo ad Chao, its fourth album, in early 2007. Ordo ad Chao featured a much rawer and more traditional black metal sound than the rest of the band’s releases. Nonetheless, it continued the band’s exploration of more progressive songwriting, with “Illuminate Eliminate” being the band’s second longest track ever at 9’40”. Ordo ad Chao was exceptionally well-received both commercially and critically, and was the band’s first album to reach the charts (in Norway and elsewhere). Blasphemer left the group I 2008, to focus on his other project, Ava Inferi, which led to the recruitment of guitarists Morfeus and Silmaeth as live musicians. Mayhem will continue to evolve as a 5 piece band for the foreseeing future.
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Lindstrøm (NB - Sunkissed LIVE, separate tickets sold)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 1:20am - 2:10am @ Sunkissed LIVE@Blå
    Hans-Peter Lindstrøm are releasing his fourth solo album on February 6th. The man who probably more than anyone, has put Norwegian electronic music on the world map delivers, yet again, a complex masterpiece of retro-futurism. “Six Cups Of Rebel” is a disc that might be more at home on a nice home stereo, than at large, dark clubs. But, we know all to well that the energy Hans-Peter musters when he takes to the stage is indisputable. “Six Cups’…” direction towards grandeur might be an indication of where he will be taking us. It´s allways an event when Hans-Petter visits Sunkissed Live! Three earlier encounters have proven that.
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Den Svenska Björnstammen (S)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 1:30am - 2:00am @ Nokia teltet
    Den Svenska Björnstammen are a creative collective who two years ago moved from Norrköping Art Centre out to a little cabin in the woods. This became not only their home but also the workspace in which they created everything from shorts and animation to comic books and art as well as documentary about the construction of a zeppelin. But most people know them as the band behind one of this year’s best singles. No one could have missed the triple platinum certified “Vart jag mig i världen vänder”, which was occupied the number one in the singles charts for six weeks whilst being Spotify’s most played song. The 30/11 is the release date for the next single, “Cooling off the wind” from the upcoming album which is released during the first quarter of next year. This is followed out an extensive Scandinavian tour, premiering at by:Larm in Oslo on February 17.
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Renaissance Man (FI)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 1:30am - 2:00am @ Stratos
    Renaissance Man are comprised of two former architects from Finland. Two former architects with an aptitude for driving, bassline orientated tech-house. After Dave “Switch” Taylor saw their potential and signed their first track to Dubside Records, Renaissance Man soon became a well known name in club-land. The Finnish duo followed that with an E.P. entitled “What Is Guru” for ultra-cred label Sound Pellegrino as well as three tracks for Jesse Rose’s label Made to Play. Then the remix requests started to come in, with work for Brodinski, Crystal Fighters, Wareika, Who Made Who, Crookers and Le Corps Mince de Françoise to name but a few.
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Reptile Youth (DK)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 2:00am - 2:30am @ Nokia teltet, annex
    This band is so awesome they haven’t even released one single track. Instead the two renegades Esben Valløe and Mads Damsgaard Kristiansen in Reptile Youth have focused on honing their sonic cocktail with frequent brushes with the law and a musical horror show at every concert that makes everyone go crazy. You would most definetely do the same. In September Reptile Youth recorded their debut album in London with Dave M. Allen (The Cure, Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk) and Marc Ralph (Lady Gaga, Hot Chip). Reptile Youth have already played Iceland Airwaves, Roskilde Festival, Montreux Jazz Festival, Trailer Park Festival, Spot Festival, Reeberbahn Festival, Berlin Independent Night amongst others.
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g-HA & olanskii (NB - Sunkissed LIVE, separate tickets sold)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 2:10am - 3:00am @ Sunkissed LIVE@Blå
    Sunkissed’s two-headed troll takes control off the final sprint at Sunkissed: live. They have commanded this ship for over a decade, at times running the number one house night in Scandinavia. A steady stream of international names have received competent support from these two guys, and it does not go unnoticed when they take command of their own stage. They have, after all, picked up some experience, with a combined total of 35 years behind the decks playing all over the country, as well as at legendary clubs such as Panorama, Robert Johnson and Fabric.
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Rebecca & Fiona (S)
    Sunday February 19, 2012 2:30am - 3:00am @ Nokia teltet
    The DJ-duo of friends Rebecca Scheja and Fiona Fitzpatrick have, in less than 18 months have become well known as “Rebecca & Fiona” for nigh on the entire Swedish population. Having released three successful singles since June 2010, “Luminary Ones”, “Bullet” and most recently the double A-side, “If She Was Away / Hard”, these two girls have become something of a phenomenon, that everyone feels a connection to. A meteoric rise that is the stuff dreams are made of. Rebecca & Fiona have played over 100 gigs across Sweden, Scandinavia and Europe. They have won the “Kristallen” award for their reality show, the first web-based television series to win the prize. They’ve played twice in Ibiza at the world’s biggest club “Privilege” with the world’s biggest DJ, Tiësto. They have gone platinum with their single “Bullets” which is one of the most played songs on Swedish radio this past year. They have opened for Robyn on her European tour and was signed by Europe’s largest DJ booking agency Mainstage Artists. In addition, Rebecca & Fiona were featured on American house-giant Cascade’s latest single “Turn It Down”. Their debut album titled “I Love You, Man!” was released November 16, 2011. The album is produced by Rebecca & Fiona and co-produced by Adrian Lux (known for “Teenage Crime” and other house-hits) and Carli (Savage Skulls / Stay Gold / Robyn / Crookers).
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