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Sirkus Eliassen (N)
    Saturday February 18, 2012 11:00pm - 11:30pm @ Gamla
    Sirkus Eliassen are brothers Erik and Magnus Eliassen from Bodø. Younger brother Erik is the dancehall fan, whilst the elder brother Magnus has previously released a solo album as well as several tracks with Tungtvann, Kråkesølv and Joddski. As a duo the brothers made their debut only in 2010 and have taken their hometown by storm with a number of phenomenal shows. Their first single “Hjem til dæ” was released in June and quickly became one of the hits of the Summer. The track got masses of plays online and was A-listed on NRK P3. The duo are currently working on new material and have a bunch of hits ready to unleash in the none too distant future.
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